Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 266 Imperial State Teacher

Chapter 266 Imperial State Teacher
Emperor Xingluo looked at the soul master team composed of seven titled Douluo in the Wuhun Empire, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After fighting the ghosts, the ghosts were exhausted, and the soul power of himself and the queen was not much left, and they couldn't use the martial soul fusion skills in a short time.

Moreover, Sword Douluo had been seriously injured in the first battle with Bibi Dong, so he definitely couldn't participate in this team battle now.

Apart from Xingluo Emperor, Empress and Sword Douluo, only the Duke of the Warring States and his wife remained in the Xingluo Empire, Blood Killing Douluo, Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi, and even the seven-person team gradually disappeared.

Emperor Xingluo sighed a long time, and said: "There is no need to compete in this game. We admit defeat in the game. I will abide by the rules of the game and announce the disbandment of the Star Luo Empire and the merger of the Spirit Empire. I only hope that Your Majesty will , can treat the people of the former Star Luo Empire well!"

The Star Luo Empire said, bowing slightly to Bibi Dong.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Emperor Xingluo salute, Empress Xingluo couldn't help but let out a cry. Emperor Xingluo was the emperor of the empire, and his salute represented the complete end of the Star Luo Empire.

Seeing this, the Duke of the Warring States and the others couldn't help but feel a little lonely. Without saying a word, they all made a formal military salute in the direction of Emperor Xingluo and Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong looked at Emperor Xing Luo who was saluting towards her, and she was deeply moved in her heart.The Star Luo Empire has surrendered to him, and he only needs to send someone to hand over to the Emperor Star Luo, and he will truly unify the mainland.

I have achieved my goal over the years, and I have completed more than half of it. According to my original plan, after I planned to unify the mainland, I would combine all the forces of the mainland to destroy the angel family.

But seeing the people bowing their heads in front of her now, and thinking of Ma Hongjun's conversation with her before, Bibidong also felt a strong sense of responsibility, a sense of responsibility to protect these soul masters who support her.

Bibi Dong walked up to Emperor Xing Luo, helped him up with his own hands, and said, "Don't worry, from today on, all soul masters on the continent are citizens of the Spirit Empire, and I will treat them equally!"

The Star Luo Empire nodded and didn't say anything more. Winners and losers, losers lose. At least the Star Luo Empire and the Star Luo Royal Family didn't suffer any casualties.

In history, which dynasty can achieve this level of change, and I can be regarded as worthy of the Star Luo Empire.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xing Luo subconsciously looked in Ma Hongjun's direction. Without Ma Hongjun, he would not have been able to end up peacefully with Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong also felt a little bit at this moment, and shifted her gaze to Ma Hongjun.

Originally, everyone's eyes were on Emperor Xing Luo and Bibi Dong, but now following their eyes, everyone's eyes instantly focused on Ma Hongjun.

But at this time, Ma Hongjun saw that the gambling fight was over and the situation in the mainland had gradually become clear, and was about to leave, but suddenly found that the eyes of everyone present seemed to be paying attention to him inexplicably.

Ma Hongjun was also a little puzzled, he was not the protagonist today, he was just a melon-eating crowd, and he came to be a witness by the way, but in the current situation, it seemed that he was eating melons.

Bibidong looked at Ma Hongjun's direction, and suddenly raised his voice and said: "Today we can avoid war and unify the mainland in a peaceful situation, all thanks to the lord of Bagua City, Ma Hongjun alone!"

"It is a great achievement for our Spirit Empire and the soul masters of the whole continent to save the soul masters of the mainland from the suffering of war. Here, I specially designate Ma Hongjun as the imperial master to monitor the mainland and the empire. In the territory, the third grade of Yuguan University!"

"At the same time, the empire will assist in opening the Bagua City, the Bagua City's combat merit task system, and the combat merit exchange list to all provinces and cities within the empire!"

Bibi Dong's soul power circulated, covering all the soldiers and soul masters present.

When they heard that this war ended peacefully in the form of gambling, and they didn't need to fight, they couldn't help feeling a little grateful to Ma Hongjun for a moment.

After all, no one wants to die, and once the battlefield breaks out, the situation will be uncontrollable, and none of them want to burn the flames of war to their homeland.

Especially the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire. They went out to fight to protect their homeland. Once they were defeated, their homeland would be baptized by war cavalry. This was the last thing they wanted to see.

Although the ownership of the empire has changed now, at least the stability of the homeland has been kept!
For a moment, all the soldiers and civilians present, under Bibi Dong's voice, all saluted Ma Hongjun in unison.

"Participate in the national division!"

Bibi Dong's words also surprised Ma Hongjun, he didn't expect that Bibi Dong would actually push himself to win the status of Imperial State Teacher at this time.

In addition, what Bibidong said was to implement the Bagua City's military exploits mission system throughout the entire continent. Good guy, this is a serious effort to promote the Bagua City's system concept with the power of the whole country.

But this is the rhythm of eating into a fat man in one bite, and it's easy to overwhelm Bagua City.

Where can Bagua City find so many quests and exchange resources in a short time now? Most of the previous military exploits were spent on the Burning Sky Soul Refining Tower. It is hard to build Burning Sky Soul Refining Towers all over the continent!

The matter was brought up by Bibi Dong, and Bibi Dong was naturally aware of the problems involved, seeing the expression on Ma Hongjun's face, she knew what Ma Hongjun was thinking, and directly transmitted the sound to Ma Hongjun.

"The empire can help you solve the problem of early military exploit tasks and the exchange of military exploit resources, but don't forget what you told me before, we must protect the order of the mainland, so that everyone has a stake in regulating their own behavior. sword!"

Hearing Bibi Dong's voice transmission, Ma Hongjun quickly realized that Bibi Dong really recognized his ideas this time, and even used his own resources to help him carry it out.

After thinking clearly, Ma Hongjun also showed a smile on his face, put his hands together, and bowed to Bibi Dong, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The sky was getting dark, and the gambling battle came to an end. Bibidong sent people and Emperor Xingluo to take over the Xingluo Empire.

Ma Hongjun can predict, after Bibi Dong has stabilized the whole mainland, and implements Bagua City's military exploits mission system, what kind of blowout development Bagua City will usher in.

In addition, when Ma Hongjun left, he also confirmed one thing from Bibi Dong, that is, Qian Renxue had already begun to accept the inheritance of the God of Angels at this time.

In the original book, after Qian Renxue returned from the Heaven Dou Empire, it took only a few years to inherit the position of the God of Angels.

This news made Ma Hongjun feel a little bit of pressure. After returning to Bagua City, he explained to Tai Tan and Nihuang Douluo about the next development of Bagua City.

Then Lei Ming and the others were summoned again, and the plan to go to Sea God Island was about to be upgraded!

(End of this chapter)

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