Chapter 12
Early the next morning, a ray of sunlight shone on Ma Hongjun through the window.

Ma Hongjun withdrew from the cultivation state, looked at the time, then got up to tidy up, and was ready for class.

Recalling yesterday's route, Ma Hongjun came to his classroom, knocked on the door and walked in.

Because it was still early, there were only a few people in the classroom. Looking at their clothes, it was obvious that they were not children from ordinary families.

According to Bai Lize's introduction yesterday, the students in this class are currently the most gifted among all the first-year students in the college, and all the teaching resources, including the teachers, are also top-notch from the college.

Seeing Ma Hongjun coming in, a little boy who was sitting in the first row of the classroom, dressed in luxury, with gold rings on his hands, feet, neck, stood up, and looked at Ma Hongjun for a while.

Puzzled and asked: "What's your name? Yesterday, the students in this class have already introduced themselves. Why don't I remember you? Did you go the wrong way!"

Bai Li Ze had brought Ma Hongjun here yesterday, so of course he couldn't go wrong. As for the little boy, Ma Hongjun didn't know, but Ma Hongjun and Flender only arrived at the academy yesterday afternoon, so they probably missed it.

"My name is Qian Wantong, my innate soul power is level six, and my martial soul is a gold and silver ring. You belong to that class. I'll take you there. I know all the classrooms around here!" the little boy said enthusiastically.

"He didn't go wrong. His name is Ma Hongjun, and he came from behind. Hello, my name is Bai Lixuan, a Wuhun Iron Arm Ape, with an innate soul power of level seven. I was selected as the monitor of the class yesterday."

At this time, a boy sitting in the middle of the classroom spoke. After speaking, he looked at Ma Hongjun provocatively. He is the grandson of the principal Bai Lize, and he knew it when Ma Hongjun came to the academy yesterday.

Seeing how grandpa treated him yesterday made him a little bit dissatisfied, and at the same time telling Ma Hongjun that he is already the monitor of this class, even if Ma Hongjun's innate spirit power is higher than his, he cannot be the monitor.

Naturally, Ma Hongjun would not haggle over every detail with a child, so he randomly found an empty seat in the classroom and sat down.

Seeing this, Bailixuan thought Ma Hongjun was afraid, so he immediately smiled.

Seeing that Ma Hongjun didn't speak, Qian Wantong also thought that he was frightened by Bailixuan, so he grabbed his things and came to sit down next to Ma Hongjun.

"You don't mind if we sit together!" Before Ma Hongjun could speak, Qian Wantong said again: "You don't have to be afraid of him, he's just a big fool. With my gold and silver rings, he can't move. By the way, you What is your martial spirit?"

"Phoenix of Desire, a battle soul master of the assault department." Ma Hongjun immediately developed a good impression of this familiar child.

"Fenghuang, then your martial spirit should be very powerful. Let me tell you, the reason why he became the squad leader yesterday was because he had a helper, that is, the girl next to him, Su Yun. The martial spirit is a cloud piercing bird. Soul power level six, her speed is too fast, my gold and silver rings can't catch her at all, if it wasn't for her, I would have been the squad leader yesterday!"

Qian Wantong said angrily, "Your martial soul is a phoenix, so it must be stronger than her cloud piercer. Yesterday the teacher said that the squad leader will be changed once a month. Let's work together. If you deal with that cloud piercer, the next The squad leader and deputy squad leader are ours now! How about it?"

"How do you know that I am that girl's opponent?" Ma Hongjun understood what Qian Wantong meant when he heard Qian Wantong's words. It turned out that he failed in the election for monitor yesterday. He was not convinced and was looking for help. ah!
"I don't know. Am I asking you this? And I've already told you about their situation. If you think you can't beat them, you won't agree, will you?" Qian Wantong asked back.

Ma Hongjun looked at Qian Wantong in surprise, this kid is not bad!

"How is it? Do you have confidence!" Qian Wantong looked at Ma Hongjun expectantly.

Ma Hongjun said with a smile: "To defeat them, I alone is enough, I don't need to join forces with you, and I don't even want to be the squad leader!"

"No! Didn't you hear clearly, the strength of the two of them..." Qian Wantong wanted to say something else.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps coming from above the classroom, and a middle-aged woman walked into the classroom door, wearing a white robe, of medium build, and a pair of stern eyes swept every corner of the classroom.

When the children in the classroom saw the woman, they immediately fell silent.Seeing the performance of the children, there is no doubt that this woman is the teacher of this class.

After seeing that the classroom was quiet, the teacher walked onto the podium in satisfaction.

"My name is Li Xun, and I'm your class teacher. Most of us met yesterday, but a new classmate came later, Ma Hongjun, please stand up and introduce yourself to everyone. By the way, let's talk about your soul power. "

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun stood up, and said: "Ma Hongjun, Martial Soul Desire Phoenix, fifteenth-level assault system battle soul master!"

During the two months in Shrek, although Ma Hongjun focused on cultivating combat ability, but with the Fallen Heart Flame in his body, Ma Hongjun seemed to maintain a state of cultivation all the time. Now Ma Hongjun is not far away from level 16 soul power.

"Level 15!" Everyone gasped when they heard Ma Hongjun's soul power level. Now they have just awakened their soul power, and no one else in the class has obtained a soul ring yet!Ma Hongjun has already walked halfway on the road of a soul master!

Qian Wantong blinked, looked at Ma Hongjun next to him, and muttered, "No wonder you don't need to form a team with me, and you are confident that you can deal with both of them alone! No, there will be another competitor in the class Well! But level 15 soul power, the gap is a bit big!"

When Bai Lixuan heard about Ma Hongjun's soul power, he couldn't sit still. Before that, he had the highest level of soul power in the class. Now that Ma Hongjun came, his status would be lost.

Ma Hongjun naturally didn't know what they were thinking, so he sat down after speaking.

"Okay, everyone has heard about Ma Hongjun's current strength, right? You have to work harder. For the students in the class whose soul power is almost at level ten, you have to try to re-elect the class leader next month." , get the first soul ring, otherwise you will not be able to compete with others."

As soon as Teacher Li finished speaking, several battle intents arose in the classroom, everyone wished they could get a soul ring right now and fight Ma Hongjun for [-] rounds.

Seeing this, Ma Hongjun smiled, there are some gaps that cannot be easily made up with hard work.

After seeing the enthusiasm of the children, Teacher Li smiled with satisfaction, picked up the textbook in his hand, and began to explain the knowledge about the soul beast.

The soul beasts that Mr. Li talked about are all aimed at their stage. They are all about the habits, age judgment methods, attack methods, and weaknesses of some ten-year or century-old soul beasts.

Although most of these are recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Soul Beasts" that Flender gave Ma Hongjun, but in terms of some details, what Mr. Li said is always clearer than the book.

(End of this chapter)

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