Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 66 Student Association

Chapter 66 Student Association

The corridor on the second floor is very long. Every time Mo Lin walks, a group of people will surround him and try to lure him into the group. After all, the crowd appeal of celebrities is still very strong, especially Mo Lin, a first-year freshman. If he joins If there is a society, more people will come here admiringly.

There are probably no fewer than thirty student clubs in total, such as the "Wizard Chess Club". Two thin boys are yelling and handing out leaflets. There is a chessboard on the table in front of them. The chess pieces seem to be alive. Every time a horse takes a step, it will neigh to the sky, and its hooves will be stamped on the chessboard. The knight on the horse will wave his spear and shout the slogan of attack.This reminded Maureen of Sir Cadogan again.

Mo Lin even received a leaflet about the "Magic Beauty" club, which is composed of girls and teaches girls how to use magic to make themselves up.Mo Lin originally wanted to show that he was a boy and did not meet the club's requirements, but a strong girl who was nearly 1.9 meters tall abruptly gave Mo Lin the leaflet.

"Take it, this club makes an exception for you." The majestic girl said in a low voice.

Molin swallowed, compared the height difference between himself and her, and then looked at the strong muscles on the opponent's arm and the big wand in his hand, feeling that it would not be a wise choice for him to refuse .

"Thank you, I'll consider it."

Maureen said cautiously, he suspected that this girl had troll blood, otherwise how could she grow so tall, especially that unbelievable big wand, did Mr. Ollivander tailor-made it for her?

In addition to these clubs that Mo Lin didn't want to be involved in, there are some clubs that he is relatively interested in, such as the "Wizard Bermuda" club, which specializes in the unsolved mysteries of the wizarding world and the discussion of various advanced magic.

It is said that the wizarding world has a special research institution for wizards and strange things in the Bermuda Triangle. They set up their office on a small island in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. As for Muggles, those people who lost their planes and ships in the Bermuda Triangle or returned from the Bermuda Triangle lost their memories. Waiting for the phenomenon, they did it, cast the Oblivion Curse on the Muggles, protected that area with magic, and the signals of planes and ships would be accidentally crashed due to magical interference.

"Our goal is to expose the darkness to the light!"

A dark-skinned boy wearing glasses handed the "Wizard Bermuda" leaflet to Maureen, and said confidently: "If you want to know why Bowtruckles have an odd number of eggs each time, why do turkeys and dragons lay eggs? It will produce square eggs, why one third of the goblins will change their sex when the sun, the moon and the earth form an angle of 42 degrees, then join our club and you will get the correct answer!"

These strange things in the wizarding world are quite attractive to Maureen. Maybe Maureen will consider joining this society, so he accepted the leaflet.

Then Mo Lin saw a "Magic Painting Legend" club in front of him. This club is composed of a group of students who like painting. They can use their brushes to create various lifelike scenes.

In the wizarding world, the things drawn are indeed lifelike, because many things in the paintings can move, and people and animals that don't move are rare.

Maureen saw a black-haired senior boy sitting by the wall, outlining a Ravenclaw eagle on the easel in front of him. His drawing skills were undoubtedly very good, the Ravenclaw eagle had already been drawn The whole body is painted, only the wings are not finished.

However, the unfinished eagle does not mean that it will not move. The eagle looks very irritable, twisting its claws restlessly, trying to soar on the drawing paper. Unfortunately, its wings are not completely drawn, so it can only be drawn. Confined in place, it kept turning its head to see if its wings were finished.

After about 2 minutes, the boy finally painted the wings of the flying eagle. After he finished the last stroke, the flying eagle, which was confined to the original place and struggling, flew around on the drawing paper. There was also a sharp and mighty neigh.

"It's amazing!"

The students who watched the boy's painting were all amazed, especially those Muggle-born freshmen applauded.Usually everyone is used to seeing people and animals walking around in the paintings, but there are few masters how to create, so when this boy is painting, he has attracted a lot of attention.

"Drawing animals is tricky. It is very difficult to make the animal in the painting not move. If you don't want it to move around while painting, you can draw the head last, so that it will stay there honestly throughout the process. Remember, when drawing a flying animal, don't draw the wings first, otherwise it will fly around on the drawing paper, which is very restless, which is the same as not drawing the feet first for running animals."

The boy who painted casually explained to everyone some important points to pay attention to when painting, and another girl next to him distributed a large-scale leaflet of the club to the students who were watching, and said loudly: "When you go back, you can draw a picture yourself. Sign your name, click with a magic wand, and the flyer will turn into an owl and come to us, and we will assess whether you have painting talent according to your painting level."

Mo Lin himself didn't know if he had the talent for painting, but that person also enthusiastically pushed him a leaflet, and he couldn't refuse.

After a while, Hugo caught up from behind.

"Where have you been?" Maureen asked.

"I went to learn about the 'Wizard Chess Club'. I like playing wizard chess very much, and my dad taught me." Hugo held the "Wizard Chess Club" leaflet in his hand, and was going to fill in the name information when he went back. Turn the flyer into a paper crane and sign up.

"By the way, this is for you." Hugo handed a pink letter to Mo Lin.

"What's this?" Maureen took the letter, which had a beautiful picture of a bunch of roses and mistletoe plants.

"Just now a girl from Ravenclaw asked me to pass it to you. She said what is her name... blah blah?... I forgot her name." Hugo then smiled maliciously: "It should be A love letter, you have a suitor."

Mo Lin opened the pink envelope, and suddenly several love magic bubbles floated up from the letter paper, flying around Mo Lin.

"Molin, since the moment you deliberately touched my body in the charm class in September, I have understood your intentions. I know that you have a crush on me. Now what I want to say is that I am willing to be with you. You are together... Wait, what do you mean? When did I touch her body? I don't even know who she is!"

Mo Lin read the contents of the letter with a confused face.

"Yo, it seems that you are deliberately showing mercy! I can't tell!" Hugo said with a smirk.

"Forget it, this person's name is... Barbara, I don't remember it at all." Maureen searched in his mind, but he didn't remember that he had ever talked to a Ravenclaw girl named Barbara.

"I guess you accidentally bumped into some girl when you were in get out of class! You are both proud of the court and love, cherish it."

Hugo glanced at the letter paper, and after reading the content, he shivered, and said in disgust, "Uh—that's really disgusting! This love letter letter paper was bought at Weasley's Whiz Shop, and there is a trademark under it."

"No wonder it's so gaudy and singing... those bubbles are so annoying."

Mo Lin reached out to fend off those love magic bubbles. There was a girl's head in each magic bubble. He put the letter paper back into the envelope and prepared to find a place where no one was there to dispose of it.

Hugo was laughing, but suddenly his laughter stopped abruptly, and he quickly grabbed Mo Lin and said, "My God! Don't go any further!"


(Created a group, 125287626, everyone is welcome to join the group)
(End of this chapter)

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