Super Extraction

Chapter 36 Li Han Becomes Famous

Chapter 36 Li Han Becomes Famous

In the next few days, Li Han wandered between the apocalypse and reality. In the apocalypse, he passed on the exercises of the Qi training stage of "Xuannu Jue" to Zhang Xuan, and told her the precautions for the exercises. He pointed out the positions of acupuncture points and meridians for her according to the map.

Pointing out the acupoints and meridian locations, of course, cannot do without physical contact, flushing and boiling blood are unavoidable, but fortunately, Li Han restrained himself with difficulty, so he did not communicate with Zhang Xuan at a deep level.

Back in modern times, Li Han pondered for a long time before he gave up teaching "Xuannu Jue" to Yu Jie. As for why, it is actually very simple. First, although Yu Jie is what he wants to win, he still hasn't caught up with it. Not yet. own people.Second, he was afraid that after Yu Jie practiced "Xuannu Jue", she would be better than him!

In a few days, Li Han was also famous at Linhai University. He originally hid in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where there are few people and almost no one cares about him, but his song "Father" caused a lot of shock to the teachers and students of the school. The existence of cameras is indispensable, no, as soon as the freshman party is over, the scene of the party will be uploaded to the campus network.

Although his singing voice is not very good, but when he sings, he expresses his affection. Coupled with the touching lyrics, those teachers and students who have heard this song will naturally have many unspeakable feelings. , the song "Father" topped the list on the campus network, teachers and students in other colleges inevitably discussed Li Han who sang this song in their spare time.

After the curious classmates searched for human flesh, what surprised them even more was that the person who sang was actually the champion of this year's national college entrance examination. Included in the school grass!
Originally, the school grass was occupied by some handsome and wealthy people!

Although Li Han is pretty good-looking, his appearance is very ordinary. He is 1.7 meters tall and weighs 75 kilograms. Although he looks tall and powerful, he is handsome!Even with an ordinary family background, he has nothing to do with being rich!But he was pulled into the ranks of the school grass by a title of No. [-] scholar and a song!
"Third sister, yours is really not easy! He is the number one student in the college entrance examination this year, and even scored more than 980 points in the college entrance examination!" Luo Li looked at Li Han's profile on the campus website, and joked at Yu Jie with wide eyes.


"Eldest sister, second sister, Yu Jie bullied me again!" Luo Li pitifully turned to Su Lu and Shao Fu for help.

"Little San, please spare Xiao Si!" Su Lu looked at poor Luo Li, and said to Jie.

"Don't call me mistress, you are mistress!"

"I'm the boss, I'm the original partner, you're the third, what is it if you're not the third?" Su Lu smiled at Jie Tiao.

At this time, Li Han was also surrounded by Shangdi and others in the dormitory.

"Xiao Er, can you still write lyrics?" Shang Di asked Li Han in surprise and unbelievable.

"Well! By the way, little three, you have to call me second brother!" Li Han nodded awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart, after all, he didn't write the song, he just plagiarized it for emergency, but this world doesn't The original author had no choice but to admit it brazenly.

"Xiao Er, I really can't see it! You, a guy from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is actually better than a student from the Music School like Shandi. Not only can you write songs, but you are also the number one student in the college entrance examination this year!" Li Han asked.

"Good luck, just good luck!" Li Han hurriedly said politely. Among the people in the same dormitory, only Zhang Gui gets along best and treats people kindly. His personality is just like that of a shopkeeper in a restaurant.
"It's amazing! The lyrics are really well written, but the singing is not very good!" Gu Ke, who has always been picky, is just like a customer in a shopping mall, always not forgetting to pick out some faults.

Li Han also knows the habits of the other party, and knows that the other party has no other intentions, but is used to finding faults in others, just like those who engage in quality inspection, they will pick out some faults if there are no faults, so that they are different, unique and unique. sharp!
Li Han dealt with the three guys in the dormitory every sentence. On the Internet that he didn't pay much attention to, his pseudonym was also searched by someone on

The reason why an author's pen name is constantly searched is because of the novel "The Contradictory Knight" that he uploaded.

Previously, Li Han used the pen name of the author to publish a novel on, a novel called "The Contradictory Knight", which is a martial arts novel!It tells the story of a modern person crossing into a world of martial arts, a world of martial arts where the weak prey on the strong and the strong are respected.

When the protagonist first entered the world of martial arts, he was deeply influenced by the law for more than ten years, but found that there is no law in the world of martial arts!Only the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest!Kill people because you are stronger than others, and be killed only because you are weaker than others!The protagonist's moral concept is incompatible with the survival rules of the martial arts world, and countless contradictions naturally arise.

I have always wanted to be the protagonist of a generation of heroes, but I often have conflicts in my heart, and I keep asking myself if I am doing it right.
The magnificent momentum, the ups and downs of the plot, and the novel world of adventures make readers addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves. However, although the novel is updated with [-] to [-] words every day, it cannot withstand the tireless reading of readers. No, readers start to read. Search everything about the author on

Ten to twenty thousand words per day is simply not enough for loyal readers to read. Readers want to search to see if the author has other works, so as to relieve their suffering of book shortage!
After searching for a long time, I found out that the author is a novice. The readers were shocked when they saw the result. A classic martial arts novel with sophisticated writing skills, a novel that can be published, is actually just written by a novice?They don't really believe in such a result!
What makes them regretful is that no matter how they search, they can't find any information about the author. The pen name of the author has become famous on Say he is the author, some say he is the author's master, some say the author is his brother
Li Han has been a little excited for the morning exercises these few days. He found that the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu has made great progress. Although he did not break through a major level as quickly as before, he has also practiced the first three movements of the fifth level, that is to say He has practiced one-third of the fifth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, as long as he can complete all nine movements, his Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu can break through to the fifth level!

After pondering for a long time, Li Han guessed that it was the song "Father" that made him famous in school, but when he saw that his pseudonym was famous on, he realized that the popularity on the Internet also made him Longxiang Prajna A factor of fast and refined skills!
It's all about luck!
(End of this chapter)

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