Super Extraction

Chapter 24 Finding Weapons and Ammunition

Chapter 24 Finding Weapons and Ammunition
Back home, Li Han started his days of feeding fish during the day and writing books at night.

Of course, Li Han, who has obtained the spatial ability, will stay in the modern world all the time, no, whenever he has time, he wanders into the end-time plane.

He is still 1.7 meters tall, still has the same 75 kg body, is still wearing two layers of stab-proof clothing, and still has a long knife in his hand, but his goal of entering the end-time plane has changed this time.

In the past, he had no choice but to give up valuables such as gold, diamonds, jade, and emeralds, but because he was unable to convert them into funds and had nowhere to store them, he gave up one by one!

Now he has a space with a diameter of ten meters, which is enough to hold a lot of things. Wouldn't it be a waste if he didn't put some valuables such as jewelry?Besides, it won't be long before he will go to Linhai City to study at Linhai University, and there will be plenty of opportunities to make a move at that time.

Break down doors, kill zombies, collect valuables, leave, continue!
Li Han repeated five steps one after another, breaking open the doors of the rooms in the building he was in, and when he found a zombie, he cut off his head with a knife, and then rummaged through the boxes and boxes to put things he thought were useful into the space.

"Boom!" Li Han kicked vigorously towards the door in front of him, and kicked the anti-theft door together with the door frame into the room with a strong kick.

"Ah!" A female scream came from inside the room.

Walked in warily and took a look, what appeared in front of him was a girl around 20 years old, with a pair of big panda eyes, ruining her image, messy and boring hair, trembling all over, huddled in a corner of the living room with her hands covering her mouth among!
"Hello!" Li Han tried to greet.

"Who are you?" The girl looked and found that it was a young man with a strong body and holding a long knife. He seemed to be a year or two younger than herself, so she asked fearfully.

"My name is Li Han! I just came to see if there are any zombies in this house. If there are any, I will destroy them!" Li Han dared not say that he came in to kill corpses and hunt for treasure!When facing zombies, he can shoot without any scruples, but if he faces a passerby who poses no threat to him, he can't do the murderous thing!

Li Han knew very well in his heart that it was definitely not softness, but the bottom line he had always insisted on!I am not a lunatic, so naturally I will not attack innocent people for no reason!

"Ah! You said that the man-eating thing outside is a zombie?" the girl looked at Li Han and asked.

"Well! By the way, what's your name?" Li Han asked her, remembering that he didn't know the other party's name yet.

"My name is Zhang Xuan!" The girl was still huddled in the corner, not intending to stand up at all.

Li Han's heart moved, and he felt that the other party should be afraid of him, so he said with a nonchalant smile: "Are you going to stay there forever?"

Zhang Xuan thought to herself, if the other party really wanted to hurt her, even if she shrank there, she gritted her teeth and stood up boldly.

Li Han was surprised to find that Zhang Xuan, who was shrunk in the corner, stood up at a full height of 1.7 meters, with a pair of straight legs, slim, with a bumpy figure, coupled with that melon-like face and big eyes, the overall It looks like a flower in bud.

Just like flowers!
The only thing Li Han was dissatisfied with was her pair of panda eyes, probably caused by anxiety, which ruined her image!
"It's so beautiful!" Li Han praised sincerely.

"Thank you!" Seeing Li Han staring at her with shining eyes, Zhang Xuan felt displeased and disgusted, but she politely said thank you. During this period of time, through observation outside the window, she also realized that the situation like now In an apocalyptic environment, legal ethics have long lost their due role!

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you!" Li Han realized that he was a bit presumptuous just now, so he quickly explained.

"Thank you!" Zhang Xuan's nervousness and fear were greatly diluted by Li Han's words just now, "I won't do anything to you."

"I'm going to clean up all the zombies on this floor. What's your plan?" Unbearable, Li Han asked her inexplicably.

"Can I follow you?" Zhang Xuan stared at Li Han with pleading eyes. She hadn't eaten for two days and knew that she would continue to hide at home, waiting for her only ending to be starved to death!

"If you are not afraid, just follow!" Li Han said, and walked out first.

When Zhang Xuan saw it, he quickly followed.

"Boom!" With another kick, Li Han kicked open the door in front of him, and the two zombies rushed out upon hearing the sound, but what was waiting for them was a quick blow like a gust of wind, and the two heads immediately fell from them. The body fell off.

"Ah!" Zhang Xuan couldn't help screaming when he saw two zombies at close range and their heads had been chopped off.

"Remind you, don't yell casually in the future, if you make a loud voice, you will attract zombies!" Li Han didn't care too much, maybe the other party is more beautiful, so he can tolerate it, if an ugly person, he I don't know if I will throw it away?

Li Han admitted that he has always been a bit judgmental about people's appearance. When he sees someone who is prettier than him, he inevitably feels a little unhappy. Looking at pretty girls also makes him feel good about them. He admits all this!But whether he can become his friend still needs the test of time, it is not a question of good looks!

"Thank you! I see!" Zhang Xuan bowed her head and said embarrassedly.

"It's okay! Go in and look around to see if there's any food. You look hungry, right?" Li Han looked at Zhang Xuan and said.

"Yeah!" Zhang Xuan responded softly in embarrassment.

Li Han went in and searched carefully, but found nothing useful, but a painting on the wall that was two meters long and one meter wide caught his attention. The painting was torn off, and he was a little excited when he saw that there was another universe inside.

It turned out that there was an iron door sunken in the wall behind the painting. There was no handle or key on the iron door. Li Han looked carefully and found that there was a trace of sliding to the right under the iron door, so he stretched out his hand and swiped to the right.

The iron door was opened, looking at the things inside, Li Han's blood boiled.

There are three shelves inside. There are no banknotes, gold and diamonds on the shelves. There are long and short firearms and boxes of bullets on the shelves.

Scanning Zhang Xuan who was looking for food in the kitchen, seeing that she was not looking at this side, Li Han quickly put most of the weapons and bullets into the space, leaving only two short guns, a few boxes of bullets and two silencer.

"Zhang Xuan, come quickly and see what this is?"

"Here we come!" Zhang Xuan hurried over, seeing two short guns and several boxes of ammunition at a glance.

"Here's this for you, so that you can protect yourself to a certain extent!" Li Han unceremoniously threw a short gun and a silencer to the other party.

"Thank you!" Zhang Xuan quickly picked it up and thanked him.

"By the way, do you know why there are weapons here?" Li Han was a little curious, thinking that Zhang Xuan's house was next door, so he asked her.

"The owner of this house seems to be the leader of the underground organization in the town." Zhang Xuan told the news she had inadvertently heard before.

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(End of this chapter)

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