Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 26 Phoenix Burst Claw

Chapter 26 Phoenix Burst Claw

Ma Hongjun walked to the registration office with ease, took out ten gold soul coins and handed them to the staff.

After fighting in this great spirit arena for a year, and it is also the great spirit arena in Suotuo City, the first great soul master to obtain the badge of gold fighting spirit naturally attracted much attention.

The staff recognized Ma Hongjun at a glance, saw Ma Hongjun handing out ten gold soul coins, immediately understood what Ma Hongjun meant, and quickly took out a new iron fighting spirit badge and data sheet and handed them to Ma Hongjun.

After Ma Hongjun filled out some basic information, he picked up his badge and walked towards the auditorium of the fighting spirit stage. While learning about other people's fighting, he waited for the arrival of his own fighting spirit competition.

The one-on-one soul fighting didn't take long, so Ma Hongjun didn't wait long before it was his turn to play.

A young man in a tuxedo stood in the center of the fighting spirit platform and announced loudly: "Next, the eighth round of one-on-one soul fighting in our No. Respect."

"They are respectively, one-on-one soul masters who once dominated the realm of great soul masters. The martial soul is the top-level beast martial soul, the soul master of Lustful Phoenix. Ma Hongjun, who has won eight games in a row, has the martial soul Xiao Yuelang. Master, Du Sheng!"

"Whether it is Ma Hongjun who can maintain his previous strong style and continue to compete for supremacy in the arena of soul masters, or Du Sheng who can continue to maintain a winning streak! Let us wait and see! Next, please two The soul master is here!"

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun and Du Sheng walked towards the fighting spirit platform from both sides of the fighting spirit platform.

Ma Hongjun looked at Du Sheng, who was on the field opposite. He was of medium height, well-proportioned, and wearing tight training clothes. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary young man.

The only thing that was special was his blood-red eyes, piercing gaze, revealing a hint of viciousness, the way he looked at Ma Hongjun, as if he was looking at prey.

"Du Sheng, Martial Soul Howling Moon Wolf, Level 39 Assault Department Soul Master!" A hoarse voice sounded from Du Sheng's mouth, making Du Sheng's overall image darker.

Three optimally configured soul rings, yellow, yellow, and purple, rose from under his feet. His originally black hair instantly turned white, and white wolf fur grew from his body, covering his entire palm. Down, with a cold glow.

"Ma Hongjun, Martial Soul Desire Phoenix, 31 Assault Department Battle Soul Master!"

The phoenix martial soul possessed him, and from Ma Hongjun's body, a burst of intense heat instantly emanated. A pair of wings condensed from purple flames spread out, a length of three meters.

With a shake of Ma Hongjun's back wings, he quickly lifted off into the air. As a flying spirit master, the air is Ma Hongjun's home field.

Du Sheng narrowed his eyes, stared at Ma Hongjun like a poisonous snake, kicked his feet fiercely, and quickly left the ground, and rushed towards Ma Hongjun!

The second soul skill, Phoenix breath!
When Ma Hongjun saw Du Sheng attacking him, the second soul ring immediately lit up, accompanied by a phoenix cry, Ma Hongjun opened his mouth violently, protruding a raging flame.

But Ma Hongjun has dominated the big spirit fight field for a whole year, and some soul masters who often fight one-on-one with soul skills already know Ma Hongjun's two soul skills like the back of their hands.

Although Du Sheng was one soul ring taller than Ma Hongjun before, but Ma Hongjun will advance to Soul Lord sooner or later, and they still have the possibility of meeting each other.

So Du Sheng had already thought about how to deal with Ma Hongjun's first two soul skills.

The third soul skill, Heavenly Wolf Transformation!

The first soul skill, Moonlight Slash!

Thirdly, the first two soul rings lighted up at the same time, instantly doubling Du Sheng's power, and a purple-red light emitted from his palm, forming a light slash, directly splitting Ma Hongjun's flame attack.

Following this gap, Du Sheng quickly approached Ma Hongjun!
At the same time, the second soul ring instantly lit up, and a wolf howl came from Du Sheng's mouth.

The second soul skill, wolf howl!
Ma Hongjun was just about to withdraw to avoid Du Sheng's approach, but was suddenly shocked by Du Sheng's howling wolf.

Although Ma Hongjun reacted quickly, it was too late, Du Sheng had already chased him, and the huge wolf claws were coming towards Ma Hongjun's shop!

Since you can't hide, then don't hide!
The only purple soul ring on Ma Hongjun's body lit up, and the purple light instantly condensed on Ma Hongjun's right arm!

Facing Du Sheng who came up to kill him, Ma Hongjun clawed his right hand and went straight to meet him!

The third soul skill, Phoenix Exploding Claw!

The wolf's claw and the chicken's claw collided, and a huge force exploded from Ma Hongjun's hand and poured into Du Sheng's arm.

Du Sheng only felt a powerful force erupting in his body, and his internal organs seemed to be burning at this moment. With a mouthful of blood spit out, Du Sheng was smashed onto the fighting spirit stage!

Ma Hongjun folded his wings and landed, looked at Du Sheng on the ground, retracted the evil fire that had been poured into his body just now, and said lightly: "Who told you that a strong attack system soul master who is good at long-range attacks is weak in melee combat? Mine Wuhun is a phoenix, not a flame!"

Du Sheng watched and heard Ma Hongjun's words, couldn't stand it anymore, and fainted. If it wasn't for his misjudgment, he wouldn't have lost so badly!

After the referee announced the result, Ma Hongjun left the fighting spirit stage.

According to Grandmaster's setting, the maximum lifespan of the third spirit ring is 760 years.

After some tests by Zhao Wuji, Ma Hongjun's third spirit ring can endure within 500 years!
After that, Flender spent nearly half a month to find a suitable soul beast for Ma Hongjun, a 300-year-old Huo Luan!
Huoluan, a soul beast with the blood of the phoenix, is extremely fast, and at the same time possesses an extremely violent flame attribute. Originally, Flender hoped that Ma Hongjun could obtain the speed-like soul skill of the Huoluan.

Adding Ma Hongjun's previous two soul abilities in this way, Ma Hongjun is a high-speed moving fortress, but it is a pity that the soul ability Ma Hongjun obtained is its berserk flame attribute.

But this also made up for Ma Hongjun's melee attack methods!
In addition, when Flender was helping Ma Hongjun find the soul beast, he also got an additional piece of news. In the southernmost part of the mainland, there is a volcanic area. It is said that it is difficult to see soul beasts with the blood of the Phoenix in the Star Dou Forest and other soul beast forests. It is because these soul beasts are all gathered there!

In order to verify the authenticity of the news, Flender ran over in person.If the news is true, then Ma Hongjun's soul ring will be in place.

Almost a month has passed since Flender's departure time. According to the distance and Flender's speed, Flender is almost there now.

After Ma Hongjun won two more matches in the Great Soul Arena, he left the Great Spirit Arena, walked through the busy streets, and walked back to Shrek Academy alone.

In the past, when Ma Hongjun came to the Great Spirit Arena, Flender would follow him. One was to prevent Ma Hongjun from being forcibly taken over by the people behind the Great Spirit Arena, and the other was that no one was Ma Hongjun's opponent.As long as Ma Hongjun is on the field, if he presses Ma Hongjun to win, he will be able to earn gold soul coins.

Now that Flender left, Ma Hongjun returned to the academy alone, he seemed a bit lonely!

(End of this chapter)

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