Super Extraction

Chapter 18 Surprised results for the whole family

Chapter 18 Surprised results for the whole family

Seeing the fishhook taken out from Heiyu's mouth, Li Han was overjoyed. At this moment, he thought of an artifact to deal with zombies in the last days!

Many things in the world are inadvertent flashes of inspiration, and he is a little bit convinced at the moment, but considering that his account balance is not much, he can only wait for a while before getting this zombie buster!

During the day, he helped his parents pull carts of special feed to the fishpond to feed the fish. At night, Li Han turned on the light and entered the hardcover novel into the computer page by page, and then applied for an author account on A pseudonym called "Author".

As for why he chose this pen name, in fact, Li Han originally planned to use Shibazi's pen name, which happened to coincide with the character Li. Thinking about it, it doesn't feel right. Wouldn't Shibazi become a loser if he didn't pay attention?
Unwilling, he continued to think and think, and felt that the word eighteen could be kept, as for that one!Just use stop instead, which just means knowing stop and then having a certain meaning!
But when he was about to register his pen name as Shibazhi, he felt that there was still something wrong. At this time, he looked carefully, but found that Shibazhi meant premature death?
But he really has a bit of perseverance not to give up until he reaches his goal. After he has been busy for a long time, he feels that it is just right to use the word Sui instead of Zi. Sui means a year, so he includes his surname and age together?In this way, an author's pen name appeared on

As for why the hardcover version of the novel was chosen to be published, it is actually very simple. In Li Han’s view, a hardcover version of the novel can be published in the last world, at least it is a popular novel, and it is loved by a large number of readers. Therefore, , he did not choose the electronic version of the novel stored in the computer to publish.

Another bigger reason is that the novel on the hardcover version, the author's name on it, and the publishing house do not exist in the real world. Li Han also had a plan to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces, so he kept tapping on the keyboard. I am going to first move all the contents of the three hardcover novels into the computer.

Although typing is fast, Li Han found that typos will appear if he is not careful. It is blamed that he chose the pinyin input method, and there are too many homophones in Chinese characters. Whenever he typed the stories in the novel After a good chapter, it takes a few more minutes to check the context before saving it and entering the next chapter.

With half-step dark energy, his reaction speed is several times faster than that of ordinary people. Fortunately, the computer's reaction speed is fast enough, otherwise, he would still worry about the computer's reaction speed, whether it can keep up with his input speed, no, less than three hours In that time, Li Han had already transferred more than 3 words of the contents of the hardcover novel into the computer.

After logging into the author's account, Li Han uploaded ten chapters in succession, totaling more than 3 words, then ignored them and continued to click on the keyboard with the light on.
In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the college entrance examination results were announced. On this day, Li Han's family gathered together, pricked up their ears, and focused on the voice on the phone.

I reported my ID card number and the serial number of the college entrance examination candidate. At this time, a female voice came from melodious voice, and I heard her say: "Candidate Li Han, your total score of the college entrance examination is 980 five points!"

Grandparents, parents, older brothers, sisters-in-law, and younger brothers all stared at Li Han dumbfounded when they heard the test scores reported on the phone. A kind of great surprise filled their hearts.

Li Han was also very happy at this time. Although he didn't feel much about getting more than 900 points in the exam, he couldn't help being happy seeing his grandparents, parents, and mothers. Of course, he was very happy about the luck brought by the college entrance examination results Pay more attention to it, and plan to try whether the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu can break through tomorrow morning!
"When you have a banquet, you must have a big banquet to celebrate. Last year, Li Qiang's baby got more than 700 points in the test, and his family set up a running water banquet. He was very proud and proud!"

"This year, we scored more than 900 points in the second grade test. At least we have to set up a few more tables than them. We invite all the people in the village, as well as those relatives and friends, to celebrate!"

"Just use all the money earned from selling fish last year to set up banquets, so that we can have a good time!" Li Zhigao laughed heartily, as if he had let out a bad breath, and seemed to think of some funny scene.

"That's right! We must celebrate well. 980 is five points, and the difference of fifteen points is a perfect score. This has not been done for many years. I think this year's national champion should be our second child!" Grandma Xie Chengfang smiled excitedly.

"Don't worry! Dad, I will definitely make this banquet a special one! I think tomorrow will be a good day, and I will inform the relatives and friends in the village in the afternoon!"

Li Desheng was so excited, he turned on his phone and looked at the almanac, and found that tomorrow is suitable for a banquet and a happy event, so he happily proposed.

"Second brother is really good. He actually scored so many points in the test. Thinking about my elder brother, I only got more than 600 points in the test a few years ago. I'm still relatively good in the village!" Li Qin sighed at this moment, but there was an indescribable pride in his heart.

Several people were smiling and discussing the matter of setting up a banquet to celebrate. At this time, Li Desheng found that Xiao Er had no words, so he asked him curiously: "Xiao Er, why don't you speak?"

"Dad! You seem to have forgotten something?" Li Han smiled and looked at his father.

"What's the matter?" Li Desheng was a little puzzled, and asked Li Han in bewilderment.

"What's the matter? It's not the pocket money you promised to Xiaoer!" Li Han hadn't answered yet, when Grandpa Li Zhigao reminded him aloud.

"I thought it was something, so I'll transfer the money to you right away. By the way, Xiao Er, I'm about to fill out my volunteers! When you are free these few days, think about which university you will study in the future!" Li Desheng immediately called Li Han transferred [-] Chinese coins before reminding him.

The family's thoughts were all on how to organize the banquet. Li Han shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't want to participate, so he turned and ran to the room to continue his great career of coding. He came out of the room just before noon. Help with lunch.

Li Han, who had run a small restaurant in his previous life, was able to hear and see that his cooking skills were quite superb. At the beginning of his rebirth, he originally decided to continue to run a small restaurant like in his previous life, doing the industry he was very familiar with, but because of his age and It was not done because of funding.

But his cooking skills are constantly improving. When he has nothing to do, he goes to the kitchen to show off his skills. When the family is busy, he is almost the one who cooks!

As for the culinary skills of the eldest brother and sister-in-law, they were just so so. After being told by Li Tang, who was very picky about food, they only went to the kitchen to serve as guest chefs when no one was free to cook.

PS: I’m a bit busy, so I’ll update once a day temporarily, and I’ll update more when I have time!

(End of this chapter)

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