Super Extraction

Chapter 26 Embarking on a Journey to Study

Chapter 26 Embarking on a Journey to Study

After Li Han killed the zombies in the building they were in, he asked Zhang Xuan to stay upstairs, but he himself ran to supermarkets and shops to pack rice, snacks, purified water, and gas tanks After moving a lot of living materials back, it didn't stop until several houses were filled.

After resting for a while, Li Han went downstairs again with a long knife, and chopped off the big trees on both sides of the street. Cut them all off.He inserted tree trunks about five meters long directly into the entrance of the building, blocking the entrance tightly!
I walked around the building and found no other entrances, so I felt relieved, leaned the remaining five-meter-long tree trunk on the balcony on the second floor, and climbed up along the trunk.

On the second floor, he carried the tree trunk up from the balcony, and then found some things to block the place without anti-theft windows, so he was relieved.

"Li Han, you're stuck like this, what am I going to do when I go out?" Zhang Xuan asked Li Han.

"You haven't practiced your marksmanship well, and you don't even have the power to protect yourself. What are you going out for? Are you going out to become a zombie?" Li Han asked back.

"Thank you!" Thinking of Li Han preparing so much for herself, Zhang Xuan looked at him intently, and was very moved.

"Don't stare at me so affectionately, be careful that I will turn into a wolf and eat you!" Li Han was moved in his heart, and teased Zhang Xuan half-truthfully.

"It turns out that you are not a good person!" Zhang Xuan was a little scared, but also a little happy, with a little expectation and excitement, but she scolded coquettishly.

"You also know that your charm is not small, so in the future, you should pay attention to restraining your charm. If one day I can't help it, you will regret it!" Li Han smiled a little far-fetched, and lowered his blood pressure. , and then go aside.

Zhang Xuan was happy when she heard the other party praise her charm, but her reserve as a girl made her speechless and chose to remain silent.

"Choose a house to live in! I still have something to do and I need to go out. I will come to see you as soon as I have time!" Li Han said to Zhang Xuan after thinking about it.

"You want to go?" Zhang Xuan suddenly heard that Li Han was going to leave, she felt sad and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Well! But I will definitely come back to see you, as soon as I am free, I will come back!" Li Han also felt a little bit reluctant, after all, which man would not want to be with a man who is considered top-notch in appearance and figure, with a personality like a flower Still very gentle beauty alone?
"Can you not leave?" Zhang Xuan seemed to use all her courage to say these words.

Looking at Zhang Xuan's pleading eyes, Li Han felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle, but when he thought of the modern world, he could only calm down: "Really, I still have something to do. When I'm free, I will definitely Come back to see you immediately!"

"Don't go, please, please, don't go!" Zhang Xuan burst into tears. Seeing that he turned around and was about to leave, she rushed over desperately and hugged him fiercely. She was afraid that she would see him again alone. I am also afraid that I will face the extremely long loneliness alone. How can I let go easily when I finally see Li Han, who is good-looking and good-natured.

The fragrance and softness invaded Li Han's heart like the ebb and flow of the tide. He was in a very contradictory mood at the moment. He wanted to stay desperately, but also felt that he should leave and should not stay in this gentle town.

"Zhang Xuan, calm down, it's not like I won't come. During my absence, you should practice your marksmanship upstairs, eh! Be good!" Li Han turned around and reached out to give her a hug. Said to her softly.

"Okay, we can let go now, we can't keep hugging like this, right?" Li Han felt a little embarrassed when he noticed that the clone below was starting to wake up.

Sensing the abnormality below, Zhang Xuan blushed and pushed him away like an electric shock.

"What's the matter? It seems that you have never been so emotional before, right? Could it be because of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu?" Li Han wondered in his heart. Big reaction to it!

"Okay, I'm leaving first, take care! Be obedient!" Li Han said to Zhang Xuan, then turned and left. He didn't dare to turn his head, for he was afraid that he would fall into this emotional vortex after turning his head.

Zhang Xuan's tears fell like rain, but she didn't rush up to hug him, and she didn't make a sound to keep him. She knew that the other party was determined to leave, and even if she kept her, it wouldn't help. The passing figure seemed to engrave that shadow in his heart!
Li Han climbed down the water pipe. After looking at it, he cut off the water pipe with a knife and threw it far away. Only in this way can Zhang Xuan be safer. He checked the surroundings of the building again and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he put it down. Come on.

After leaving the building, Li Han walked to a corner where no one could see, and then he opened the gate of the plane and returned to the modern world.I checked the time, only to find that more than three hours had passed.

If Zhang Xuan, who has only known each other for a day, falls in love with her, then it is not very possible at all. Li Han guessed in his heart that she should be afraid that after she leaves, no one will accompany her to face the scenes that scare her. To accompany her through the kind of loneliness that can make people crazy, so she doesn't want to leave by herself!

Back home, Li Han also helped his parents feed the fish when he was free, and went to the end of the world to accompany Zhang Xuan when he was free. After all, she was very lonely alone, and she kept typing on the keyboard at night , convert the page-by-page text version of the novel into an electronic document.

Time passed so quickly, Li Han packed his luggage and prepared to go to Linhai University to enroll.

"Xiao Er, you must pay attention to safety when you go out, or I will go with you!" Li Desheng told Li Han.

"Dad, don't worry! Look how old I am. Didn't I just enroll in Linhai University? It's like going to the battlefield!" Li Han knew that his father was worried about him, so he wanted to send him off. Go to Linhai.

"Xiao Er, why did you choose a school so far away? Isn't Wudu University in Wudu not good? Isn't Wudu University a famous university?" Zhang Li, the mother, said to Li Han dissatisfied. Dissatisfied that Xiaoer chose a school so far away.

"Mom! Although Wudu University is also a famous university in China, I wanted to go to the coast to learn more, so I chose Linhai University. After all, Linhai's economy is much more developed than ours in Wudu, and I can also learn about those things. International friends!" Li Han explained.

"What nonsense international friends? Is there any international friends?" When Grandpa Li Zhigao heard Li Han talking about international friends, he thought of the scene when the country and those so-called international friends fought upside down and blood flowed like rivers decades ago. A lot of resentment.

"Grandpa, I was wrong, I went to Linhai to win glory for the country!" Li Han quickly explained.

"Okay! Xiao Er, if you have the ability, do more to win glory for the country!" Only then did Li Zhigao know what Li Han meant by "international friends", and he couldn't stop laughing.

"Lao Li, you're so old! Why don't you teach me what's good, but you have to teach Xiao Er?" Grandma Xie Chengfang said dissatisfiedly to Grandpa.

PS: The contract has been reviewed and approved, and the tortoise is waiting for the contract to be signed. Big guys, please contribute all your recommendation tickets!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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