Chapter 393

"It was too dangerous just now. If that flying sword is a middle-grade fairy sword, I'm afraid my life will be lost!"

When he returned to Xiaoyao Villa, Li Han still had some lingering fears. He suffered a loss, was cheated, and almost died in battle. He was a little worried for a while, and planned to recuperate for a period of time.

As for seeking revenge against Wu Tianhao and Taixuanzong, he decided to take it easy. If the level of hatred does not reach the level of death, you die, or me die, he thinks it can be slowed down!
"Wu Tianhao didn't deliberately destroy my Tianfuju restaurant. You can take revenge with him or not. If you meet him, you can take revenge. If you don't meet him, you can just let it go. I killed the Taishang elder of Taixuanzong. The Dharma Hall, Treasure Hall, and Resource Hall have all been emptied, so I didn’t suffer a lot!”

Having found an excuse for himself to avoid immediate revenge, Li Han suddenly felt at ease!
In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to take revenge right away, but that he feels that the prerequisite for revenge is to ensure that his own life is safe. If his life is not safe, is there any point in revenge?He didn't want to die with Taixuanzong!

"Light of life!"

Looking at the slowly healing wound on his chest, he used the light of life a few times, and several milky white rays of light appeared out of thin air, covering his whole body. In the blink of an eye, the wound on his chest disappeared without a trace, leaving no scars !

"Fortunately, I have the power of the light of life. The light of life is not like the healing light of the light ball. The healing light of the light ball is too deceitful. It can only be used on others, but it has no effect on myself. Or The light of life with my own ability is even better!"

Seeing that the wound on his chest recovered as before, Li Han was elated, and secretly praised the power of the light of life.

"Life is precious, but love is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away! I don't know if the person who said this is sick in his head? If life is gone, is there still love? Is there still freedom? ? You can’t understand such a simple truth, what is it if you’re not an idiot?”

"Husbands and wives are originally birds of the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of adversity! Even a couple who love each other, when their lives are in danger, they have to flee separately. No matter how you count, life is the most precious, and the rest are after they have lives." , the only subsidiary product!"

"If you want your wife not to lie on someone else's bed, you must first ensure that you don't die earlier than your wife. If you want your property not to become someone else's, the premise is that you are still alive when you still have property!"

There are thousands of thoughts in his mind, after much deliberation, Li Han still thinks that life is the most important thing!

"I don't want to think about that anymore, let's first take stock of the harvest of this trip!" To get rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, he walked into a room, and with a thought, he took out a mountain of things. The room was changed by Zixiao Palace. Its self-contained space, something with a volume of hundreds of thousands of square meters, only occupies a corner!

"This trip seems to be a loss. If I knew it, I would first rob Taixuanzong's suzerain, elders, hall masters, palace masters, Dharma protectors, and disciples. Their enlightenment value, anyway, they would not be able to detect it if they were robbed of their enlightenment value with the hands of the Dao. Once their Enlightenment Points are cleared, I won't be wronged!"

You have suffered and been fooled before, you have to learn to sum up, find out the reasons for being deceived, and avoid being deceived next time. It is normal to suffer and be deceived for the first time. idiot!
No, the mountains of jade slips, alchemy refining materials, talisman seals, spiritual weapons and other things did not make him obsessed with them and lost his mind. At this time, he suddenly woke up and realized that the previous robbery was not well planned. !

After self-summarization and self-examination, Li Han was refreshed and began to count the gains from the robbery.

"Two top-grade spiritual artifacts 850 pieces, top-grade spiritual artifacts 230 and six pieces, middle-grade spiritual artifacts 110 and 630 pieces, low-grade spiritual artifacts 16, 870 pieces, top-grade treasure artifacts 50 seven pieces, top-grade spiritual artifacts 150 pieces of treasures!"



"Jade slips related to martial arts are 110 yuan, 12 jade slips related to formations, 890 jade slips related to amulets and seals, 760 jade slips, 630 jade slips related to alchemy, 310 yuan, and [-] jade slips related to crafting are [-] yuan , Cultivation Realm Map Jade Slip [-], five yuan!"


"Thirty-nine million and eighty-five thousand tons of materials for refining magic weapons, eighty-four million six million tons of materials for refining treasure weapons, 980 million and thirty-five tons of materials for refining spiritual weapons, and thirty-five million tons of materials for refining fairy weapons. Ton!"

"These things are enough for me to squander. I didn't expect a Taixuanzong to have so many things. These spiritual weapons are useless. I'd better find a time to take them out and dispose of them so as not to take up space!"

After counting, Li Han was shocked that Taixuanzong was rich, beyond his imagination!But when he saw the huge pile of spiritual weapons, treasure weapons, and magical weapons, he felt a little overwhelmed. There were so many magic weapons that were of little use to him. It's not worth it to waste your mind!
If you can smash talismans, is it necessary to explode your magic weapon?There are so many talismans, and if he smashes one a day, it will last hundreds of years. In hundreds of years, he may become a god, and he can't run out of talismans. He still needs those magic weapons that he doesn't like. what?

Magic treasures, pills, talismans, and jade slips were collected by him into the supernatural space, and he took out all the jade slips he had seen in the supernatural space. The materials of symbols, etc., are all categorized and stored according to grades.

"The body is too thin, and the cultivation base is too low, it's better to take some pills to make up for it!"

The pills he got before were all high-grade pills, and he didn't dare to try them rashly. Now he has obtained countless pills suitable for the Nascent Soul Stage from Taixuanzong, and he plans to swallow the pills to make his thin body grow longer. Go back to the original, and improve your cultivation by the way!
Taking out a bottle of elixir suitable for the Nascent Soul to increase the true energy, Li Han uncorked the cork, turned the bottle upside down, and poured out a round elixir the size of an index finger from the jade bottle, emitting a hazy white light.

The fragrance is tangy, and the smell is eager to eat!
Based on the principle of being careful and making no big mistakes, he carefully put the elixir in his hand into his mouth, chewed it like chewing sugar, swallowed it, and the elixir entered his body, turning into a strong aura that spread around his body. diffusion.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Han operated the Five Elements True Jue, and in a short while, the energy of the elixir was transformed into Five Elements True Yuan by him.

"One elixir seems to have too little aura, take two this time!"

Another two pills were chewed and swallowed. After a few weeks, he frowned, but the effect of the pills was not good.

"Three this time!"

"Four this time!"

"Just get a bottle!"

After a while, he directly turned the mouth of the bottle upside down and poured 36 elixirs in the jade bottle into his mouth at once.
"That's cool!" Li Han was overjoyed when he realized that his body had become a little stronger and his cultivation had increased a little.

 Thank you Yikui, God, please help me, Zhou Wenzhi, my heart is slightly hot. Ye Weiliang and the brothers for their rewards!

  In addition, please ask for a subscription, the subscription is too miserable, the tortoise will not pretend to be poor if he asks for it by the way, there is [-] manuscript fees a month, as long as there is enough to eat, the tortoise is very satisfied!

  A few days ago, there were only two chapters, and the tortoise added a chapter with one less chapter, and added a chapter the day before yesterday, and the remaining chapter may have to wait. It’s Chinese New Year, everyone is very busy, and the tortoise will take the initiative to add updates when there is time. , the brothers who read the book first all know this situation, so the turtle will not say more!
(End of this chapter)

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