Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 269 Tempest

Chapter 269 Tempest

Seeing what Captain Jill said, Ma Hongjun no longer persisted, and went back to his room.

Captain Jill not only notified Ma Hongjun, but also Lei Ming, Qian Wantong and others were notified by the sailors of the Demon Shark, telling everyone that the storm was coming, and told everyone to stay in the room and not move around easily.

Time passed, and the Demon Shark continued to move forward. After Captain Jill's statement, Ma Hongjun also felt that the surrounding temperature was becoming more and more dull.

Looking outside through the window of the room, there are already many sea fishes on the sea surface that can't bear the dullness around them, and keep jumping out of the water to breathe the fresh air.

The originally clear starry sky was now covered with a curtain that could see the edge. The whole sky seemed to be sulking, and his face turned completely dark.Even the atmosphere on the entire sea became dull.

Moreover, such a dull atmosphere seemed to have no boundaries. After two hours in a row, everyone still saw no sign of rain, but gusts of wind were already hanging on the sea.

Driven by the sea wind, the waves became more and more turbulent. Under the influence of the waves, the Demon Shark began to experience considerable turbulence.

Captain Jill watched the waves continue to rise on the sea, and he couldn't help feeling worried. The current situation seemed to be beyond his control.

If it starts to rain now, it's okay to say that as long as this wave of sea breeze passes, it will be safe.

But now there is no sign of rain falling, but the sea wind is getting stronger and stronger. Years of experience in the vast sea told Captain Jill that there is a powerful storm waiting for them in the direction they are heading.

Captain Jill wants to turn around and return, but the sea wind on the sea is now huge. Once the Demon Shark turns sharply, it is very likely that it will be directly overturned by the waves. Without the protection of the Demon Shark, they have almost no chance of surviving at sea. .

Captain Jill thought for a while, but still couldn't think of any good solution. After ordering the good sailors to take control of the Demon Shark, he went straight to Ma Hongjun's room!

The current situation at sea is a bit dire. Although these generally can only rely on the sailing ability of the crew, this time Ma Hongjun and the others, as members of the Demon Shark, should notify Ma Hongjun and the others in advance so that Ma Hongjun and the others can make preparations in advance. .

Ma Hongjun also felt something was wrong at this time, Captain Jill had said before that there would be a storm coming, but now two hours had passed, and the storm was not seen, but the strong wind on the sea was getting stronger.

The door of Ma Hongjun's room was not closed. Captain Jill knocked on Ma Hongjun's door a few times, then walked to Ma Hongjun's side, and said respectfully: "Sir, in the near future, we may encounter a strong wind and rain, perhaps There will be some dangers, but please rest assured that we will get through it safely!"

Ma Hongjun frowned slightly, and asked: "You told me before that we might encounter a storm ahead, so why did you let the Demon Shark keep going forward, can't you avoid it?"

Captain Jill explained: "The sea wind on the sea is very difficult to orientate. We don't know where a storm has appeared, so we change the course at will. Sometimes, not only may we not avoid the wind and rain, but we may even plunge into it!"

"Unless we turn around and return, otherwise, it is not safe to deviate from the course no matter which direction we go, so instead of bumping around at sea, it is better to continue walking according to the established route."

"In addition, because the sea wind blows the waves outside us, even if we want to return to the voyage, we can't do it now. Under such turbulent waves, once the Demon Shark's hull becomes unstable due to diversion, there is a great possibility It will be directly overturned by the waves."

"We have no other better way than to continue sailing. Of course, all of this is just a prediction. Maybe it is not impossible for us to pass this storm!"

As Captain Jill said, a smile barely appeared on his face. He knew in his heart that the probability of being lucky enough to pass through the storm was the same as the probability of his grandson awakening his innate full soul power when he awakened his martial soul. Almost at the same level.

Ma Hongjun nodded, and he just asked out the doubts in his heart. Naturally, he couldn't compare to Captain Jill in terms of navigation.

Ma Hongjun said: "My partners, have you notified them too?"

Captain Jill nodded and said, "I have been notified!"

Ma Hongjun said: "That's good. We may not be able to help you on the voyage, but if we have the strength, we can still do it. If there is anything that needs us, just tell us, and we will tide over this difficulty together!"

Captain Jill said: "I see, I will find you if necessary!"

After Captain Jill finished speaking, he left Ma Hongjun's room and went to the control cabin. The current situation on the sea is indeed shocking. Perhaps only by personally controlling the operation of the Demon Shark can Captain Jill feel a little more at ease.

Lei Ming and the others also received news one after another at this time, and they all gathered in Ma Hongjun's room. Many people's faces were still a little pale, obviously not yet getting used to the seasickness.

But now that they got the news, they couldn't care less about rest, and came to look for Ma Hongjun one after another.

After all, they are all land soul masters. Once they enter the sea, how much of their strength they can display in battle will be completely dependent on their faces!

Ma Hongjun didn't say much, it's good if everyone gathers together, so that they can take care of each other in the face of any emergencies.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa--

Time passed little by little, and a burst of intensive beating sounded suddenly on the entire Demon Shark, and the storm finally came——

Under the influence of the sea breeze, the torrential rain began to rage on the sea surface, and the rain pillars all over the sky were like thousands of sharp swords, shooting down towards the Demon Shark.

At the same time, the torrential rain seemed to give an order to Sea Breeze, and the wind force on Sea Breeze rose by a level in an instant, directly setting off a wave of nearly three meters and slamming towards the Demon Shark!

Accompanied by a strong roar, the entire Demon Shark even tilted significantly under the beating of the waves.

Fortunately, Captain Jill and others took control of the Magic Shark in time to keep the Magic Shark stable.

But this is not over, the waves are getting stronger and stronger with each tide, hitting the Demon Shark time and time again.

With the ups and downs of the waves, the Demon Shark kept shaking on the sea surface, and rushed into Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan and others who had not recovered from the seasickness. At this moment, they could only rely on Ma Hongjun, Yu Tianheng and others. In order to barely stand still.

However, the Demon Shark could no longer keep moving forward. Captain Jill was sitting in the control compartment, holding on to the control mechanism tightly, trying to maintain the stability of the Demon Shark.

(End of this chapter)

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