Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 290 Demon Dragon Torso Bone

Chapter 290 Demon Dragon Torso Bone

It was a spine-like existence, except that there were other bones attached to it. This was the most precious torso spirit bone among the six spirit bones, except for the skull.

The jet-black torso bones are completely transparent, as if there is a jet-black liquid flowing in it. Yes, mini-shaped energy vortexes appear in it.

"This... this is the torso bone dropped by the dragon!"

Ma Hongjun looked at the torso bone in front of him, and couldn't help but approach the position of the torso bone. At this moment, Ma Hongjun seemed to smell a faint strange fragrance. Stimulated by this strange fragrance, all the cells in Ma Hongjun's body were inhaled at this moment. All became active, impatiently wanting to absorb and fuse the trunk bones in front of them.

Ma Hongjun took a deep breath and calmed down his mind. The strange fragrance seemed to be a hallucination just now, no matter how much Ma Hongjun paid attention, he couldn't smell it anymore.

A soul bone is something that cannot be rejected by any soul master!

Although Ma Hongjun didn't know the exact strength of that demon dragon, there was no doubt that the quality of this spirit bone definitely surpassed all the spirit bones in the current Douluo Continent.

A god-level soul bone, the energy contained in it, is definitely a huge boost to the soul master, not to mention that this soul bone is the torso soul bone that Ma Hongjun still lacks, it is absolutely impossible for Ma Hongjun to give up this soul bone .

Ma Hongjun didn't hesitate much, just sat down cross-legged on the spot, the Fenjue in his body was running rapidly, adjusted his state to the best, and used his soul power to pull the torso soul bone in front of him.

Accompanied by the traction of Ma Hongjun's soul power, a strange energy vortex rose from under the bones of the dragon's torso, floating towards Ma Hongjun.

Surrounded by a black halo, Ma Hongjun was the first to feel a cold, sinister wave of soul power pouring into his spine.

It was an extremely domineering and evil energy fluctuation. The moment this energy injected into Ma Hongjun's spine, when it fused with other spirit bones, it was different from Ma Hongjun's fusion of soul power. It directly drove away Ma Hongjun's soul power.

Then that huge and domineering spirit power instantly filled Ma Hongjun's entire spine.

A burst of severe pain instantly appeared in Ma Hongjun's mind, it was a feeling of swelling pain.

Ma Hongjun only felt that his spine was about to burst, but this energy not only did not absorb the spirit bone like Ma Hongjun did before, but the energy of the spirit bone actively fused with Ma Hongjun.

On the contrary, it was more like wanting to crush Ma Hongjun's spine, and then directly occupy it, replacing Ma Hongjun's original spine.

The most important thing is that although Ma Hongjun's soul power has previously integrated the characteristics of the seven flames and was transformed by the Phoenix Divine Fire before, it has some divinity, but no matter how it is changed, Ma Hongjun's soul power still has not changed. qualitative change.

And the energy contained in the torso and bones of the demon dragon came from the divine power of the demon dragon and beast, which had an innate suppressive effect on Ma Hongjun's soul power.

Swallowing the strong with the weak, this is undoubtedly extremely difficult for Ma Hongjun.

But even so, Ma Hongjun didn't give up, he ran the Fen Jue with all his strength, continuously stripping away traces of energy from the spine, refining and merging.

But this kind of refining speed, compared with the energy pouring into Ma Hongjun's body from the torso bone of the magic dragon, is simply a drop in the bucket, and it did not alleviate the surge of energy in Ma Hongjun's spine at all!
At this moment Ma Hongjun also felt a little regretful, he still underestimated this god-level spirit bone, the energy contained in it was really too huge!
Moreover, the suppression of that kind of energy quality is what Ma Hongjun suffers the most.

Through internal inspection, Ma Hongjun could clearly feel that his spine had swelled a circle at this time, and his bones grew stronger, but Ma Hongjun's overall body did not grow accordingly. Ma Hongjun's body at this time had already begun to appear slightly deformed.

But in such a situation, instead of receiving effective recovery, Ma Hongjun's spine continued to expand with the influx of energy from the dragon's torso bone.


Finally Ma Hongjun's spine couldn't bear this energy, a loud noise like thunder resounded in Ma Hongjun's mind, which immediately made Ma Hongjun's mind tremble.

When Ma Hongjun's mind regrouped, he suddenly found that the pain in his spine seemed to have eased a lot.

Ma Hongjun quickly put his mental strength on his spine, Ma Hongjun was surprised to find that his spine had returned to its normal size.In addition, a strange pattern appeared on his spine.

This pattern is somewhat similar to the patterns on the five-hook flying spear and the Seagod Trident, but there are obvious differences between the pattern combinations.

When this pattern appeared, Ma Hongjun's spine was like a black hole, frantically absorbing the energy of the dragon's torso bone.

As the energy of the dragon's torso bone merged, the lines on Ma Hongjun's spine gradually lit up, and a huge energy spread from the lines along with the flickering lines.

The breath of this energy is also violent, domineering, and evil, but it is different from the energy of the dragon's torso bone. This energy gives Ma Hongjun a familiar sense of control, as if it is Ma Hongjun's own soul power.

Ma Hongjun really didn't feel wrong, to a certain extent, this energy was similar to that before when Ma Hongjun absorbed the soul ring and soul bone, and the Falling Heart Flame quenched all the energy.

They were all branded with Ma Hongjun's brand, but the tempered tools were replaced with that strange pattern.But at this moment, Ma Hongjun only needs to use his soul power to completely absorb and fuse this energy!
Ma Hongjun's running Fen Jue has not stopped for a moment from the beginning to the present.

This energy was released from the lines, and immediately followed by the operation of Fen Jue, it went to Ma Hongjun's whole body.

In an instant, a black halo lingered all over Ma Hongjun's body, and various attributes centered on Ma Hongjun's physical fitness were climbing crazily at this moment.

It is of course a very wonderful thing for the human body to absorb energy and integrate it into the body, and Ma Hongjun is in such a state at the moment.

The torso bone of the magic dragon was completely fused with Ma Hongjun at this time, and the powerful divine power contained in the soul bone caused all the attributes of Ma Hongjun's body to increase crazily.

And most importantly, with the fusion of this divine power, Ma Hongjun's soul power is also evolving in a certain direction at this moment.

Under the urging of the divine power contained in the torso bone of the dragon, small vortexes began to appear in the soul power of Ma Hongjun's whole body. These vortexes crazily absorbed and condensed the energy released by the torso bone of the dragon while spinning.

(End of this chapter)

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