Super Extraction

Chapter 14 The end of the college entrance examination

Chapter 14 The end of the college entrance examination

Chapter 14. The college entrance examination is over

All kinds of materials are properly prepared, and it may be a good time to travel through time and space in the eyes of others, but in Li Han's view, it is not suitable for him to enter the end-time plane. As for why, there are actually many reasons.

One is to enter the apocalyptic plane. Not to mention whether it is difficult to find valuable things such as gold, antiques, diamonds, and scientific and technological materials. Even if it is easy to get those valuable things, how to sell them is another big problem!
At his young age, he looks like a hairless little guy to outsiders. He sells things like diamonds and gold. What will the buyers think?He will definitely suspect that the thing came from a wrong way, and it is very likely that he will be regarded as a thief, sent to the police station, and then he will get a pennant like an enthusiastic citizen!
It is even more difficult to deal with things like black technology, and sell them?No kidding, buyers can tell the benefits are huge just by looking at this stuff!

Either the buyer directly invades it, and then refuses to accept it!Or borrow flowers to present Buddha and donate them to the country. Who will own the pennant then?Li Hankou said that there is no proof, and he can't argue with it. What evidence does he have to prove that those scientific and technological materials belong to him?
It is easier to take novels and music from the apocalyptic plane, copy or organize them and sell them for money, but whether you can get these things depends entirely on luck. Things like movies or TV series must be restored into scripts before they can be produced. , sell it directly?How do you explain actors in movies and TV series?

In fact, one of the most important reasons is.The college entrance examination is coming soon, and Li Han doesn't have so much time to go treasure hunting in the end-time plane. Although the equipment is ready, it seems that the conditions for shuttle are ripe, but the timing is not so right!
Since ancient times, more means victory, less means less, let alone nothing?

As a human being in two lifetimes, he has done things to the point of being impeccable, at least like entering a dangerous world like the end-time plane, so he naturally needs to think carefully and prepare as much as possible!
Suppressing the excitement and urgency in his heart, Li Han began to review the high school textbooks tirelessly, and also found some previous college entrance examination questions from, doing it over and over again.

The foreign language teachers are still so sexy and provocative, and the students are still so serious!

But Li Han knew that he would separate things soon. Maybe after today's separation, many classmates will disappear from his life. Maybe he can meet a few more in the college entrance examination hall the day after tomorrow. Maybe he can continue his relationship when he gets his diploma. Maybe we can see each other during the class reunion!
During the college entrance examination, the students messed up the order.Some people are destined to come early and some people will come late when getting their diplomas!When the classmates reunite, maybe everyone is busy, and there is no time at all!
After leaving the school, there will be huge changes in each other. Even if you don't change, what about others?
Taking a deep look at the busy students in the classroom with their heads bowed, Li Han didn't have much mood to think about what they have to do with him in the future. Let's cherish the high school career that is about to end!
In a blink of an eye, the first day of the college entrance examination came, and Li Han also ran to the examination room early, checked the admission ticket and ID card to the person in charge of the examination room, and then looked for his position according to the number on the admission ticket.

There are four exams on the first day, Chinese from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning, mathematics from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], and chemistry and physics in the afternoon, with a perfect score of [-] in each subject.

When Li Han was doing the questions, he didn't have the habit of grading the papers!In his opinion, spending time to read the paper is a waste of time!

I saw him pick up his pen and answer directly. Having lived in two generations, he is destined to be much smarter than his peers and has a much more comprehensive perspective on things. He finished the Chinese test paper on the table in just one hour.

As for why Li Han didn't read the paper again, in his opinion.Doing pre-question marking is very suitable for those who have poor grades and like to get into trouble!

That kind of people often have the character of never giving up until they achieve their goals. When they encounter a problem, they will try their best to solve it. As a result, they waste time unknowingly, and pre-question marking allows them to allocate it reasonably. time, skip difficult questions.

After checking it twice, I found nothing wrong. I didn't want to make other students nervous because I handed in the papers ahead of time, which would cause them to perform abnormally. Li Hanxuan stayed in his seat, pretending to be thinking seriously.

For the next math, Li Han spent half an hour finishing the questions on the paper, and checked it several times. Seeing that someone handed in the paper, he handed in the test paper, walked out of the examination room, and found a place to finish his lunch.

Subsequent exams in Physics, Chemistry, Politics, History, Eagle Language, Dongying Language, Korean Language, and Physical Education were also completed one by one.

Outside the examination room, there were already countless parents crowded together. Seeing their children get out of the examination room, they hurriedly asked how the exam was going. Naturally, some people were happy and some were worried.

Looking at the scorching sun above his head and the huge army of parents in front of him, he sighed in his heart!
Thinking that this was the case in my previous life, I couldn't help but sigh: "The best for my children will always be their parents. The ones who care about them the most and value them the most are always their parents. They have always been that way. They will never change and are irreplaceable!"

"Fortunately, I parked the battery car here. If I put it at the entrance of the examination room, I don't know if I can still come out?" Looking back at the still dense crowd in the examination room, Li Han admired his wise decision in the morning.

As for why his parents didn't come here, before leaving, Li Han said to his parents: "Your presence will make me nervous during the exam!" Then the two elders stayed at home, waiting for him to return in triumph.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, Li Han is in a very relaxed mood. He opens the battery car, twists his right hand, and everyone in the car leaves.

Before he entered the house, he found that his grandfather Li Zhigao, grandmother Xie Chengfang, father Li Desheng, mother Zhang Li, younger brother Li Tang, eldest brother Li Qin and sister-in-law Zhao Yaru were already sitting in the hall, and the meals were all on the table, waiting for him Alone.

"Grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, I'm back!" Li Han walked in quickly.

"Second boy, how did you do in the exam?" The gray-haired Li Zhigao asked him how he did in the exam.In the past, my second grandson's grades were not very good, and he didn't have much expectations.

"It shouldn't be bad! I have studied hard for the past six months. If I don't get a good grade in the exam, wouldn't it be a waste of hard work for half a year?" Li Han replied.

"Then, Xiao Er, how many points do you think you can take?" Grandma Xie Chengfang was more direct than grandpa Li Zhigao, directly asking him how many points he thought he could take.

Seeing his grandfather, grandmother, father, and mother all staring at him, Li Han thought for a while and did not answer directly. Instead, he asked: "Dad, I remember that my eldest brother scored [-] points in the exam a few years ago. You gave him a reward." How much does it cost?"

"That year your eldest brother scored [-] points in the exam, and the family was happy, and gave him [-] pocket money!" Li Desheng replied directly without thinking too much.

"Then, if I get [-] points in the test, how much will you give me?" Li Han asked curiously.

"I'll give you [-] too!" Li Desheng didn't care much, and promised directly.

"What if I get [-] points?" Li Han continued to ask.

"Then I'll add another [-]!" Li Desheng said without thinking.

"Nine hundred points?" Li Han continued to ask.

"I will directly give you a hundred thousand pocket money, and I will give you five thousand monthly living expenses during college!" Li Desheng did not believe that Li Han could get [-] points. Anyway, he would not get that much in the end. Isn't this one hundred thousand his own in the end?
"Okay, if I get more than 900 points in the exam, Dad, don't be reluctant to give me the pocket money of 10 yuan!" Li Han was very pleasantly surprised, secretly thinking that his initial capital has been secured.

"Xiao Er, can you really score [-] in the test?" Li Zhigao couldn't help asking him curiously when he saw his confident look.

"It's almost like ten! Ten subjects, each with a hundred points. It shouldn't be too difficult to get a nine hundred points, right?"

Li Han did the math, the composition of Chinese should lose a few points at most, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history should be full marks without exception, sports should give himself [-] points, eagle language, Dongying language, Korean language and politics should also be able to It looks like it's in the nineties.

"Xiao Er, are you so confident?" Li Desheng looked at him suspiciously and asked.

"Dad, just prepare the money. The results will be available in a week anyway!"

(End of this chapter)

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