Super Extraction

Chapter 11 The Crazy Li Han

Chapter 11 The Crazy Li Han

Li Han has been a little crazy these days. When he was in school, he read books like crazy, just wanting to get a good grade in the college entrance examination!
He knew that if he got the highest score in the county, he would get a lot of power of luck, and if he got the best score in Wudu City, he would get more power of luck. With the power of luck, he might be able to break through one or two levels of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu!

Although he doesn't like reading very much, he doesn't like studying very much, but in order to quickly break through the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu and obtain stronger martial power, he must try his best to obtain the strange and unpredictable power of luck!
He had to study hard. Although everyone in the class was also reviewing hard, Li Han worked harder than many of them!
In school, except when going to the toilet and eating, Li Han read with a book, and Pan Danjiang and Pan Changhe never came to provoke him again, and he enjoyed the hard-earned peace !

It is not difficult for him to enter a university, but the difficulty lies in getting the number one in the county, the number one in Wucheng City, and the number one in the country.

After returning home, Li Han ate dinner, washed the food, and went to his room. His parents thought he was about to face the college entrance examination, so they didn't bother him.

When he entered the room, he didn't do anything, just fell on the bed and started to sleep, even if it was not dark, he didn't feel sleepy, anyway, he went to sleep after eating.

It's not that he wants to sleep, it's not that he wants to sleep, it's just that he wants to dream, even in the daytime, he also wants to dream!

He imagined that just like a few days ago, he got the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu from his dream, and then he got magical weapons, medicine pills, martial arts cheats, natural materials and earth treasures, technological entertainment, and supernatural mechs from his dreams again.
But dreams are not something he can do whatever he wants. Ordinary people may still have insomnia and dreamy dreams at night. It is because they spend too much time, think too much during the day, and are too tired!

Li Han's strength has become several times stronger in the past few days. He is full of energy and high spirits all day long. Naturally, he is not dreaming as he is well rested!
He tossed and turned over and over again, but he just didn't feel sleepy. He lay on the bed without falling asleep for a long time, so he got up, thinking that he should turn on the computer and have a look. He hadn't surfed the Internet for several days.

The computer started, and in less than ten seconds, Li Han looked at the desktop of the computer, not knowing what to do. He opened the Feige chat software and logged in to his account, only to find that a classmate in junior high school had left a message for him, inviting him to Three days later, on Saturday, I participated in the class reunion at the original restaurant in the county seat.

"Classmates' association, classmates' association, breaking a couple is a couple!" Looking at the three words "classmates' association" above, Li Han remembered the classmates' association in his previous life, the classmate's association that broke up countless families, it is even more mother-in-law than mother-in-law!

Although the mother-in-law broke up a lot of love affairs, she wanted to find a better home for her daughter. Although it was only the best in her mind, it might not be the most suitable for her daughter!

The classmate reunion is different, they have already married, each of them has a family, and after a few glasses of wine, they don't care about their family responsibilities, and they don't care about their children's future!

The beauty of the family has long gone to nowhere, and only the grievances I have suffered in these years are in my head. When I see the former lover, my blood immediately surges, and the old love rekindles!
The classmate reunion in the previous life has long been no longer pure. Li Han participated in it once or twice, but never went there again. He saw some people's old feelings rekindled, and he also saw some people with swollen faces to pretend to be fat. He just wanted to show off in front of his classmates. A classmate who never participated in the class reunion.

At this time, when he saw the invitation message from his former junior high school classmate, Li Han thought for a while and crossed out the message. He was not in the mood to continue playing Feige, so he quit Feige and opened

It may be that the owner of the website changed the name of the website to Dingdong because the doorbell at home is a dingdong sound. Not only will there be a dingdong sound when opening the website, but it will also sound when searching for something on Ding Dong, the most important thing is that clicking on anything on this website will make a Ding Dong!
After opening, Li Han looked at the latest consultations every day, and found that it wasn't that some people were brave enough to fight for righteousness, and so and so won the pennant after collecting money, but it was that so and so overcame all kinds of difficulties through unyielding efforts. Get something great.

Li Han knew that all the positive energy news on the top was actually for the power of luck. If you think about it, if you do these things without the power of luck, this pie that everyone yearns for will be in front of you, and there will be many extinctions. People don't do that.

Looking through the military news, I found that the coal fleet was cruising and provoking near the territorial waters of Huaguo again. Li Han also knew that it was because Huaguo had made too much money from coal frying during this period, so he drove the fleet Come to provoke, just to regain a little bit of luck!
Even so, the anger in his heart is boundless. If the two countries fight at this time, I believe he will actively join the army, even if he is just a cannon fodder, he will never back down!
Gritting his teeth, he crossed out the important military news, and with a ding dong, the page returned to the home page of Li Han looked at it, and suddenly thought that if he watched a movie by himself, would he dream when he was going to sleep?
I think about it day by day and dream about it at night. Let’s give it a try.

With the attitude of giving it a try, Li Han opened the movie section, thought about it, and suddenly remembered the recently popular apocalyptic movie "Ruins", and immediately searched it out.

After a ding dong, Li Han opened the movie ruins and started watching.

After a brief background introduction, a dilapidated town appeared in front of him. The streets of the town were full of dilapidated cars, and the glass of many cars was shattered!
Garbage was littered everywhere on the street, and many rotting corpses wandered around unconsciously like walking dead. When the walking corpses moved, there were drops of black things dripping down. Li Han knew what kind of zombies they were. A corpse that can act on instinct.

Suddenly, an armored vehicle rushed out of the street and drove towards this direction crazily. The slow-moving zombies rushed towards the armored vehicle like a beast that had been hungry for a few days. The speed was like the wind, not faster than normal How much slower does a person run?

"Bang bang bang!" The guns on the armored vehicle began to spit bullets, knocking the zombies back!

But what surprised Li Han was that those unconscious corpses seemed to have no feeling and no vitals. Even if they were shot more than a dozen times, they could move freely. It didn't take long for the zombies in the town to come out one by one. , surrounded by armored vehicles.

"Brother Dong, hit them on the head!" A young man in the armored vehicle noticed that the zombies who had been shot in the head fell to the ground, and immediately reminded the person beside him.

"Old horse, drive faster, get out!" Seeing that the zombies were about to surround him and others, the other person eagerly shouted at the driver.

Li Han gradually became fascinated by watching it. After a few minutes, he realized that the armored vehicle was out looking for food. The man who was opening the lock shouted, "Open the door!"

PS: Ask for some recommendation tickets. The recommendation of book friends is the motivation of the tortoise. The tortoise crawls slowly. , as long as you recommend a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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