Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 84 Strong Team and Weak Team

Chapter 84 Strong Team and Weak Team

The whole matter still didn't have much of a clue, even if they discovered the pattern of students with amnesia, if they couldn't know the birth months of all the students, they still couldn't know who the next accident would be.

Hugo was still very eager to investigate this matter, so every time he was in class, he would take the opportunity to chat with other students and inquire about their birthdays.

"I asked more than a dozen people, but none of them met the requirements. Garth of Ravenclaw was born in December, but he was born on the 12th." Hugo said with some regret.

"There are at least two hundred first-year freshmen in the four colleges, right? You probably won't get any results if you keep asking."

Mo Lin shook his head. He was taking herbal medicine class, and he shoveled a lump of dragon dung into a flowerpot. There was a dark red flame-breathing orchid in the flowerpot. This kind of plant would squirt out some juice when it sensed danger. The sap ignites in the air, so they have to be careful not to be friendly to the fire-breathing orchid, so it doesn't feel threatened.

"Then what should we do? Wait for the same thing to happen again? If the last student is found by him, wouldn't it be too late for the black magic to be completed?"

Hugo reached out and touched a red spot in the center of the branch of the fire-breathing orchid. As long as he gently stroked its red spot, the fire-breathing orchid would stop breathing temporarily. Their task was to fertilize the fire-breathing orchid and trim the branches and leaves.

"We still don't know what these so-called black magic are. Except for the marks of Grindelwald and Voldemort, there is nothing strange about it. I erased your marks inexplicably."

Wearing fire-resistant dragon leather gloves, Mo Lin carefully picked up the scissors. He and Hugo handled the fire-breathing orchid together. When the scissors approached, the fire-breathing orchid visibly shook, and the tips of the leaves turned up. allowed him.Hugo hurriedly touched the red spot to calm down the fire-breathing orchid.

"Aren't there other people? For example, Lily, do you think the mark on her back is Grindelwald or Voldemort?" Hugo turned his head and glanced at Lily, who had ignored the two of them in recent days, curious.

"Who knows, we don't have a chance to see her back anyway." Mo Lin cut off the extra leaves of the fire-breathing orchid, the fire-breathing orchid trembled, and sparks appeared from the tips of the remaining leaves.

"I hope it's a Death Eater, that's definitely more fun, you know her father is the man who defeated Voldemort, and the savior's daughter has the mark of a Death Eater on her body, that's terrible..."

Hugo smiled gloatingly, then shook his hands, and left the red spot, the fire-breathing orchid burst into flames, he let out a strange cry, and quickly backed away, Molin was also startled, the flames sprayed on the on his dragonhide gloves.

"Concentrate!" Mo Lin withdrew his hand. Fortunately, the quality of the dragon leather gloves was guaranteed, and it was impenetrable by water and fire, so his hands were not burned.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Professor Longbottom said that the fire-breathing orchid is not mature, and the flame temperature is not high, are you okay?" Hugo apologized.

"It's you this time, anyway, you're not afraid of fire." Molin handed the scissors to Hugo. Hugo's wand often accidentally caught fire, and he was an old acquaintance with things like flames.

"Then you take out your wand, just in case, once it breathes fire, you freeze the flame." Although Hugo is used to the magic that he casts often with fire, it is not fun to be burned by fire. Then he added: "Really, you'll have to teach me the spell to freeze the flames, so my wand won't always be overwhelmed with fire."

"I have taught you no less than twenty times, but you are not suitable for using this spell, it will only make the flames more violent." Mo Lin shook his head.


There was also a Quidditch game this Saturday, Slytherin played against Ravenclaw, Hugo needed to explain the game, and everyone in the Gryffindor team was also asked by Polk to be there.

"Slytherin and Ravenclaw are both strong teams. You must have a general understanding of them before meeting them." Polk's expression was very serious.

"Pork, there are only four teams in the academy, two of them are strong teams, Hufflepuff also has an all-rounder Newstar, and their teams are not weak. When you say it like this, it seems that only us Gryffindor are weak. We're on the team." Bored, James pointed a Quaffle up and down with his wand.

"We are not a weak team, we have a secret weapon." Polk glanced at Maureen appreciatively.

"It's no longer a secret, Polk." Mo Lin spread his hands, he has become a man of the school for a while, almost no one does not know him, and people are watching him everywhere he goes.

"Yes, he will be a rake for other teams to move, believe me, when I first joined the team, it was like that." James turned to Maureen and said, "It's tiring to be a celebrity, because there are always people who want to Prove yourself by defeating you."

James' identity makes him not low-key wherever he goes. When he first started school, the sensation he caused was much bigger than that of Maureen. After all, the son of the famous Harry Potter entered school. of.

"But when you give them a hard lesson with a Bludger, they won't dare to go too far next time." Albus shook his hand and said calmly, "When I first joined the team last year , a Ravenclaw seventh-year boy, every game, the Bludger always hit me, and then he didn't dare."

"What happened to him?" Maureen asked curiously.

"I had a game with James and I knocked him off a broomstick with a Bludger, and he was in the hospital for two weeks," said Albus, with ease.

Both James and Albus reached out their hands at the same time, and gave a high five triumphantly.

Maureen couldn't help but feel admiration, the two Potter brothers are really powerful.

"Molin will become a secret weapon." Polk ignored James and Albus, but said confidently, "You showed amazing talent the first time you played, and other teams will definitely target you next time." You, but they don't know what position you are playing, this is our advantage, because you can appear in any position at any time, you don't have to start, wait for halftime to replace you, and catch them off guard!"

This is Polk's plan, because now the school team starts to use substitute players, so Polk can make reasonable use of the opportunity of substitutions, and Molin plays very well no matter where he is, the more feasible the tactics are. There are more and more, so he has become an unpredictable weapon for Gryffindor.

For a while now, Polk has been looking for Molin for special training, which seems to be to make up for his contempt for Molin. Sometimes when Molin went to the toilet, Polk would suddenly pop out from the next cubicle and stand outside the toilet door. Crackling and talking to him about the latest tactics that he thought of, it made Mo Lin really annoyed.

Hugo had already started explaining the game between Slytherin and Ravenclaw outside. They all left their locker rooms and walked to the platform outside the locker room. Polk began to explain the two teams to everyone with eloquence. The strengths of the team, who needs attention, etc., have said a lot.

But in fact, Maureen has heard all this, because Polk has already recorded all the materials of other players on paper, and everyone has a copy. Now he just repeats the materials written on paper.

Morin's attention is not on the game, he is thinking about tomorrow.

The eccentric Arnock asked him to go to him at ten o'clock tomorrow morning last week, and Maureen was still hesitating whether to go. Going would mean breaking the school rules again, although to Maureen, breaking the school rules was not that burdensome. Guilt, he was not a person who followed the rules.

"Sir Cadogan's business must be cleared up first."

Morin thought to himself, besides Sir Cadogan, Arnock seemed to know some secrets about Morin's different pupils, and these were the reasons why Morin wanted to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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