Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 87 The Ultimate Ice

Chapter 87 The Ultimate Ice
Seeing the rain of fire falling all over the sky, the expressions of Shui Yue'er and Shui Xing'er suddenly changed a little. They never expected that their third soul skill blocked the explosion of the arrow feathers, but could not destroy the explosion contained in the arrow feathers. The evil fire in the middle!

The evil fire all over the sky might not be able to cause much attack damage to them, but it was enough to interrupt the two auxiliary system soul masters behind them from continuing to summon the ice rain.

While erasing the home court advantage that the icy rain gave them, fighting on the soul fighting arena covered in flames has a great suppressing effect on their display of strength!

Shui Yan'er also saw the falling fire rain, and quickly repelled Yu Tianheng and Lei Ming, and at the same time, the soul ring on her body instantly lit up.

The fourth soul skill, Ice Torrent!
With the lighting of Shui Yan'er's fourth spirit ring, using the ice slag left by Bing Yu on the fighting spirit stage as the outbreak point, a biting cold air bloomed one by one, instantly lowering the temperature of the entire fighting spirit stage , even the audience on the audience stage felt a chill at this moment.

Hearing Shui Yan'er's words, the soul rings on Shui Yue'er and Shui Xing'er also flickered quickly, and they started to wave the ice staff in their hands.

The fourth soul skill, Ice Source Condensation!
With the activation of the soul skills of Shui Yue'er and Shui Xing'er, the surrounding temperature dropped again, and at the same time, the ice slag on the fighting spirit platform began to grow and spread, and quickly condensed into an ice layer on the fighting spirit platform.

Although what the three of them used was not a martial soul fusion skill, the soul skills jointly displayed by the three soul sects were also very powerful!The thunder ball that Lei Ming and Yu Tianheng used together before made many colleges helpless.

Now the feng shui turns, and it is the turn of Lanba Academy to be the one to bear it.

The extremely freezing temperature caused Ma Hongjun's evil fire to be continuously weakened before it landed, and it was completely extinguished when it landed on the Soul Fighting Stage.

At the same time, the ice layer is not only extremely cold, but also has the effect of freezing the soul power. Qi Da, who is an auxiliary soul master, has long been unable to bear it. He was directly frozen and unable to move, and was rescued by the referee!

The rest of Yu Tianheng and the others couldn't bear the freezing temperature, so they could only use their soul power to dispel the cold air around them, and they were unable to attack anymore.

Fortunately, not all the students of Tianshui Academy can withstand this temperature. When Shui Yan'er shouted the word 'condense', they quickly pushed back their opponents and quickly jumped off the fighting spirit stage. Only Shui Yan'er and the other three soul sects!
So Yu Tianheng and the others don't have to worry about the other students of Tianshui Academy attacking them at this time.

"Extreme Ice!" Looking at the scene on the Soul Fighting Stage, this word suddenly appeared in Ma Hongjun's mind.

Feeling the cold air coming to him from the fighting spirit stage, even if what Shui Yan'er and the other three were displaying hadn't reached this level at this time, they were probably very close.

"You go down first!"

Hearing Ma Hongjun's words, Lei Ming and the others didn't hesitate, and quickly rushed down the fighting spirit stage. They really couldn't stay on this cold soul fighting stage, and they couldn't provide Ma Hongjun with any help!
Lei Ming and Yu Tianheng also tried to get close to Shui Yan'er and the three to interrupt their soul skills, but the closer they got to them, the lower the temperature, and even the soul power might be completely sealed, making it impossible to approach them at all.

Shui Yan'er looked at Ma Hongjun who was still in mid-air, and a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Why don't you leave the stage? Do you think our soul skills are useless to you because you are in mid-air? Or do you think your flames are stronger than ours?"

Feeling the ever-decreasing temperature around him, Ma Hongjun said with a smile: "The Ultimate Ice is indeed powerful, but in this world, there is not only the Ultimate Ice, but also the Ultimate Fire!"

As Ma Hongjun said, the purple flame on his body instantly disappeared, and almost at the same time, a more violent bloody flame burst out from Ma Hongjun's body instantly.

With the appearance of the blood fire, the temperature of the entire Soul Fighting Stage began to rise, a hot breath came from mid-air, and the ice layer on the Soul Fighting Stage seemed to show signs of melting!

Seeing Ma Hongjun's change, Shui Yan'er and the others began to show a trace of panic on their faces, this was the first time they encountered a flame that could counter their soul skills.

Ma Hongjun summoned the blood fire. This blood fire that Lei Kui had placed high hopes on naturally belonged to the series of extreme fire. Under Ma Hongjun's control, the terrifying high temperature was gradually released, instantly suppressing the three of Shui Yan'er. ice.

At this time, Shui Yan'er was also fighting hard, the soul ring on her body instantly lit up, and at the same time mobilized all the soul power in her body to run crazily.

The third soul skill, Ice Scorpion Sting!

Under Shui Yan'er's mobilization, the ice layer on the Soul Fighting Stage shattered instantly, and recondensed into a huge ice jade scorpion. The scorpion-tailed hook that flickered with cold light suddenly pierced towards Ma Hongjun who was in the air!

The second soul skill, Phoenix breath!
Looking at the oncoming scorpion tail, Ma Hongjun opened it and spewed out a strong flame.

The blood fire collided with the ice scorpion's tail, and the terrifying high temperature instantly melted the scorpion tail. At the same time, the blood fire quickly spread throughout the ice scorpion. In a short time, the entire ice scorpion was instantly evaporated!
The soul skill was broken, and the power of backlash made Shui Bi'er couldn't help but shed blood from the corner of her mouth, looking at Ma Hongjun who was slowly descending from the sky.

Shui Yan'er gritted her silver teeth slightly, "I have seen the ultimate fire today, this time we admit defeat!"

When the referee heard that Shui Yan'er had conceded, he announced the victory of Lanba Academy!

After the referee announced the result, the audience cheered again. Before the start of the competition, no one could have imagined that this year's competition would have a dark horse like the Lanba Academy, picking up the five major academies one after another.

In the next three rounds of competition, there was no surprise that Lanba Academy won all of them. In the end, Lanba Academy won 27 out of 27 matches. With a proud result, it won the championship among the 28 academy teams in the qualifiers!
At the end of the preliminaries, according to the procedures, Emperor Xue Ye will present awards to the five academies that have qualified for the preliminaries.

Among the academies that qualified this time, Lanba Academy ranked first, Tianshui Academy only lost to Lanba Academy and ranked second, Elephant Academy and Thunder Academy had the same results, also tied for third with 23 wins and [-] losses.The last academy is the Kamikaze Academy.

Originally, the strength of Blazing Academy was stronger than that of Shenfeng Academy, but unfortunately, Blazing Academy's style of play was too fierce, causing the main students to be often injured, and finally lost to Shenfeng Academy.

The five academies that qualified received the same rewards from Emperor Xue Ye. In addition to 3 gold soul coins for each person, they were given the title of baron. At the same time, they promised to give one to each of the principal and deputy captains of the five academies, and [-] gold soul coins of their choice The soul ring of any soul beast under the age of two!
The first two rewards are nothing, but the latter reward immediately made many people present look envious. You must know that not everyone can deal with a 3-year-old soul beast!
To choose a soul beast according to one's own mind, not only does one not need to waste time taking risks, but one can also maximize one's martial soul, which is undoubtedly a great benefit!

(End of this chapter)

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