Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 7 Muggle Studies

Chapter 7 Muggle Studies
Alton took Molin to the Gringotts Goblin Bank, which took a lot of time, because Alton was very dissatisfied with the goblins at Gringotts, so he went to the underground vault, and the fast speed gave the old Alton Dizzy, it took him a long time to recover.

"Can't they change gears like Muggle cars?" Alton, who was swearing out of Gringotts Bank with the help of Maureen, looked annoyed and had a huge prejudice against goblins.There are very few wizards who like goblins, and they have a different view of gold from wizards.

Maureen didn't know what a gearshift was. Alton had worked in the Misuse of Muggle Substances Division, and he and Maureen had talked a lot about Muggles, but not comprehensively.

"What books are you going to buy?" Alton asked.

Mo Lin took out the book list and said: ""Magic Theory", "Beginner's Guide to Transformation", "Magic Potions and Potions", "Standard Spells, Elementary", "History of Magic", "Thousands of Magical Herbs and Fungi", "The Power of Darkness, Defense Guide" and "How to Be a Muggle" by Evan Charles, and this year we are taking a course in Muggle Studies."

After several years of research and decision-making, Hogwarts has made Muggle studies a compulsory course. Although Muggles can't do magic, Muggles are very creative. Many things are comparable to magic. The presence of magic can be detected.In order to conceal the existence of wizards and allow wizards to better integrate into Muggle society, the Ministry of Magic, after communicating with Hogwarts School, deliberately made Muggle studies a compulsory course.

"Yes, I've heard that from today, we have to study Muggle Studies in the first grade. We used to not start electives until the third grade." Alton sighed, "When I was studying, the Muggle Studies course always got full marks. In the seventh grade, I also wrote a paper on "Why Asian Muggles Use Chopsticks", which was highly appreciated by the Muggle Studies Association." This is something Alton often brags to Maureen.

Maureen had read that paper, and he read it in a daze from beginning to end. He only remembered one sentence, which was also the only important sentence: because Asian Muggles like bamboo.

Molin didn't understand the relationship between Asian Muggles liking bamboo and using chopsticks. Anyway, Alton listed a lot of evidence that Molin couldn't understand. One piece of evidence was that there was a cute black and white animal in the mysterious ancient country of Asia that liked to eat bamboo. Bamboo is their national treasure, because that kind of animal likes to eat bamboo, so they also generally use bamboo to make chopsticks.

It sounds reasonable, but Mo Lin always felt that there was something wrong, but he didn't know what chopsticks were. As a wizard, he had a big generation gap with Muggles, so it was difficult to explain the laws of the Muggle world. Many wizards don't know about Muggles, they can only know Muggles by their own imagination.

"Grandpa, are you saying that there are wizarding academies in Asia?" Mo Lin asked curiously.

Alton walked to the chair outside Lihen Bookstore and sat down, thought for a while and said: "I don't know if they are wizards, but I remember there is a Douyi College over there, they don't call it magic, what are they called... In short, don’t worry about so much, you hurry up and buy all the books, I’ll take it easy, that damn minecart.”

Mo Lin ran into a dazzling array of bookstores by himself, and spent more than half an hour buying all the books he needed from the piles of books piled up to the ceiling.

There are many books in Lihen Bookstore, and the variety of magic books is dazzling.Mo Lin also saw that Lihen Bookstore is selling a magic bookmark that can read aloud automatically. Clip this magic bookmark to any book, and you only need to say a simple spell, and the magic bookmark will use the reader's own voice to read the bookmark. The content of the book is read out.If your own voice isn't to your liking, there are voices of other famous wizards to choose from, and this magical bookmark sells particularly well among students.

The magic bookmark only needs eleven bronze Knuts. It is very cheap and there are many styles. There are magic bookmarks in the shape of a golden snitch and a broomstick. Maureen chose a bookmark in the shape of a Hogwarts castle.

"The mantra is 'Sound of Books'. Remember, don't use it in class. No professor likes someone reading aloud their textbooks in class. Believe me, it will be confiscated." The clerk of Lihen Bookstore was collecting money. A word of reminder.

"The book is loud, remember." Molin paid the money to the clerk, looking at the magic bookmark in his hand, which is a shrunken version of Hogwarts Castle. From above, Hogwarts Castle looks like Three-dimensional, lifelike, the glass of each tower is made very realistic, the lights flicker on and off, through the glass of the tower, you can see a few ghosts floating around, and even owls fly out of the tower and around the tower flight.

But in fact, this bookmark is just a piece of paper the size of half a palm. Molin thinks that the wizard who invented this magic bookmark is really amazing. He can actually condense the Hogwarts castle on this small piece of paper.

Maureen bought a lot of books and put them into the briefcase that had been cast with the infinite stretching spell. This is the briefcase that Alton used to go to work. Made of leather, the outside of the bag has peeled off a bit.

Maureen went to Mrs. Malkin's robe store to buy the wizard robes he needed for school, and went to Ziggs Pharmacy to buy the materials needed for potion classes. Alton bought him an owl as a school gift , this owl is very beautiful, with shiny brown feathers all over its body, and Maureen decided to name it Delica.

They used Floo powder to return home. Alton complained that he was too old to go out, so he went to rest, while Maureen held the magic book and looked through it. He now has a magic wand of his own, so he plans to use the magic wand to Say a few fun mantras.

It's a pity that there is still a lot of advanced knowledge in learning magic. It can't be cast simply by waving a wand and chanting a spell. There are many complicated points in it. It is quite unexpected that Mo Lin can read the petrification spell today.

With his own wand, Maureen naturally wanted to try to practice some spells.

"All petrified!" Molin pointed his wand at a spider on the windowsill, and a white light shot out from the tip of the wand and landed on the spider.

The spider stretched out a leg, and then crawled away leisurely.

"Damn it." Molin muttered, took out a glass jar to cover the spider, then took out his wand and pointed at the spider through the glass jar: "Concentrate, concentrate, the wand needs to be shaken before hitting, Make a strong move..."

Mo Lin was thinking about how to use the petrification spell in his mind: "All petrification!"

The spider was still unharmed, but this time the jar was turned into stone.

"At least it's still somewhat effective." Mo Lin looked at the stone jar and comforted himself.


Time passed quickly, and September [-]st arrived as scheduled. Maureen had packed all her luggage for school. To go to Hogwarts, she needed to go to London King's Cross Station. Alton planned to use the Portkey to take Maureen to London.

"Can the Portkey carry so much luggage?" Mo Lin asked puzzledly as he dragged a lot of heavy luggage.

Maureen originally thought that Grandpa would use the Knight Bus or directly use the Muggle transportation, but Alton said: "Don't worry, I used the Portkey to bring a big truck back to the Ministry of Magic last time. Your little luggage That's less."

Alton pulled out his wand and clicked on Maureen's luggage, and whispered a spell "light as a feather", and Maureen's heavy luggage became as light as a feather.

"Hold on, it's not a good thing to have lighter luggage, and it will be blown away when the wind blows." Alton said seriously, "I've lost luggage like this before."

The mitigation spell will not last long, and the effect of the spell will fade soon. Mo Lin felt that it was necessary for him to learn the mitigation spell, so that he could cast magic on the schoolbag in the future. It is still a very good thing to think about.

(End of this chapter)

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