Super Extraction

Chapter 150 The Cheers of the 81 Military Factory

Chapter 150 Cheers at the Bayi Military Factory
Huaguo has a long history and profound cultural background. The Chinese who are deeply influenced by Huaguo culture have a relatively reserved personality. To put it bluntly, they like to hide good things and will not show them easily!
Chinese people are humble and polite, which may seem timid and fearful to foreign devils, but the reality is completely different! The natural disasters of more than 5000 years have not destroyed the Chinese, and the Chinese have not been conquered no matter how many foreign invasions!

The Chinese were originally descendants of Yan and Huang, but the ethnic group of the Chinese has an incomparably strong compatibility. For countless years, the minority ethnic groups have joined the big family of the Chinese. Now, the Chinese compatriots who have settled overseas are not counted, but the Chinese in the country are 56 ethnic groups, 18 billion people!

The history of humiliation in modern times awakened every Chinese. Every Chinese worked hard for the revitalization of the motherland, and paid tears, blood and lives for the strength of the motherland!
The Bayi Military Factory, located in the mountainous area on the edge of the foggy city in the southwest, was established on August [-], [-]. It is hidden in the mountainside, and there is a large area of ​​closed mountainous area outside the military factory.

There are two functions of closing mountain areas, one is to return farmland to forests to improve the natural environment!The second is a closed and inaccessible mountain area for military use!
Since its establishment, Bayi Military Factory has been responsible for composite material research, military equipment design, military equipment manufacturing, etc. The members of the military factory have lived in the military factory for most of their lives. At that time, they had the opportunity to go out of the mountains and see the outside world only after they were old and retired!

Although the Bayi Military Factory is called a military factory, it is actually a large-scale multifunctional military factory. It not only has a material research center, but also has a composite metal material smelting center, a military equipment design center, a military equipment manufacturing factory, and so on.

From the outside, the towering mountains are ordinary, without any strangeness. Who would have thought that the sides of the mountains were basically hollowed out, and the inside of the mountains was full of machinery and equipment, with tens of thousands of people hiding in them!
"Chief, the equipment has been adjusted. After the test, everything is normal. Do you want to start the test now?" A young man in military uniform walked up to a middle-aged man with the rank of lieutenant general and reported.

"Start the experiment!" The middle-aged man felt uneasy, but there was a firmness in his words that could not be questioned.

"Yes!" The young man saluted, turned around and said loudly, "Start the experiment!"

One by one, the equipment was activated by the staff, and various materials were added to the furnaces one by one.

"Academician Pan, I wonder if this S5 alloy test will be successful?" Lieutenant General Zhang Zhenhua asked Academician Pan Huafeng next to him.

"General Zhang, we have samples of S5 alloy and the production materials of S5 alloy. Presumably there is no big problem in this trial of S5 alloy!" Although Academician Li was not sure whether the test was successful, he still thought that the test Nothing to ask!
"If this test is successful, our Bayi Arsenal will be busy. Once S5 alloy is successfully produced, not only firearms, cannons, and aircraft will use S5 alloy, but even the production of aircraft carriers will use S5 alloy. S5 alloy produces military equipment, and the military strength of our motherland will definitely skyrocket!" Zhang Zhenhua said excitedly.

"That's right! In the past, it was because of the materials that Huaguo couldn't manufacture many weapons. Now that the S5 alloy is produced, some military equipment that was previously restricted by materials can be put on the agenda again!" Pan Huafeng sighed.

"Furnace No. [-] heats up to two thousand degrees!"

"The speed of the No. [-] furnace has been increased by [-] revolutions!"

"The No. [-] furnace is starting to heat up!"

"The output valve of furnace No. [-] is open!"

"The output valve of Furnace No. [-] is open!"

One by one, the experimenters were counting the time with a stopwatch, and when the time was up, they gave various instructions to the workers who operated the equipment!

"I heard that the research and manufacture of the S5 alloy is very strictly controlled. Not only one of your divisions has strengthened the defense, but the Sky Supervision Department has also sent hundreds of people to guard secretly!" Pan Huafeng asked Zhang Zhenhua.

"Yes! Leader Wang Zuo was worried that the S5 information would be leaked and stolen by the spies in Meilijian. He discussed it with Yi Kui, the head of the Supervisory Department's headquarters, for a long time. Finally, the Supervisory Department dispatched fifty pills and two hundred transformations. Jin-level warriors secretly guard the Bayi Military Factory!" Zhang Zhenhua responded.

"Add No. [-] material into No. [-] furnace and prepare to add No. [-] material and prepare to cool down!" Instructions were issued one after another, and each worker pressed the buttons accordingly and responded.

"Hey! I don't know when I'll be able to go home and have a look!" Pan Huafeng said in a low voice, having not been home for more than 20 years.

"Thank you, Academician Pan, you have paid too much for the country, and you have been staying in this isolated place in obscurity!" Zhang Zhenhua said reverently.

"Report to the chief, the experiment is over, please give instructions!" The former youth ran over again and reported to Zhang Zhenhuahui.

"Test and record the physical and chemical parameters of the experimental product!" Zhang Zhenhua ordered.

"Yes!" The young man saluted, turned around and left quickly.

"After the experiment is completed, I am a little worried about what I will gain and lose. I am afraid that the experiment will fail, so I will be happy for nothing!" Zhang Zhenhua said to Pan Huafeng.

"Don't worry, we have samples of S5 alloy and the production materials of S5 alloy. When we tried to make S5 alloy, we followed the information of S5 alloy! How could it fail? Unless the information is forged!" Pan Huafeng enlightened .

An experimenter tested the hardness of the experimental product, and then excitedly said: "Record, the hardness is 84 degrees!"

One by one, the experimenters tested other properties of the experimental products one by one. The data on the record sheet continued to improve, and there were more and more smiles on their faces!

The young man excitedly picked up the material physical and chemical test data sheet, strode wildly, and excitedly said to Zhang Zhenhua: "Report to the chief, the experiment is over, here are the data of the material!"

"Hahahahaha! It's a success. It won't take long for our Hua country's military strength to be able to fear no country in the world!" Zhang Zhenhua laughed heartily when he saw the numbers on the data sheet. He felt elated at this moment.

"Show me!" Pan Huafeng took a look at the experimental data sheet, and found that the values ​​on the test data sheet were slightly different from those of the S5 alloy sample, and he was overjoyed.

"We made it!"

"The S5 alloy was manufactured by us!"

The employees of the composite material manufacturing plant cheered and rushed to tell each other. Many people burst into tears and wept with joy, and many people couldn't help hugging together.

Living in an isolated mountainous area, they spend most of their time working, working, and working!They never slack off!Overseas countries are watching with eager eyes, so they dare not relax for a moment!They seldom laugh and look like machines with expressionless faces, but at this moment, they are smiling and extremely excited!
From the moment they entered the Bayi Military Factory, the staff of the Arsenal knew their mission. For the sake of the motherland, they were destined to spend their youth in this isolated mountain forest. For more compatriots to enjoy peace, they shouldered too much too much!

"Academician Pan, I propose three days in Daqing to let the brothers and sisters in the arsenal rest and rest!" Zhang Zhenhua said to Pan Huafeng.

"General Zhang, although I agree with your proposal, I think they will definitely not rest, at least until the production of S5 alloy materials is not scaled up, they have no intention of resting!" Pan Huafeng said.

Pan Huafeng's simple words made Zhang Zhenhua a little nervous.

 I would like to use this chapter to pay tribute to those military factory workers who are working for national defense. Many of them live in the mountainside of Fengshan District, and their lives are almost dark, but we are wasting this hard-won peace!Thank you to those soldiers who guarded our country!
(End of this chapter)

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