Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 322 The contract is completed and the oath is eliminated

Chapter 322 The contract is completed and the oath is eliminated
It has to be said that in the five-hook flying spear, Ma Hongjun is now more and more proficient at mastering the spirit of marksmanship that contributes seven points and retains three points.

Lei Kui stood in mid-air, with his right hand pressing against his heart, took a few deep breaths, and gradually adjusted his state.

Looking at Ma Hongjun's complex eyes, he sighed, and said: "You are still amazing, even if you don't summon your strange fires now, the magic gun in your hand is probably the great enshrinement of the worship hall, Qian Dao Liu, is not your opponent!"

Ma Hongjun smiled, and did not respond to Lei Kui's words, "Your current strength is also very strong, and the power of the divine dragon claw is almost at the level of a demigod! With this divine dragon claw, it is expected that the next 60 years of catastrophe will come." , it shouldn’t be a problem for you!”

Hearing what Ma Hongjun said, Lei Kui also swept away the depression of the defeat just now, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but this divine dragon claw is extremely powerful. Not cowardly.

And the most important thing is that besides the cultivation of soul power, he also has a cultivation method that can strengthen the strength of the physical body, and he has found the way to become a god - engraving the divine pattern on the physical body.

On the right hand, just engraved a little divine pattern, which has greatly increased Lei Kui's strength. Now Lei Kui has an inexplicable expectation for the inscription of the divine pattern.If it is true that the bones of the whole body are engraved with the divine pattern of the flesh body, is it true that the flesh body will become a god directly!

When Lei Kui thought about it, he felt a little hopeful, and felt that the days to come would be more promising.

Looking at Lei Kui's state, Ma Hongjun probably guessed that he was planning for his future, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned the sub-fire from Lei Kui's body.

Receiving Ma Hongjun's call, Lei Kui felt light all over, as if he was about to lose something. Before he could react, the Zihuo that Ma Hongjun planted in his body before flew out from between Lei Kui's eyebrows.

Ma Hongjun stretched out his hand to catch it, and suspended Zihuo on the palm of his hand. Before Lei Kui could speak, Ma Hongjun took the lead and said: "At the beginning, when I helped you break free from restraint, I made a promise with you that you would be my guardian for 50 years. I will take this fire back."

"Although it has not been 50 years now, the relationship between us does not need to be maintained with these things! Our original contract should be canceled today!"

Ma Hongjun smiled, and took Zihuo back into his body.

And at this moment, Ma Hongjun seemed to feel his body lighten, as if some bondage in his heart had been untied, and for a while, his mind became clearer a lot.

If Ma Hongjun felt something, this was the oath he swore in the Purple Demon Forest back then, and now it has been fulfilled, and that kind of hidden restriction has disappeared at this moment.

The same is true for Lei Kui at this time, Ma Hongjun took Zihuo back, and the contract between him and Ma Hongjun is considered to be successfully concluded, although he lost the power of Zihuo, the power of Leihuo can no longer be condensed.

However, Zihuo's energy is not his own after all, and the borrowed strength is only a castle in the air after all, and now he has also comprehended the dragon's claws, and his combat power is also guaranteed.

Losing Zihuo is equivalent to losing a layer of restraint for him, and with a clear mind, he has also gained a lot of understanding in his state of mind.

Lei Kui bowed his hands solemnly towards Ma Hongjun, and said, "Although the contract between us has disappeared, as you said, the relationship between us will not change in any way because of the disappearance of the contract."

"You don't need me to protect the way now, so I will help you sit in the Bagua City. You can practice here with peace of mind. There will be no troubles in the Bagua City with me!"

Ma Hongjun smiled, didn't say anything, he agreed to Lei Kui's statement.

And as Lei Kui said, with Lei Kui's help to sit in Bagua City, Ma Hongjun can truly practice in the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye with peace of mind.

Between Lei Kui and Ma Hongjun, after exchanging a few words of pleasantries, after promising that Bagua City would come to inform Ma Hongjun if there was anything to do, Lei Kui didn't stay any longer, and left the Binghuo Liangyi Eye with him, and headed towards Bagua City. away in the direction of the city.

Of course, what Lei Kui took away was also Zhenwu Seal, with Zhenwu Seal on his body, Lei Kui's strength would also increase a lot, and at the same time, he could pass Zhenwu Seal at any time to enter the bottom of the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

As soon as Lei Kui left, Ma Hongjun didn't stay outside too much. After simply adjusting his state, he entered the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye again.

Without stopping, following the familiar route, Ma Hongjun came to the space of Ice and Fire Dragon King again.

Feeling the strong power of ice and fire in the space, this time, without any hesitation, Ma Hongjun directly opened the Phoenix Domain, covering the wings of the Ice and Fire Dragon Kings.

Now that Lei Kui is not here, Ma Hongjun is the only living person in the entire space, so you can start to try some of Ma Hongjun's ideas!

Provoked by Ma Hongjun's phoenix domain, the divine patterns on the wings of the Ice and Fire Dragon Kings erupted again. The attribute energy of the Ultimate Fire and Ultimate Ice seemed to be endless. It exploded, and in an instant, it filled the entire space.

Seeing this, the corners of Ma Hongjun's mouth slightly raised, ignoring the extremely cold and extremely hot environment in the space, the burning organs in his body were running rapidly, and in an instant, the extreme ice and fire energy in the entire space, like boiling water, began to fluctuate violently.

Immediately, it turned into strands of massive energy that seemed to be substantial, and swarmed towards Ma Hongjun, forming an extremely terrifying energy vortex around Ma Hongjun.

For these energies, Ma Hongjun never refused to come, or in other words, Ma Hongjun aroused the divine lines on the wings of the Ice and Fire Dragon Kings for these energies.

Under the operation of Fen Jue, these energies were engulfed and tempered by the bone spirit, and then formed into pure soul power energy which was absorbed and fused by Ma Hongjun, and the fluctuation of soul power on Ma Hongjun was also under the fusion of these soul power energies. It got deeper and deeper.

Ma Hongjun flew onto the back of the Fire Dragon King. This time, he did not continue to comprehend and perfect the divine pattern on the flesh body, but began to study the flame divine pattern on the wings of the Fire Dragon King.

Compared with the divine patterns on the flesh body, the flame divine patterns on the wings of the Fire Dragon King obviously fit Ma Hongjun better.

When Ma Hongjun's mind was silent in the flame divine pattern, Ma Hongjun's comprehension of the flame became more and more profound.

During the operation of Fenjue, a large amount of soul power began to pour towards the phoenix wings behind Ma Hongjun continuously. On the phoenix wings behind Ma Hongjun, after the killing god domain and the phoenix domain, there was an even more domineering and powerful force. The texture slowly began to settle in.

(End of this chapter)

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