Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 9: The First Soul Skill

Chapter 9 The First Soul Skill
Flender squinted his eyes, looked at the ghost wolves rushing up, his hands were clawed, the soul ring on his body shone with a unique light, his figure flashed, and instantly appeared in front of the ghost wolves.

Flender's hands were wrong, and several green lights flashed across the air. The head of the leading ghost wolf burst instantly, and the whole body flew backwards, even hitting the two ghost wolves behind.

The first soul skill, speed up!
The second soul skill, Eagle Claw!
Under the blessing of two yellow soul rings, Flender's figure was like a ghost, shuttling between the ghost wolves, and wherever he passed, the ghost wolves were instantly torn apart. In front of Flender is also like a piece of paper.

But the stimulation of blood, instead of scaring away the Nether Wolves, stimulated the bloodthirsty characteristics of the Nether Wolves, making them charge even more crazily.

Although under Flender's protection, none of the ghost wolves could get within ten meters of Ma Hongjun.

In this way, Flender and the wolves fell into a stalemate. Flender had to protect Ma Hongjun, so he couldn't rush behind the wolves and kill the wolf king, so the ghost wolves would not retreat.

At this time, the Nether Wolves had been completely stimulated by the blood, and the feeling of hunger made them gradually enter a state of immortality.

However, if it continues like this, it doesn't matter. After all, in the current situation, it is almost impossible for the Nether Wolves to break through Flender's defense.

It only needs to wait until Ma Hongjun finishes his cultivation, and it is not a matter of every minute to clean up these ghost wolves.

But things didn't always go as expected, three light blades shot out from behind the pack of wolves, and slashed towards the cultivating Ma Hongjun.

"Storm wolf!" Flender was startled when he saw the wind blade, how could there be a blast wolf among the nether wolves!
At this moment, Flender didn't care about disturbing Ma Hongjun, and the fifth spirit ring on his body instantly lit up.

The black light flickered, and a tornado suddenly rose around Ma Hongjun. The tornado formed a wind wall and protected Ma Hongjun inside. Not as big as the waves.

But at this moment, countless flames shot out from the tornado and flew towards the pack of wolves.

"Boom—boom bang—"

The flames flew into the pack of wolves, and immediately set off bursts of explosions. For a while, the pack of wolves was blown to pieces. Even if the ghost wolves who escaped the explosion by chance, once they were contaminated by the flames of the explosion, the fire would instantly magnify, and the flames It is also extremely adhesive, no matter how the ghost wolf rolls, it cannot be extinguished.

Is the soul ring absorbed so fast?Is this still a soul ring that has been absorbed beyond the limit of years?
When Flender saw the flames, he knew that Ma Hongjun had awakened, so he immediately withdrew his soul ability. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ma Hongjun's soul ability to break through his ten thousand year soul ability and launch an attack.

Flender looked around at the ghost wolves wounded by Ma Hongjun's blast. Is this the power that the first spirit ring can cause?This power is not weaker than the general millennium soul ability.

However, Flender also saw something. The reason why Ma Hongjun's soul ability is so powerful is probably related to the terrifying flame. Without the power of the flame, the explosion just now would not have produced such an effect. .

"Teacher!" Ma Hongjun folded his wings, landed steadily in front of Flender, and said, "How about my soul ability?"

"That's right, the explosion effect coupled with your flame is as powerful as the third soul skill of an ordinary soul master! How about the consumption of soul power? And you absorb the soul ring so quickly, is it all right?" Flender asked worriedly. Dao, don't cause any problems because you are disturbed by these ghost wolves.

But how did Flender know that after the energy of the soul ring was tempered by the Falling Heart Flame, it became more pure and easier to absorb, and Ma Hongjun fused it into his own soul power almost without any effort.

"It's okay, my soul skill is called Arrow Feather Meteor. According to the amount of soul power I input, I can condense multiple arrow feathers. Once the arrow feathers touch the target, they can explode. My control can explode at any time, and now with my soul power, I can condense thirty arrow feathers in an instant!"

Ma Hongjun proudly said that he had imagined that in the future, when his soul power was sufficient, he would instantly condense tens of thousands of arrow feathers and attack according to his will. At that time, even the ten thousand swords returning to the sect would not have the momentum of him. !

Some ghost wolves who had escaped by chance by hiding in the periphery just now were frightened by Ma Hongjun's soul skills, and they all turned and ran away.

When Flender saw this, the third spirit ring flickered instantly, and small tornadoes rose suddenly, sending ghost wolves that wanted to escape directly into the sky.

Flender is not a generous person, these ghost wolves almost disturbed Ma Hongjun's absorption of the spirit ring, now he wants to run, it's not that simple.

"It's fine, your soul skill is good, and its power is enough, but you have to control the power of this soul skill well, and when you are fighting, don't use it all at once, condense all your soul power into arrow feathers, and learn to judge your opponent To condense the corresponding arrow feathers to deal with it." While killing the fleeing Nether Wolf, Flender never forgot to tell Ma Hongjun.

"Okay, although this trip was a bit unexpected, it is considered a successful conclusion, let's leave here too."

After Flender dealt with all the ghost wolves, he turned around and was about to leave with Ma Hongjun.

On the way back, Flender also taught Ma Hongjun along the way, not only introducing the specific conditions of the spirit beasts he encountered to Ma Hongjun, but also helping Ma Hongjun find some opponents for Ma Hongjun to try the first spirit skill.

For a while, Ma Hongjun's cognition of soul beasts and his proficiency in using the first soul skill increased rapidly.

It took nearly three full days before Ma Hongjun and Flender walked out of the spirit beast forest.

After retrieving the previous carriage, Flender took Ma Hongjun and headed directly in the direction of Shrek.

On the carriage, Flender saw Ma Hongjun was about to start practicing, so he interrupted Ma Hongjun.

"Hongjun, I told you before that I opened an academy called Shrek together with a few old guys. I will give you two choices. One is that I will find you a junior soul master academy. You Study there first, you can come to Shrek Academy for holidays or something. After you graduate from the Junior Soul Master Academy, you can go to Shrek Academy for further study!"

"The other one is that if you go directly to Shrek Academy with me, what we can teach you is definitely richer and more exciting than what junior soul master academy can teach you, and the weakest teachers in Shrek Academy all have high-level soul masters." The strength of the king, if you go there, your actual combat ability will definitely be greatly improved, but Shrek Academy has few students, so if you go there, there will be almost no companions."

"I thought about it and decided to let you decide. No matter what you choose, the teacher will support you."

(End of this chapter)

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