Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 97 Professor Charles' Mission

Chapter 97 Professor Charles' Mission
Mo Lin's biggest headache now is that he doesn't know how to face Professor Charles, but Professor Charles suddenly left him behind, and Hugo is also guilty, but Mo Lin told him his doubts.

After waiting for everyone, the three of them walked to the podium.

"Professor, what's the matter?" Although Mo Lin was thinking wildly, he was not afraid, and looked at Professor Charles very calmly.

Hugo said anxiously beside him: "Professor, we did nothing wrong, you won't put us in confinement, will you?"

"Confinement? Oh, no, you misunderstood."

Professor Charles was packing up the Muggle mouse and remote control he brought in this class, and said with a smile: "You three have magical talents for painting, can you come to my place on Sunday? Many paintings in the castle are in disrepair , the principal asked me to help maintain it, I need manpower, and I just thought of the three of you."

At the end, Professor Charles added: "I won't let you do it for nothing. This can be used as your usual class score and added to your final exam score."

Mo Lin plucked up the courage to ask, "Professor, do you also have the magical talent for painting?"

"Yes." Professor Charles patted his briefcase and said with a smile: "I have done a little more research on magic painting than all the teachers, so the principal gave me this errand. If you have nothing to do on Sunday, Can you come?"

Mo Lin was silent for a moment, then said, "Yes."

Sweet also nodded silently. Hugo looked a little unhappy, but both Maureen and Sweet agreed, and he had no reason to refuse.

"That's good, come here to see me at nine o'clock on Sunday morning. Well, go to the next class as soon as possible!" Professor Charles said.

After they left the classroom, Hugo couldn't wait to say: "You are crazy, what if he is really the person that crazy knight said?"

"That's just for us to find out." Mo Lin took this matter very openly, "Maybe we can still catch him. If I don't seize this opportunity, I will never have a chance to find out about this matter. Don't you want to know what's going on with the imprint on your back?"

"Of course I want to know!" Hugo gritted his teeth, "Okay! But I always feel that this is not a wise choice. I hope that Professor Charles will not attack us too harshly."

They hurried to the Charms class. Hugo spent the whole class discussing this matter with Maureen, and the wand went off many times. It was Maureen who put him on fire, and it was thanks to Professor Flitwick that he was a good man. , but punished Hugo to copy the sentence "I am not a charizard" a hundred times.

In the next few days, Maureen has been learning other magic, he remembered what Anok said, teaching him the magic of fighting is to prevent problems before they happen, and he began to agree with what Anok said.If he was going to face Professor Charles, it would always pay off to learn more magic.

Fortunately, he had the help of Anok. That piece of parchment was a treasure book for Mo Lin. Every time he wrote down something that he didn't understand, Anok would always reply him quickly.Maureen doesn't ask who Anok is now, because he won't answer if he asks. He just tells Anok that he has something to do and can't see him on Sunday.

These days are rainy days, and Molin often finds time to practice his flame spell in the rain. Now his flame is finally no longer a small flame, but has grown into a torch, so that it can resist the erosion of rain.

On Saturday, Gryffindor played against Ravenclaw, and both sides had to occupy the Quidditch field for training. Mrs. Hooch asked them to borrow the Quidditch field in turn. When the field was reserved by Ravenclaw, Polk even took the They were taken to train next to the Forbidden Forest.

There was a large open space next to the Forbidden Forest, which was managed by Hagrid. Hagrid was very happy to lend it to them, and even supervised them for free to prevent them from flying over the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid took good care of the Gryffindor students. After training, he enthusiastically distributed the sweet and spicy biscuits he made to everyone.This kind of biscuit did not know what kind of terrible chili was mixed in. Everyone was so hot that tears filled their eyes, and Mo Lin was so hot that tears flowed down his face.

"How's my craft? Is it okay?" asked the bearded Hagrid expectantly.

"It's great!" Mo Lin wiped the hot tears off his cheeks, "Look, everyone was moved to tears."

Everyone was wiping tears after taking a bite.

"Yeah! Delicious in the world." James sniffled, looking like he was sobbing, "I'll write to tell Dad that Hagrid's cooking skills have improved again, and he'll cry."

Everyone couldn't bear to dismiss Hagrid's kindness, so they could only nod and praise in tears.

The two Potter brothers exchanged a tearful, weird look. The first thing they wrote back must have been to warn their family to throw away the biscuits Hagrid sent them.


After Hagrid's Quidditch training, he was very happy to let everyone take a few dollars back. As soon as Maureen got back to the castle, he took out his wand and "cleaned up" the biscuits, but James also mischievously lied to everyone. A defensive Hugo tasted it.

"I fight you, James!"

After Hugo ate it, he shed tears and shouted to fight James.


It was Gryffindor-Ravenclaw game on Saturday morning, with a gray drizzle, and Polk looked happy.

"See, our training in the rain this week is to welcome this moment. This kind of weather will not affect us. We must win this game, so we will use the stormy and rainy tactics I formulated. With the cover of heavy rain, you should all clear."

Polk assigned a waterproof goggle to each team member in the locker room, showing a look of godliness.

But just when they all picked up the flying broomsticks, the weather suddenly cleared and the sun came out.

All the Gryffindor players stared at Polk resentfully. They hadn't dried their clothes this week because of Polk's so-called storm tactics.

Polk coughed twice, and said: "We can't use the tactic of violent storm, so we will switch to wing-to-wing tactics. Don't be too disappointed. The training effect will not disappear when the weather clears up. Next time we will definitely encounter rain. I guarantee that at that time, our stormy tactics will definitely catch the opponent by surprise."

Polk then began to redistribute the players on the field. Maureen was not the starting player. Polk was going to give Sweet a chance to play, because Sweet's flying skills were also very superb.

But Sweet suddenly looked up at the sky outside and shook his head: "I'm not feeling well today, so I can't play."

"Are you uncomfortable? Is it because of stage fright? Don't be nervous. Many people will be uncomfortable when they go on stage for the first time, but you have to face this all the time. Come on!" Polk knew very well about novices.

"No, I'm really uncomfortable." Sweet's face was very pale, and his tone was very firm.

Polk frowned, and then said: "Okay, Lily, you play as a seeker, Maureen, you are not allowed to run around anymore, because I may adjust my tactics according to the situation at halftime, and I don't want to play at that time." No one can be found like last time."

(End of this chapter)

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