Super Extraction

Chapter 21 Advance For Ability

Chapter 21 Advance For Ability
After returning home from school, Li Han began to take stock of the red envelopes he received yesterday. He counted them and found that there were three red envelopes of 220. Although the money for the banquet was provided by his parents, they did not collect the red envelopes and threw them directly to he.

Open the red envelopes one by one, most of them are [-] Chinese coins, some are [-], many are [-], and there are a few [-]. Only one has [-] Chinese coins in it. All the Chinese coins were taken out and counted, no more, no less, exactly [-].

Holding the harvest in the red envelope, Li Han ran to the bank and saved it. After looking at the information on his mobile phone, he found that his small treasury currently has a total of 30 Chinese coins!
One hundred thousand Chinese dollars came from the Qamdo County Education Bureau, one hundred thousand was a reward given to him by his parents, fifty thousand came from the school, another fifty thousand came from red envelopes, and the remaining five hundred was what he had left before.

Seeing such a large amount of money in the bank card, Li Han was also a little excited. Although it was nothing to his future self, it was not a small amount to his current self.

Fortunately, as a human being in two lives, he calmed down after not being excited for a long time. He knew that this seemingly large amount of money would not last long if he really wanted to use it. Only by planning how to spend it can he make it grow more and more!
Li Han thought for a while, and registered a small noodle brand in Qamdo. He planned to open noodle restaurants all over the world, and he could add up to a lot by then. After all, he had run a small restaurant in his previous life!

He has many unique skills in making noodles, stir-fries, snacks and other foods. He also has delicious noodle information obtained from the apocalypse, which is definitely the icing on the cake. If it is not turned into profit, wouldn't it be a waste?

Back home, Li Han suddenly remembered the colorful supernatural fruit that can produce supernatural powers in the last days, and his heart was hot, and he told his parents that he would go out to play for a few days.

Li Desheng and his wife thought that it was really hard for Xiao Er to study hard for the past six months, so they just waved his hands, just asking him to pay attention to safety outside.

Leaving Changdu County, Li Han ran to Wudu City, found a hotel in the urban area to stay, carefully checked the room up and down, and found nothing in the camera, so he was relieved, and when he was ready, , he walked into the bathroom, opened the door to the end-time plane, and walked in.

A few days have passed in the real world, but dozens of days have passed in the apocalyptic plane. Human beings who were lucky enough to escape could not help but walk out of their rooms due to hunger. Many survivors were attacked by zombies, and some became Some of them become their food.

Looking at the original street, Li Han found that the street was much messier than before. There were dark red bloodstains in many places on the ground. There were broken human corpses and zombies with rotten heads lying on the ground in disorder.

Surprised in my heart, I don't understand why he didn't see anyone in this town before!When did the corpse lying on the ground come out?The corpse on the ground was obviously eaten by something, and it looked like a human being eaten by zombies!
Where did the corpses on the ground come from?Could it be that there were some survivors in the residential buildings in the town before, but they just hid at home and dared not come out?Or were they in a coma at the time and didn't hear the movement they made?

Li Han didn't understand it in his heart, and he couldn't figure it out after thinking for a while. He stopped struggling and walked towards the forest where the seven-color supernatural fruit was located.

Not long after, zombies appeared in front of him one after another after hearing the sound. The speed of the zombies seemed to be a little faster than before, but compared with before, it was not much faster. Li Han did not notice for a while that the speed of the zombies had happened. Variety.

He broke through to the fourth floor of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, his physical strength is 25 kilograms, and his moving speed has changed from the previous 36 meters per second to the current [-] meters per second. The power of swinging the knife is much greater, and the speed Also faster!
The zombies that rushed towards him were either cut in half by him, or their heads were chopped off by him. They still had a bit of unaccustomed corpse smell before. Although it is still unpleasant now, they are used to it a lot, not as bad as before. That feeling of tightness in the chest!
Originally, there were not many zombies in the town. It may be that some people released some zombies when they came out to look for food, and some of the people looking for food turned into zombies, which increased the number of zombies a lot!There are also some people who want to save their relatives, friends, etc., but are attacked by the opponent who turned into a zombie
Slash left and right with a long knife, and kill the zombies rushing towards him!Li Han didn't have the heart to be a savior, he just wanted to get the colorful supernatural fruit that he knew the location earlier!If it was one step too late and was acquired by its original owner, he would be about to cry without tears!

The long knife chopped off the heads of the zombies one by one. Li Han saw that there were almost no traces on the smooth surface of the knife, and he became more and more fond of the long knife in his hand.

It took a lot of time before he managed to make a way out of the town. He was unscathed, but his body was stained with the foul-smelling yellow-black liquid splashed from many zombies.

Frowning, he was going to find a place to clean it, but he couldn't find any water source in the town. After leaving the town, Li Han found many paddy fields, and cleaned it briefly before continuing on the road.

The population outside the town is relatively sparse, and the number of zombies is also much less. You can vaguely see some zombies wandering aimlessly, and some zombies fell into the paddy fields, moving slowly with one foot deep and one foot shallow!

From time to time, some survivors will be found. A few eliminated zombies can often be found on the road, and occasionally one or two human corpses eaten by zombies can be seen.

It wasn't until he reached a pool that Li Han jumped into the pool and took a good bath. Then he walked along a long-abandoned path beside the pool, a path leading to the colorful superpower fruits.

The scenery along the way is beautiful, deserted and inhabited. There are no humans or zombies, but there are many mutated animals. Some animals are still as docile as before, and some animals not only have a huge change in size , and became even more bloodthirsty!

"Roar!" A beast roar came from not far away, and a huge creature rushed towards him.

He originally thought it was a tiger or leopard, but when he saw it, Li Han was horrified to find that it was a wild boar as strong as an elephant. A wild boar with red eyes and half-meter long tusks at the corner of its mouth was rushing towards him quickly. .

Staring nervously at the mutated wild boar rushing towards him, Li Han was very nervous and had a lot of fear. In his two lives, he had never seen such a huge wild boar. Seeing the other party knock down the small trees along the way, he Trembling and holding the long knife in his right hand tightly.

"Kill!" With a loud shout, as if to cheer himself up, Li Han dodged to the left, and after avoiding the wild boar's attack, the long knife in his hand slashed fiercely on the wild boar's buttocks.

He discovered that although the wild boar was much faster than the average human being, it was also much slower than himself. Li Han felt much more nervous and frightened, and decided to use his speed advantage to kill the wild boar!

The wild boar who had been slashed in the buttock by his long knife became more ferocious, the pig's eyes the size of two fists turned red, and its hind legs kicked hard on the ground, shooting towards him like a fired shell.

PS: Dear book lovers, please vote for recommendation!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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