Chapter 86
Fortunately, there are enthusiastic house elves busy in the kitchen. When Molin said that he didn't have lunch, Lulu quickly prepared two chicken legs and a paper bag of roasted snakeskin taro for Molin.

"Thank you, Lulu."

Mo Lin really liked Lu Lu, a considerate house elf. He just casually asked if there was any grilled snakeskin taro, and Lu Lu brought him a bag.

"You're welcome, sir, I'm at your service anytime." Lulu pulled the rope of the mine cart.

Molin's lunch was settled on the minecart, which was a strange experience, after all, not everyone had the appetite to eat on the speeding minecart that was bouncing up and down and swaying left and right.By the time he left the abandoned hut on the farm and arrived under the Hogsmeade camphor tree, it was past twelve o'clock.

There was no one under the camphor tree, and Arnock did not appear under the camphor tree.

"Have you left?"

Maureen was a little disappointed, and he was also secretly annoyed. Originally, Anock asked him to come here at ten o'clock last week, but because the Quidditch training was delayed today, he himself missed the appointment, and this matter was also his fault.

If Arnock was not here, it would be meaningless for him to come to Hogsmeade. Not everyone in Hogsmeade seemed to know about Sir Cadogan, and Molin even suspected that Sir Cadogan might There are no descendants left.

He sat on a long chair under the camphor tree and looked around.Today is a cloudy day with no sun, and it looks like it is going to rain heavily, but there are still many students walking by in groups on the street.He could only slightly tighten his disguise hat, trying not to be noticed by others.

After sitting for about 10 minutes, while Mo Lin was still thinking about whether he should go back to school, a figure swaggered over from the corner next to the "Sisike Magic Pharmacy" in front of him.

Morin was overjoyed, this person was Arnold.

Mo Lin thought that Anok could not wait to go home for lunch just now, and he felt that he had to apologize first, so he stood up quickly and said, "Mr.

Arnock walked towards Molin leaning on crutches seemingly leisurely, sat on a chair, interrupted Maureen leisurely, and said, "Young man, have you been waiting for three hours? Very good, very good, Waiting for so long and still not leaving shows that you are a patient young man."

"Huh?" Mo Lin didn't respond.

"Hmm, um! I was late on purpose, what's wrong?"

Arnock put his crutches aside in a very airy manner, and there was a hint of cunning in his water-blue eyes: "This is a test for you, to see if you are patient, if you can't wait for three hours, then It’s not an attitude of humbly asking for advice.”

Mo Lin was stunned: "Mr. Arnock, you... did you come at this time on purpose?"

Anok snorted softly, and admitted generously: "That's right, do you have any objections?"

Arnock then murmured softly to himself: "Let you also know what it's like to wait for others. After all, I waited for five hours last week, and asking you to wait for me for three hours is considered cheap for you."

Mo Lin didn't understand what Anok said at the end, and asked suspiciously: "What did you just say that you waited for five hours?"

"It's nothing, anyway, it's good for young people to wait more." Anok leaned his hand on the back of the chair and tapped the chair lightly, with a very calm look.

Mo Lin's expression was a bit weird. He wanted to laugh at first, but he held back. He wondered if he should tell Anok that he was actually delayed by something today. He was late for more than two hours instead of waiting for three hours. After all, He had just arrived for less than half an hour, but after thinking about it, he decided not to tell the story.

"You're right, sir, I did wait—" Maureen tried his best to hold back his laugh, "It's been a while, young people should wait longer."

He was still guilty of Anok, thinking that it would be very rude to be late after making an appointment with an old man, but who would have thought that this weird old man would deliberately punish him, As a result, by accident, Maureen arrived more than two hours late, but arrived more than ten minutes earlier than Anok.

"It's good that you understand." Arnock didn't know how long Molin had been waiting, and motioned for Molin to sit down.

Maureen sat back on the bench again and asked, "Then Mr. Arnocker, can you tell me where Sir Cadogan's home is now?"

"Not urgent."

Arnock looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, took out his pocket watch to check the time, and said, "It will rain in nine minutes, wait until you have mastered the magic I taught you."

Regarding what Arnock said that it would rain in 9 minutes, Maureen didn't ask how he knew it. After all, there are special star forecasts in the wizarding world that can predict this. They had to listen to the weather forecast on the radio, which was already accurate to the minute, so Maureen didn't think much about it.

"You want to teach me magic?" Mo Lin asked in surprise, "But why do you want to teach me magic?"

"Because I think you are pleasing to the eye, I will teach you to master some magic, and you will not suffer in the future." Anok said casually.

"It's that simple?"

"How complicated can you think?" Anok asked rhetorically.

Mo Lin pondered for a moment. He and Anok just met once. Mo Lin didn't even figure out who Anok was. It seemed unwise to rashly learn other people's magic.

"Are you worried that I will teach you black magic?" Anok raised his brows.

Maureen didn't deny it either: "To be honest, yes."

"Then what do you think is black magic?" Arnock continued to ask.

Mo Lin couldn't help but think of the "[-] strange ways to die in the wizarding world" that Professor Francis often threatened everyone. Those strange and dangerous magic items are all black magic in his opinion.

"Our school has a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Those magic items or spells that torture people, maim them to death, are all black magic." Mo Lin said.

Arnock laughed: "Your view of black magic is the same as most people's. It is too phenomenal. When a kind of magic causes irreversible damage to people in a weird way, it is regarded as black magic. This is very one-sided. You have to be clear about one thing, magic itself is not good or bad, only wizards who use magic are good and evil, no magic is inherently dark, it mainly depends on how the wizard uses it."

Mo Lin asked puzzledly: "What about the three Unforgivable Curses in the rumors? They are so evil, aren't they specially invented black magic to suppress and rule others? Otherwise, what is the meaning of their existence?"

Arnock looked at Molin, those blue eyes were so similar in color to Molin's left eye, like a pool of clear water, Molin could even see his own reflection in Arnock's eyes.

"Do you think the three Unforgivable Curses were invented to create panic? Do you know the origin of the Three Unforgivable Curses?" Arnock asked.

(End of this chapter)

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