Chapter 176

Li Han wandered around the Lanjing City, ransacked all the top skinheads, including Tang Enbo and other unforgivable people's luck points, and the other party's bewitching points were all looted by him!For the rest of the good and bad people, he left a little luck for the other party to save their lives!
Looking around, Li Han, who was invisible, walked towards the office building where Jiang Guangtou was. He wanted to see if Jiang Guangtou was in a bad situation, so he made up the knife and gave him a ride!
Walking into the skinhead office building, Li Han heard some gossip from time to time.

"Do you still remember the contents of Bashu Liu Xiang's telegram to let him go to the field?" A young man in Zhongshan suit whispered to the people beside him.

"Of course I remember, the higher-ups just said it, said it..." The person who answered the sentence couldn't continue, he was a little scared at the moment.

"I think the commission may be possessed by evil spirits!"

"No, I think the commissioner should be punished by God!"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful to be heard by Daly's dog legs!"

"What are you afraid of? The committee members are too busy to take care of themselves. Once the committee members step down, Daly and his bastards will end up miserable. Without the committee members to support them, they are nothing!"

"Do you think Bashu and Liu Xiang are responsible for this?"

"You mean, Liu Xiang asked Mr. Feng Shui to assassinate the commissioner?"

Li Han stood next to these people as if no one was there, listening to their private conversations in an upright manner, and learned from their conversations that Jiang Guangtou fell miserably and is currently receiving treatment at Lanjing Hospital. He immediately turned around and went straight to Lanjing Hospital and go.

At this time, Lanjing Hospital was surrounded by groups, and there were soldiers with submachine guns guarding outside.There are also guards in Jiang's bald head attendant room wearing Zhongshan uniforms patrolling inside.

Even with such a defense of three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, Li Han walked in swaggeringly. Under the stealth, no one could see him. The unattainable breeze of the wind will not make people feel abnormal!
After entering Lanjing Hospital, Li Han's heart moved, and he went straight to the stairs guarded by guards in Chinese tunic suits. He thought that Jiang Guangtou was injured and hospitalized, and the defense must be tight. The guarded passage not far away must pass Go to the ward where Baldy Jiang is.

Seeing several guards blocking the intersection tightly, Li Han showed a disdainful smile, and with a move of his mind, he flew directly over their heads.

"Yunong, go ask some eminent monks and priests to exorcise me!" Baldy Jiang said to Dai Li weakly.Generalissimo Jiang, who has always regarded ghosts and gods as nothing, has received Western education, and believes in science, is obviously in a hurry and goes to the doctor at this time, and he is in a mess!
"Principal, don't worry, I've arranged for someone to invite the master!" Daly said immediately.

Li Han thought to himself: "What kind of master are you going to invite? Do you use the top of the bald donkey? The bald donkey in Huaguo respects the monk Bodhidharma as the ancestor, and even pays people to write novels like "Journey to the West" to deify him. The essence is nothing more than defrauding the people of their property to achieve the goal of getting something for nothing! Let me give the Chairman a ride!"

"The bald donkey advocates the equality of all beings, puts down the butcher knife and becomes a Buddha immediately. In fact, it is completely nonsense. The rich or wealthy can shave or become a monk. It's not because the bald donkey is jealous of the other party's wealth and power. There are so many beggars who can't eat in the history of China. , Have you ever seen a bald donkey show mercy to them? Have you ever seen a beggar convert to Buddhism?"

In order to make Jiang Guangtou's death an accident, Li Han looked at the available things in the room and saw that the chairman's arm was being infused. He wanted to break the infusion tube and squeeze some air in with his thoughts, but he Thinking that if he did this, he would hurt innocent medical staff again, so he rejected this method.

Seeing a light bulb falling from the top of the opponent's head, he decided to use his mind to make the light bulb fall, and then controlled the glass piece to pierce the opponent's forehead!
Li Han mobilized his thoughts to make the light bulb fall, and hit the chairman's forehead directly. When the light bulb shattered, he controlled three glass shards, allowing two of them to pierce the opponent's eyes and one between the opponent's eyebrows!
Both eyes were pierced by shards of glass, and the chairman was about to scream. At this moment, a shard penetrated between his eyebrows, severed his nerves, and ended his pain.

"Appointment! Appointment!" Daly was stunned by the scene in front of him. He was stunned, and ran out of the room and shouted: "Doctor, doctor!"

Before the doctor arrived, Daly suddenly woke up. He found that he was the only one in the chairman's ward just now. He couldn't escape the crime of the chairman's accident.He didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly ran out before anyone saw the miserable situation of the chairman, and slipped away!
Li Han shook his head, turned around and left. After returning to Shanghai, he asked Du Yuesheng to instruct the major newspapers to report the death of the chairman of the committee. At the same time, he directed public opinion to expel the invasion, restore the territory, and praised Bashu for declaring war on Japan. This move encourages Chinese people to join the army!

In order to test the combat effectiveness of the First Butcher's Knife Division and the Second Butcher's Knife Division, Li Han sent Jiang Guangtou to the west, then flew back to Bashu incognito, and took 1000 troops from each of the Butcher's Knife Division and the Second Butcher's Knife Division. They bought a lot of arms, food, medicine, etc., and then flew to the three northeastern provinces.

When he was about to enter the three eastern provinces, Li Han found a hidden mountain area, dug a large cave in a small mountain, and stored the munitions, food, and other materials in the cave.Then 2000 people were released.

"This is in the mountains and forests on the border of the three eastern provinces. Over there is the area occupied by the Japanese little devils. You left 1000 troops to guard the warehouse. I stored a lot of ammunition, food, medicine, etc. in the warehouse. The rest of the people Attack the Kwantung Army in Japan!" Li Han ordered the soldiers in front of him.

"Boss, I, Wang Yaowu, am willing to lead the troops to attack the little devils!" said Wang Yaowu, the brigade commander of the First Division and First Brigade of Tudao.

"Okay! Let you lead the team! Pay attention to safety. Although you are all elite soldiers, shells have no eyes. If there are too many casualties, be careful and I won't spare you!" Li Han nodded and agreed. He warned Wang Yaowu.

"Zhang Zhenguo, I will leave this place to you, and the safety of the ammunition in the cave will be left to you!"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhenguo replied loudly.

"Wang Yaowu, there are individual equipment such as walkie-talkies and rocket launchers in the cave. You are all familiar with these things. Take someone to get them if you need them! I'll go first!" Li Han said to Wang Yaowu, and then flew into the air. Get up, disappear before everyone's eyes, and hide in the air. He is going to follow behind to see how powerful his carefully built army is!

Wang Yaowu thought that every soldier should be fully armed and only need to be equipped with some bazookas and walkie-talkies, so he led the crowd in and brought in a hundred bazookas, a thousand high-explosive rockets and a thousand armor-piercing rockets, In addition, they also took [-] walkie-talkies.

Thinking of ten people in each class, Wang Yaowu equipped each class with a bazooka, ten armor-piercing bombs and ten high-explosive bombs, and two walkie-talkies!After the equipment was divided, he said goodbye to Zhang Zhenguo, and led 1000 troops to fight towards the territory occupied by Japan.

"Stop! There is a little devil's stronghold ahead, Huang San, you lead your squad to take it away!" After leading the team not far away, Wang Yaowu looked around with a high-powered binoculars and found a little devil's stronghold in the distance , Immediately ordered to stop the march, and ordered Huang San to lead the soldiers of his squad to knock down the little devil's stronghold.

"Yes! Traveler, don't worry, if it's a small base at night, I can handle it by myself!" Huang San said confidently.

"Be careful, don't cause any casualties!" Although Wang Yaowu knew that Huang San didn't say anything big, he still reminded the other party to pay attention to safety.

 Thanks to Chuangshi Yikui, Zhang Yang, Yan Wuxin brothers, and Qidian Lone Star Mochizuki 2000 brothers for their rewards today!
  Recommend a book, the title of which is "Super Interstellar Gangster", a science fiction novel, written in a very distinctive way, if you like book friends, you can go and read it!

(End of this chapter)

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