Chapter 94
The sound of blowing was right next to Maureen, and it was very clear in the darkness, as if something terrible was whispering in his ear, which made his skin crawl.

"What the hell!"

Maureen gasped, and quickly fumbled around for his wand. If he had a wand in his hand, he wouldn't be afraid of anything, but if he lost his wand, he would be like a chicken. wizard.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

Maureen shouted quickly, hoping to light up his wand, but no, the wand rolled somewhere in the darkness.In desperation, he yelled again, "The flames are raging to the sky"——

Mo Lin was stunned for a moment. This time, a small flame lit up from his index finger. His finger was like a candle, and the weak candle light slightly illuminated the surroundings.

"Huh? Can I also manipulate flames with my bare hands?"

Mo Lin sat up. Below him was a pair of decayed and crushed wooden boards, emitting an unpleasant rotten smell, which was pungent and unpleasant, but he didn't care. He focused on the flame of his index finger, feeling quite moved I was so interested that I even forgot that there was a weird blowing sound beside me.

Arnock is right, the power of casting magic with bare hands is indeed inferior to that of a wand. With a wand, he can emit a violent flame, but when casting magic with bare hands, the magic doesn't seem to be very smooth. A poor little flame can be extinguished at any time.

Molin didn't realize until the blowing sound sounded again. He quickly searched around, found his magic wand among the broken boards by the weak flame, and extinguished the flame at his fingertips, making the wand glow.

The fluorescence of the wand was much stronger than the flame. He looked around and found that he seemed to be in the basement of the screaming shack. The basement looked like it hadn't been opened for many years. Water leaks and the floor is very wet.

There are all kinds of messy and damaged furniture piled up here and there. Some furniture is covered with rags, but the cloth is covered with thick dust. Molin even saw the skeleton of a dog-headed snake, strung together by wires. Together, it is not known whether it is real bones or decorations.

He listened carefully, and this time he heard the puff coming from somewhere, under a battered chair next to him that was covered by a rag.He looked at the rag vigilantly, but at this moment the sound of blowing suddenly disappeared again.

"Transfer and change shadow."

Maureen cast a Transfiguration Charm to move the rag away, and the rag picked up a puff of dust, choking uncomfortably, and then he was surprised to see a picture frame covered in thick dust and covered with cakes. dirt.

"No way?"

Maureen struggled to pull out the huge painting, waved his wand, and whispered "clean up", and the dust on the canvas was swept away.

"You treacherous traitor! Why cover my mouth! Do you think I can do your dirty work without speaking? I tell you, a gallant knight will not stop burning his blood!" Sir Cadogan said in Waving his fist and shouting on the painting.

"My God, you're really here!" Mo Lin was overjoyed. He searched the screaming shack for a long time, but he didn't expect this guy to be forgotten in the basement.

Sir Cadogan closed his fist when he saw Maureen: "Oh, it's you! My loyal comrade-in-arms, are you here to save me?"

Maureen cleaned up all the dust around Sir Cadogan's picture frame, which had the same background as the Hogwarts picture frame, but with one horse missing, his tantrum-loving The war knight was wandering on the wall of Hogwarts school, obviously not following.

Sir Cadogan was blowing because he was trying to blow away the dust from the portrait, which covered him and prevented him from speaking.

"That shameless villain, took advantage of my unpreparedness, took away my sword, and destroyed my territory!"

Sir Cadogan angrily picked up a wooden sword from the ground, and wore a hat made of grass leaves on his head, looking nondescript.His original sword and helmet were destroyed in the original painting. When Mo Lin picked up the fragments of that painting last time, he saw the hilt and half of the helmet.

Mo Lin couldn't wait to ask: "Who is that person? You must have seen it, right?"

This was the purpose of his coming to Sir Cadogan. If Sir Cadogan hadn't seen that person, he would not have been destroyed in a daze.

"Yes! I saw it."

Sir Cadogan swung the wooden sword in his hand, but he swung it too far, and accidentally knocked off the straw hat on his head. He quickly picked it up and put it on again, and continued angrily:
"The shameless person who used despicable means to destroy a classic painting with his bloody hands! I already know who he is!"


The dark clouds in the sky gathered together again, and the wind and rain roared down from the clouds, washing the entire Hogsmeade village. Lightning tore the dark clouds, as if the gloomy sky opened its eyes, and stared coldly at the earth above the village.

"It looks like the rain has just begun!" Arnock stood on the balcony of the hut, looking at the crowd passing by on the street in the distance, and said to himself.

Some wizards on the street hurried past with umbrellas, those without umbrellas stretched out their wands to set up a transparent canopy above their heads, and some wizards simply created a huge bubble with their wands to cover their entire bodies , to block the attack of wind and rain.

The wizards who can apparate have already returned home, and the students who can't apparate and don't know the magic of rain protection are poking around outside the store, looking anxious, thinking about how to get back to school.

"Yeah, just started."

The old woman was standing beside Anok, with a crystal ball floating in her left hand. The center of the transparent crystal ball was filled with smoke, which slowly circulated, like clouds in the sky, with lightning flashing through the smoke constantly.

"Did you see anything?" Arnock turned his head and looked at the old woman. In those clear blue eyes, the playfulness of an old urchin was missing, and there was a hint of depth, which was unpredictable.

The old woman shook her head: "I can't see, I can't see anything. I can see the end of the battle 21 years ago, but I can't see the future of this matter."

"Because of the boy?"

"Yes, because of this boy." The old woman nodded, her green eyes were like unfathomable stars, as hazy as the smoke in a crystal ball.

"It's queer, isn't it?"

Arnock showed a meaningful smile: "Some people are born to exist to defeat the Dark Lord, they are called the savior, and his future can be seen by you, but some people are born without knowing why, and no one can predict it." to his future."

"Can't you help him?" the old woman asked, "The child born at the end of July was guided by Dumbledore. Although his road was bumpy, he succeeded in defeating Voldemort. But what about this child? Dumbledore Not there."

Anok shook his head: "I'm already helping him."

"You're just teaching him the basics of magic—" the old woman was about to say something else.

"That's enough."

Arnock stretched his waist and interrupted the old woman: "You know we can't interfere, just like we don't interfere with Dumbledore's affairs. We can only be a bystander, not a participant, understand Is it? Besides, isn’t there a fortune teller in the school?”

"Cassandra's great-great-grandson?" The old woman showed a trace of disdain, "Can her divination be put on the table?"

"She prophesied the Boy Who Lived."

"Oh! Shut up, old man." The old woman said angrily, "You have the nerve to mention this?"

Arnock giggled like an old child: "I know you saw this ending in your precious crystal ball before she did."

"Yes, I saw The Boy Who Lived very early on, but I don't like to talk about what I saw." The old woman snorted softly, and said worriedly, "It's just that I don't see the name A child named Maureen worries me..."

"I like him quite a bit. Although he looks a little stupid, he has a clever mind. The fire magic he cast today is out of control—" Arnock said thoughtfully: "The out-of-control flames are a bit powerful, I had to use my wand to douse those horrible flames."

When Arnock taught Maureen magic, he didn't use a wand, and only took out his wand for the first time when eliminating the flames.

"His magic is out of control? How did it get out of control?" The old woman was surprised.

"Take a sip of the potion I brewed with a fire dragon, haha."

"Take a sip!" cried the old woman, looking annoyed. "Can I take a sip of that stuff? What are you doing, old man! Is he not on fire?"

"No, he is very special, I just forgot to tell him!" Anoke blinked, and returned to his old playfulness, those clear eyes made him not look like an old man, but rather energetic full.

Then Arnock changed the topic and said, "Have you seen the signs of the dark enlightenment?"

"Yes, I told you two months ago! The source of time is out of order, and it's there too. But I can't see the mastermind behind the whole thing. I think it must be because this kid was involved, and he interfered." What should have been seen by me has restricted the truth that I can see." The old woman said seriously.

"So you don't want to see him, afraid you'll see less, don't you?" Arnock laughed again.

The old woman glared at him: "That's right, you touched him, so you sleep on the sofa at night, otherwise you might disturb me."

Anok's smile froze, and then his beard was raised with anger: "It's too much! Why don't you sleep on the sofa! I will lose sleep!"

The old woman ignored Anok, and continued: "I saw some students who lost their memories, and they were cast with a very weird and evil magic. I thought for a long time, that being able to cast that magic, maybe it was that person."

"Who? Voldemort? Grindelwald?"

"No, it's another person, a very low-key person who shouldn't appear!"

The old woman twirled the crystal ball, and the misty smoke in the crystal ball was slowly winding and rolling, finally forming a castle standing on the edge of a high cliff.

"It's at Hogwarts."

(End of this chapter)

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