Super Extraction

Chapter 120 Zombie Harvester

Chapter 120 Zombie Harvester

Doomsday plane!

"Director, I have modified an armored vehicle specially designed to harvest zombies. Do you want to take a look?" Ouyang Xuan, a mechanical expert at the arsenal, walked up to Wang Feng and said to him with a somewhat excited expression.

"An armored vehicle for harvesting zombies? What does it look like? Take me to have a look!" Wang Feng reacted quickly and said eagerly.

"Factory Manager, follow me!" Ouyang Xuan led Wang Feng to the place where his modified armored vehicle was placed.

What appeared in front of Wang Feng was a tracked four-seater armored vehicle. It was supposed to be a Tiger tank. At this moment, the Tiger's original appearance changed drastically. Even the large-caliber gun barrel on the top of it disappeared without a trace, but some Murderous look!

However, the Tiger tank no longer has its original appearance at this time. Except for the lower track that remains the same, the surface is covered with reamers. There are a total of twelve reamers on the left, right, front, back, and top. Sub, obviously can be rotated.

"Director, I've enlarged the fuel tank a lot, so that the power of this zombie-harvesting armored vehicle can last longer!" Ouyang Xuan explained. The means of attack were shifted to cold weapons.

Ouyang Xuan knew very well that a zombie can only be killed by hitting its head!Whether it is guns or shells, the efficiency of killing zombies is too low. If there is no triangular knife and tunnel made by the boss, these survivors may have unfortunately disappeared long ago!

A simple triangular knife is more powerful against zombies than a gun. Ouyang Xuan, who has seen the triangular knife maim zombies one by one, has always wanted to design a machine that can kill zombies quickly!
When he thought about it, since a triangular knife placed on the ground could maim every zombie, if there was something like a triangular knife that could move, wouldn't it be easy to kill zombies?
By chance, the desktop computer used by Ouyang Xuan broke down. When he took the computer apart, his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw the cooling fan of the computer. In an instant, he was ecstatic and thought of an excellent weapon against zombies. !

After that, Ouyang Xuan begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to find some electrical and mechanical elites, and it took about a month before he finished refitting the zombie-harvesting armored car in front of him.

"Harvesting the lost armored vehicle, why do I think the name is a bit confusing? How about calling it a zombie harvester?" Wang Feng looked around the armored vehicle and said.

"Zombie Harvester, the name is appropriate, let's call it Zombie Harvester!" Ouyang Xuan thought to himself several times, and felt that the Zombie Harvester was indeed easier to pronounce than the armored vehicle for harvesting zombies, so he immediately agreed.

"This thing has consumed your countless efforts, right?" Wang Feng looked at Ouyang Xuan and said.

"Well! It took two days to drill the holes on the armored vehicle. It took a few more days to dismantle the fort and refit the armor, especially the installation and debugging of the machines inside. It also took almost two weeks. Time, as for the two pages of reamers outside, it didn't take much time!" Ouyang Xuan replied.

"From the appearance, it looks like a weapon that can be used to kill zombies, but I don't know what the effect will be after it is activated?" Wang Feng questioned a little.

"Director Wang, stand farther away, I'll start the zombie harvester!" Ouyang Xuan suggested.

"Yeah! Be careful!" Wang Feng nodded.

Ouyang Xuan walked to the door of the lost harvester, stretched out his hand and turned the blade blocking the door a little, then opened a small door, and went straight in.

After entering the interior of the zombie harvester, Ouyang Xuan pulled a few levers, and after a few clicks, the reamer base outside the car was connected to the machine power interface inside the car.

Afterwards, Ouyang Xuan activated the zombie harvester.

The sound of "buzzing buzzing!" was heard, followed by another click, the zombie harvester in Wang Feng's sight began to move towards the outside, and the reamers on the harvester also spun rapidly.

Looking at the rapidly rotating reamers, Wang Feng felt a little creepy, and couldn't help but think of the situation when he walked up to the zombie harvester and was cut into pieces of meat in an instant by the reamers all over it.

Unable to keep his imagination flowing, Wang Feng felt weak all over his body and his legs trembled a little.

Ouyang Xuan drove the zombie harvester around twice on the surrounding roads before driving the zombie harvester back.

"Don't come here, stay away from me!" Wang Feng said in fear when he saw the zombie harvester coming towards him.

Fortunately, Ouyang Xuan had no intention of assassinating him, so he stopped the zombie harvester ten meters away from him.

Pull a few levers to make the reamer lose power, and waited until the reamer stopped rotating before Ouyang Xuan opened the car door, but found that the door was blocked by the reamer blades, and he couldn't get out at all.

Ouyang Xuan shouted to Wang Feng with some embarrassment: "Director Wang, come and help me, my car door is blocked by a reamer!"

"Here we come!" Wang Feng walked over and moved the reamer blade away.

"How is it? Director Wang, is my zombie harvester not bad?" Ouyang Xuan said proudly.

"It's a very powerful weapon! If you drive this zombie harvester into the crowd of zombies and intersperse it several times, killing zombies is as easy as a harvester cutting wheat!" Wang Feng praised.

"It seems that our hard work this month has not been in vain!" Ouyang Xuan's expression became even more gloomy.

"However! This zombie harvester has a lot of flaws. I looked at it just now, and it can only see the front. It seems that the situation on the back and sides cannot be found. There is no hook installed on the back. If something goes wrong , After running out of fuel, being overwhelmed by zombies, sitting in the car waiting to die?"

Seeing Ouyang Xuan's complacent look, Wang Feng would inevitably give him some blows to prevent him from being too proud. If he can't find any faults, isn't his ability to be a leader too weak?
"The factory director is right. I have also discovered these problems, and I am going to fix them!" Ouyang Xuan nodded repeatedly, thinking that the factory director is still very good, and pointed out the problems of the zombie harvester at a glance.

"Work hard! I am optimistic about you, and you will be the head of the machinery department in the future! This zombie harvester will be converted into more than a dozen vehicles as soon as possible, and it's time to show the zombies how powerful they are!" Wang Feng patted Ouyang Xuan on the shoulder, Seeing his agitated expression, he turned and left.

"By the way, this zombie harvester, I will notify Zhang Tieniu and the others to come and drive away!" Wang Feng turned to Ouyang Xuan and said.

"Yes! I see!" Ouyang Xuan nodded.

Afterwards, Wang Feng left, thinking to himself: "The boss is right. A zombie without wisdom, no matter how powerful it is, is no match for a creative human being! Just a dozen zombie harvesters can definitely wipe out countless zombies!"

"The zombies keep getting stronger. Although the speed of becoming stronger is not very fast, if they continue to evolve, with their numbers, they will overwhelm humans sooner or later. It is better to exterminate them as soon as possible!"

 Thank you, brother Wang Zuo, book friend, brother Xiong Jun, book friend, book friend Yuanlai is your brother's reward!

  This is the first update today!Recommend a book "Super Ghost Hunting System"!
  Ask for collection, recommendation, and motivation!

(End of this chapter)

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