Chapter 168
Leaving the Black Dragon Club Dojo, Li Han wandered around Tokyo, looting the luck points and bewitching points of many high-ranking officials in Japan. Thinking that they still have a lot of uses, the dog-eat-dog show between little devils and foreign devils has not yet started, so he left them alone. Life.

More than a hundred little devils from the Black Dragon Society who were bewitched by Li Han were not idle. They set out in full outfit. They were ghosts and monsters with many skills. to the shrine.

"What are you going to do?" The monks at the Yasukuni Shrine saw a group of strangers breaking in and asked the strangers in front of them uneasily.

"Send you to meet Amaterasu!" The middle-aged kid who was the leader of the Black Dragon Society explained to him with a smile on his face. Thinking that he will be under Amaterasu's sect in the future, there will be many opportunities to meet each other. Get on good terms.

"No!" The monk begged for mercy when he heard that the other party was going to send him to see Amaterasu, and realized that the other party wanted his own life.

"Baga! Amaterasu called you into the divine realm with good intentions, but you are still pushing the envelope. It is obvious that you don't take Amaterasu's good intentions seriously. Humph! I will shed my mortal body for you first, and wait until I become a god. I will definitely expose you to Amaterasu when you are a close servant of Amaterasu!" The middle-aged devil frowned and thrust a knife into the monk's chest.

"Quick! Move quickly!" The middle-aged little devil gave an order, and members of the Black Dragon Society filed in, looking for the monks and guards in the Yasukuni Shrine.

Teams of Black Dragon Society members shuttled through the Yasukuni Shrine, assassinating monks and guards one by one. Then the Black Dragon Society members carried gasoline and poured it on the wooden walls of the Yasukuni Shrine.


Several members of the Black Dragon Association took out matches and lit the Yasukuni Shrine, which was filled with gasoline, and then left quickly, returning to the Black Dragon Association dojo to wait for the divine envoy to come again and prepare for the construction of the Mount Fuji Shrine.

Gasoline is inherently flammable and will ignite when exposed to fire. In the blink of an eye, the Yasukuni Shrine was a sea of ​​flames. The flames soared into the sky and illuminated the dark sky red. The wooden Yasukuni Shrine burned more and more fiercely, and the fire spread like wildfire!
The fire devoured the oxygen in the vicinity, causing the pressure of the surrounding air to drop. In a blink of an eye, a wind was formed. The wind became stronger and stronger, and the flames became stronger and stronger. In a blink of an eye, the residential buildings next to the Yasukuni Shrine were also destroyed!

It was dark night when the fire started, and almost all the little devils fell asleep until the flames spread and felt the heat. They were awakened with a start, and when they opened their eyes, they found that the house was on fire. They surround.

"Ah!" The little devils surrounded by flames screamed in panic, but unfortunately, the raging fire surrounded them, and there was no way to go to heaven or earth, and what was waiting for them was to be burned alive and turned into a human being Type Ashes!
The little devil's loud shouts and cries for help, like a beautiful movement, made Li Han feel unsatisfied after listening to it. He was so excited that he didn't forget to take out his camera to take pictures.

After a while, all the little devils around were awakened by the screams. They took washbasins and buckets, filled them with water, and started to put out the fire. Trucks arrived and joined the firefighters.

It's a pity that the little devil's buildings are almost all wooden structures, which will burn when exposed to fire. Although water can extinguish fire, it is small but fire is big. Water, which originally restrains fire, is doomed to have little effect!Otherwise, how could there be an allusion of burning the sky and boiling the sea?
With the joint efforts of the little devil soldiers and the little devil people, the fire was controlled. Although the fire could not be extinguished, it prevented the fire from spreading.

A young Japanese soldier saw a fire in his home and heard his parents, wife and children's cries for help. He poured a basin of water over himself and rushed into the burning home with the intention of saving his relatives.

"Send you to reunite with your family!" Li Han looked at the little devil who was trying to save others with cold eyes, a bullet appeared in his hand in a flash, and with a movement of his wrist, the bullet was thrown at him as a hidden weapon. Shoot the little devil.

"Puff!" With a sound, the little devil who had just run into the flames was pierced by the bullets that were approaching rapidly. Due to inertia, although he was killed, he still ran forward for a few meters, which was the 'boom' He fell into the flames with a sound.

"Baga! Who set the fire on earth, don't let me catch it, otherwise, I will make him feel like a thousand cuts!" A little devil general with the rank of major general roared with a ferocious expression.

"Your Excellency, there is still the smell of gasoline in the air. I believe that the person who set the fire must have used gasoline, and gasoline is a strategic material of our Great Eastern Empire. It is strictly controlled and is not accessible to ordinary people. Arson Since you can use gasoline to support combustion, you must have a certain status!"

A little devil with the rank of chief, after a moment of silence, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and then he said to the little devil major general.

"Inagawa-kun is worthy of being a top student of the empire. In such a short period of time, you have found clues to the person who set the fire!"

"Your Excellency General, Inagawa is ashamed to show you love!" Osa Inagawa bowed his head.

"Mr. Inagawa, how do you think we can find the person who set the fire?" Major General Little Devil asked Inagawa eagerly and curiously.

"General, this subordinate thinks that we should follow the clue of gasoline. The gasoline in our Great Eastern Empire is strictly controlled, and every shipment and entry of gasoline is registered. As long as you bring those materials over and check them carefully, you will be able to find them." Find out the information about the person who bought gasoline for arson!" The little devil Inagawa said with certainty.

"How do you know?" Major General Little Devil asked.

"General, the residual smell in the air is the smell of gasoline, not kerosene, so ordinary people can be excluded from committing crimes, and every gasoline in and out of the warehouse is registered. Gasoline is usually bought by people who own a car at home. We only need to buy it." Call up the records of gasoline purchases within three months, and you will be able to find out who the murderer is!"

"Tell me in detail!"

"Hey! There is almost no difference in the gasoline consumed by each car within a certain period of time. If there is a sudden increase, we can list the people who bought gasoline as suspects and conduct verification!" the little devil Inagawa explained.

"Yoxi!" The little devil gave a thumbs up to Inagawa.

Li Han nodded secretly when he heard the conversation between the two, and said in his heart: "It seems that the little devil is not too stupid. He found the clue to solve the arson case so quickly!"

Walking through the void, bullets appeared in Li Han's hands from time to time, shooting and killing the little devil soldiers who intended to rush into the flames. The head of the little devil soldier in the sea of ​​fire, the bullet with sufficient spare power penetrated the head of the little devil soldier and then penetrated deeply into the ground!

 Ask for collection, ask for subscription, ask for recommendation, ask for reward
(End of this chapter)

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