Super Extraction

Chapter 299 Auctioning the National Treasure of Foreign Devils

Chapter 299 Auctioning the National Treasure of Foreign Devils

Maybe some people think that Li Han is stupid. He only sells such a valuable thing for 100 million, and donates more than 20 national treasures of foreign devils to the museum for free, but he feels that there is nothing wrong with his doing so!
First of all, he has a mountain of antiques in his hands, plus he is not short of money!Secondly, there are pieces of antiques from Huaguo in the museum of the foreign devils, like fishbone stuck in the throat, which makes the people of the country very sad!
Isn't his real purpose of holding foreign devils antique auctions to disgust foreign devils?Putting the foreign devil's national treasure in a domestic museum, isn't it a slap in the face of the foreign devil?Also let those foreign devils know how their country's national treasures are displayed in other countries' museums, what kind of mood it is!

Perhaps some people still think that Li Han is stupid, and question his ability to be invisible, and he is the strongest human-shaped nuclear bomb in the world. Get it back, but he thinks that getting those antiques back will do more harm than good!

He felt that the Chinese antiques placed in the foreign devil's museum just had the effect of alerting the people of the country, allowing the people to remember the history, deeply humiliating the history, letting the people of the country know their shame and then be brave, and make the people of the country work hard!
Use copper as a mirror to straighten your clothes, and use history as a mirror to know and prosper!
Li Han really wanted to see Bading other than Yangzhou Ding, to verify whether the other Bading could give him other abilities, and to see if the other Bading could improve his probing skills, but the current timing was obviously not suitable. Not long after Jiuding trembled abnormally, he asked Zhang Wenlong about the whereabouts of the other Bading. Didn't he just admit that he had something to do with the previous Jiuding shock?

He was able to search for another Bading with the ability of the sky eye, but Bading is in a secret alloy room. He can be invisible but can't escape five elements.The power of bewitchment may make him succeed, but it will inevitably leave some clues!
He is so powerful that no one can match him. Even if the whole world is his enemy, he can still be safe!But he still has parents and relatives, and he still needs to live in this world, so he will inevitably have many worries when acting!

Kyushu Ding is extremely important to the country of Hua. Once people find out that he is plotting against Kyushu Ding, you don't need to think about it. Countless people in the country will turn against him, even his parents are no exception!
In desperation, Li Han decided to postpone his contact with the other Bading for the time being, and was going to ask Zhang Wenlong about the whereabouts of the Bading when the weather calmed down, and pay his respects to the remaining Bading through regular channels!

In a short period of time, the world was full of ups and downs, and there were many discussions. One by one, the foreign devils hurriedly bought air tickets and rushed to China to participate in the foreign devils antique auction held by Li Han!
The day was sunny and sunny, until nine o'clock, Li Han came late, when he entered the conference hall which was used as the auction site, he was a little speechless when he saw that there were no empty seats inside.

"Sorry, I overslept, so I won't talk nonsense. For this auction, we will take the auction first and then inspect the goods. Our company guarantees that all the items auctioned are genuine! Now I announce that this auction has officially started. Please ask the staff to send Bring up an auction item!" Li Han said to everyone in the audience.

"The first auction item is a scepter tried by the Pope of the Holy See. The starting price is 100 million Chinese coins, and the price increases by 500 million each time. By the way, this auction is in China, and the currency is based on Chinese coins. After the item is auctioned, They are all paid in Chinese currency, and if someone refuses to pay, the previous [-] million deposit will not be refunded!" Li Han, who was a guest auctioneer, said to everyone.

"Auction starts!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"Two hundred million!"

"[-] million for the first time, [-] million for the second time, well, congratulations on the scepter used by the pope being shot by that gentleman!" Li Han took a hammer and smashed the steel helmet on the table, which was considered a final decision. .

"Wait, I'll offer 100 million and [-] million!" A middle-aged foreign devil stood up and said. When he heard [-] million for the second time, he was about to raise the price, but he didn't want the person on the stage to not give it at all. His time is not like other auctioneers who procrastinate in order to bid for a higher price, and he didn't call out [-] million for the third time.
"Sorry, you bid too slowly, I declare it invalid!"

"The second auction item, this item should be the crown worn by the Queen of the Eagle Kingdom. The starting price is 100 million Chinese coins, and each increase must not be less than [-] million Chinese coins!" Li Han ignored the foreign devil and began to auction the crown.

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

Perhaps knowing that the auctioneer on the stage did not play cards according to common sense, everyone in the audience was afraid of missing the treasure again, so the bidding speed was much faster. In less than a minute, the crown with a starting price of 1 million was sold by everyone. Drive up to 5000 million.

"5000 million and [-] million for the first time, [-] million!"

"Three hundred million!"

"The first time with [-] million, the second time with [-] million, well, this crown belongs to this gentleman!" Li Han quickly dropped the hammer again.

"This scepter is also made of gold and diamonds. It should be used by the Pope. The gold on it is much more than the previous scepter, and the diamonds inlaid are also much larger. The starting price is 100 million. The price increase is [-] million, and the bidding starts now!"

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

"1000 million!"

"5000 million!"

"1000 million!"

"1000 million for the first time, 1000 million for the second time, I declare that this scepter belongs to that gentleman!" Li Han said after knocking on his helmet.

"The male lead in this photo is Qiu Ji'er, Prime Minister of the Eagle Kingdom. It is very valuable for collection, archaeology and appreciation. It is still an old rule that the goods will be auctioned first and then inspected. If there is any inconsistency, you can get a refund. The starting price is 1000 million. Each price increase is no less than 100 million!"

"1000 two million!"

"500 million!"

"2000 million!"

"100 million!"

"This photo is of Queen Elizabeth of the Eagle Kingdom and her first appearance. The starting price is 5000 million!"

"Fifty three million!"

"Fifty three million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"5000 million!"

"The heroine in this photo is Ryoko, and the male protagonist is the Dutch governor of the Kaliman Peninsula. This photo has subverted history. It is valuable for collection and research. The starting price is 5000 million!"

"Fifty three million!"

"6000 million!"

"6000 million and 100!"

"One hundred million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"Two hundred million!"

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

"Three hundred million!"

"That's right, that's what it is!" Li Han saw below, the security guard Zhang Hongqiang in a suit and leather shoes, who kept arguing with the little devil, and was satisfied. Seeing that the price had soared to [-] million, he pressed the button on the table.

"1000 million!"

"One time for 1000 million, two times for 1000 million, congratulations to this gentleman for getting this precious photo!" Li Han picked up the hammer, tapped the helmet and said.

Although it took less than 2 minutes for one auction item to be auctioned, it took several hours for all hundreds of items to be auctioned. After everyone inspected the goods, paid and left, time had passed. It was seven o'clock in the evening.

"These foreign devils and little devils, as well as those tycoons present here are really rich!" Li Han sighed after seeing that the account had increased by more than 1000 billion. It would take several days at a time, and he was a little hesitant!

(End of this chapter)

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