Chapter 326
During the three years of teaching Shi Potian martial arts, Li Han was not idle. He integrated palm, saber, sword, whip, boxing, stick and other martial arts into Tianshan Zhemei's hands one by one. With less ginseng, golden carp, blood bodhi and other natural talents and earth treasures, the innate qi in his body has increased by 200 years, and the amount of stellar qi has also increased by two times.

"Master, how far is Motianya?" Shi Potian asked him.

"Hurry up, we'll be there after climbing over this mountain!" Li Han stretched out his finger to the mountain in front of him, but he was thinking about the scene of snatching Shi Potian from Xie Yanke three years ago, and unconsciously appeared on his face. A smile, as if thinking of something funny.

Motian Layman Xie Yanke claims to be the number one promise hero. In order to recover the last black iron order, he did not hesitate to coax and threaten Shi Potian to beg him for one thing, but he did not expect that Shi Potian would be strong if he had no desires, and would not beg him.

Until later, Xie Yanke figured out that Shi Potian's yin and yang were reversed to practice internal skills, intending to make the other party go mad and die, so as to preserve his reputation as the number one promised hero.It seems that Xie Yanke is a villain who does everything he can to achieve his goals, but in reality he is not.

At first, Xie Yanke sincerely wanted to do one thing for Shi Potian, but he couldn't do what Shi Potian asked of him. In desperation, he came up with the idea of ​​teaching Shi Potian martial arts in reverse order.
When they came to the foot of the Motian Cliff, the three of them got off their horses, Shi Jian led the three horses aside, and tied them to the small tree next to them.

"Let's go up!" As soon as Li Han's voice fell, he used lightness skills to fly up the Motian Cliff as if walking on flat ground.

"Master's lightness kung fu is really good, Sister Shijian, let's go up too!" Shi Potian held Shijian's hand, and the two of them used the Golden Goose Kungfu to borrow strength from the cliff, and within a short while, they also climbed up the Motian Cliff.

Li Han rose up in the air, looked with both eyes, and after finding the cave where Xie Yanke lived, he led the two of them over there.

Before reaching the entrance of the cave where Xie Yanke lived, the other party heard the movement outside and walked out of the cave.

"Who are you?" Xie Yanke asked suspiciously. There were few people on the Motian Cliff, and almost no one came up except himself. Seeing the three of them appear on the Motian Cliff, he felt very strange.

"Xie Yanke, do you still remember him?" Li Han pointed at Shi Potian and asked him.

"He, he!" In three years, Shi Potian's appearance changed drastically, how could Xie Yanke recognize him?

"Hahaha, it's only been three years. You can't even recognize the child who got your black iron order back then! What's the first promise to be a hero?" Li Han sneered.

"Hmph! Back then he was just a little beggar, but now his appearance and clothes have changed drastically, and it's normal for him to be unrecognizable. So, you snatched him away three years ago!" Xie Yanke reacted quickly, Then he seemed to think of something, and said again: "Tell me, what do you want this old man to do?"

"Arrogance, don't think that others are asking you to do things like a layman Motian. In my eyes, you are only a little better in martial arts. Other than that, you have nothing to recommend!" Li Han said disdainfully.

"Since you didn't come here to ask the old man to do something, what are you doing here?" Xie Yanke was angry in his heart, suppressed his anger, and asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, my apprentice Shi Potian has made great progress in martial arts, and I specially brought him here to compete with you!" Li Han laughed.

"Master, what should I do if I hurt this old man again and he lives alone on the cliff?" The guests are in their seventies and eighties, and he doesn't want to do it.

Shi Potian, who had been silent all this time, made Xie Yanke furious as soon as he opened his mouth. Hearing this boy in front of him, who was obviously only fifteen or sixteen years old, brazenly say that he was afraid of hurting himself, he couldn't tell what it was like.

Who is Xie Yanke, the skyscraper layman?Anyway, he is also a top player in the Jianghu, besides Bai Zizai from the Snow Mountain School and Bei Haishi from the Changle Gang, who is his opponent in the Jianghu?A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy actually said that he was afraid of hurting him. Didn't he take him seriously?

Regarding himself as the third apprentice, Li Han is also a little speechless. He has excellent talent, simple and honest nature, superior intelligence, and good memory. The only thing is that he has no understanding of the world, and when he speaks, he always thinks of what to say.

"How about it? Xie Yanke, you can compete with my apprentice, so you won't be arrogant and conceited!" Li Han said fiercely.

"Hmph, this old man doesn't know as much as a child. Even if you are a master, you are five or sixty years younger than this old man. If you fight with you, won't this old man be ridiculed by the world and bully you?" Xie Yanke snorted coldly. road.

"Teacher, let's go!" Li Han stretched out his hand and pushed Shi Potian over.

Xie Yanke's figure flashed, avoiding Shi Potian, and did not make a move.

Shi Potian looked at it, hesitated, and didn't make a move.

"Teacher, hurry up and compete with him. If you are worried about hurting him, you can be lighter! Use less force, so that you won't hurt him. Hurry up, after the beating is over, Master will take you there Find your mother and your Ah Huang!" Li Han said to Shi Potian.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that? As long as I use less strength and skill, I won't hurt this old man!" Shi Potian was suddenly overjoyed, and punched Xie Potian with a light and slow punch. Smoker.

When Xie Yanke saw it, anger welled up in his heart, and he waved his innate qi, ready to sweep Shi Potian away, making him retreat in spite of difficulties.

The powerful thrust made Shi Potian step on the ground reflexively, stopped backing, and activated the innate qi defense. When he shot again, the strength of his fist increased and the speed also increased.

In a blink of an eye, Shi Potian's fists became heavier and faster, and Xie Yanke became more and more frightened. After a while, sand and rocks flew, the sound of air explosions continued, and footprints appeared on the hard ground.

Flying sand, stones, dead branches and rotten leaves shot in all directions, and when they approached Li Han and Shi Jian, those flying sand, stones, dead branches and rotten leaves fell one after another as if they were blocked by invisible things.

"Shi Jian, who do you think can win between the two of them?" Li Han asked Shi Jian.

"Master, I think Potian can win!" Shi Jian said softly.

"Well, Xie Yanke's realm is the same as Shi Potian's, both of which are congenital perfection realms, but his fighting experience is much richer than Shi Potian's. According to common sense, Xie Yanke will win, but boxing is afraid of being young, and Shi Potian Strength, speed, and defense are all better than Xie Yanke, and if the fight continues, Xie Yanke will definitely lose!" Li Han nodded and said.

"Bizhen Green Palm!" After a long fight, Xie Yanke, who was furious when he heard the two people outside the arena saying that he was bound to lose, used his unique skill.

"Pao Fist!" Seeing that the opponent's attack was extremely powerful, Shi Potian couldn't help concentrating all his strength and punched out a Pao Fist.

With a loud "Boom!", the two collided with each other, Shi Potian's fierce cannon punch pierced Xie Yanke's green palm, and Yu Jin charged straight at him, sending Xie Yanke flying for more than ten meters .

Although Xie Yanke's Bizhenqing palm was pierced, the remaining palm force shook Shi Potian back one after another.

With a sound of "Puff!", Xie Yanke couldn't bear to spit out a mouthful of blood, sat cross-legged on the ground, and healed his wounds.

Shi Potian, who had completed the Nine Suns Divine Art, had a strong defense. Although he didn't vomit blood, he was slightly injured in the body. He hurriedly operated the Nine Yangs Divine Art to adjust his breath.

"Layman Motian is nothing more than that!" Li Han shook his head, reached out to grab Shi Potian and Shijian, and left Motian Cliff in a few steps.

The shock in Xie Yanke's heart at this time is indescribable. After thinking for a while, he guessed in his heart: "Could it be that they are from the Knight Island?"

(End of this chapter)

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