Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 610 Arithmetic Divination

Chapter 610 Arithmetic Divination
The most unlikely person is Professor Francis himself!

Professor Francis told Mo Lin a famous saying that seemed to be true, but at the same time, this sentence would also form an unshakable fact-like idea in Mo Lin's mind: Professor Francis would never be a murderer.

Because the real murderer would not say such things, Professor Francis relied on this kind of directional thinking, and in turn, one sentence was enough to eliminate his suspicion.

"I still don't understand. You obviously believed this sentence, and you have been investigating Agrippa, how did you suddenly suspect me?" Professor Francis continued to ask.

"Your plan has always been perfect, without any flaws, because you are a very cautious person, and you don't show any flaws, and even Anok didn't find out." Morin said.

"I really didn't realize it would be him." Anok nodded slightly behind Maureen, "I know he's hiding somewhere in the school, but I haven't been able to find it—how did you find it?"

"The "Ultimate Arithmetic and Divination" book!"

Molin looked at Magatha coldly, and Magatha had put away her anxious expression. She looked at Molin expressionlessly, without making a sound, and even her breathing became very weak, like a cold and emotionless woman. statue, motionless.

Maureen looked away from Magatha and looked at Professor Francis again.

"You are so cautious and like to pursue the perfection of the plan, but it is your cautiousness that made me discover you." Molin said slowly, "The last thing you should give me is this arithmetic and divination book!"

"How does this book of arithmetic and divination make you doubt me?" Professor Francis asked calmly.

He seemed to want to know where the loopholes in his plan were, but now he was not in a hurry to attack Mo Lin.

"You know I'm investigating this, so you tell me the book was found in the Chamber of Secrets, trying to divert my attention from the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, trying to lead me to an unrelated place Go, only then will I not interfere with your plans."

Maureen said slowly: "You attacked so many students, what happened to Rose and Petty is similar to Slytherin's attack on the Chamber of Secrets, you want to draw everyone's attention—including Professor, they are all attracted to the top of the secret room, so as to cover up your real purpose."

Mo Lin turned to look at Anoke: "But there is only one person who was not fooled. He told me very early on that the Chamber of Secrets has nothing to do with this matter."

Anok sighed.

Professor Francis sneered: "Go ahead."

Mo Lin said: "I used to believe in Anok all the time. He said that the Chamber of Secrets had nothing to do with this matter, so I didn't investigate the Chamber of Secrets. But you know that if this continues, I will definitely get closer to the truth, because Anok is almost close to the truth." I found you, so you deliberately lured Anok to that Muggle shopping mall during the Christmas holiday, and attacked An Ran's father. After An Ran was warned by the Ministry of Magic, she would definitely come to me. You can almost count it until I found out What would Mr. Bolier do after he was attacked."

"Explore his memory." Professor Francis said.

"Yes, you know that I will go to see Mr. Bulliel's memory. You have calculated everything very accurately. When Mr. Bulliel got off the car and where Arnock would chase him when he got off the car, you have no idea." The arrangement is very strict. I saw Anok appearing there, and thinking of the recent strange behavior of Anok, you know that I will definitely start to doubt Anok." Molin said.

"But you can ask Agrippa for the truth, can't you?" Professor Francis said without changing his face.

"You know I won't, you've been observing me and know my character well, I don't want to endure this kind of betrayal. The most important point - even if I ask Anok, Anok will not tell me the truth , will only make me more suspicious of him. Because Anok doesn't want me to interfere in this matter, what he is going to do is definitely something I don't want to see."

Maureen looked at Anok, and said slowly: "This is also the reason why Anok has been deceiving me. He doesn't want me to be involved in this matter, and he wants me to ignore it, because he doesn't want me to get close to the stone arch. , he wants to protect me."

Anok trembled slightly, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

The wind on the cliff was blowing more and more violently, but the curtains of the stone arches were still fluttering unhurriedly, as if they were not affected by the wind, and only moved according to their own tune.

"Since you started to doubt Agrippa, why did you suspect me?" Professor Francis asked.

"I'm really suspicious of Anok, but you don't think it's safe, because if I don't give me a clear direction, I will eventually find out that the whole thing has nothing to do with Arnock. But if I investigate the same as everyone else What about Leitlin's secret room? You know that I will definitely go into a dead end and find nothing, but I will still investigate in this direction like Professor Kane and the others, which is exactly what you would like to see."

Mo Lin said: "You deliberately left a lot of clues about the secret room to other professors in the school. After thinking about it carefully, I found that when the whole thing seemed to be related to the secret room, it was you who released the news, and it was you who gave me a hint , you're pretty much involved in everything."

Before returning home for Christmas, Morin was locked up at Professor Kane. Francis went to Professor Kane and talked about the clues found in the secret room in the corridor, which was overheard by Morin.

Hugo heard Francis talking to Professor Kane about discovering an arithmetic divination book in the secret room, and Mo Lin learned about it from Hugo.

"You know that Hugo will definitely tell me about the arithmetic and arithmetic book. Even if Hugo didn't say it, you will find another opportunity to tell me that this book was found in the secret room. Because I always feel that the clue is in this book here - actually I think the real Magatha did put the truth in this book, I don't know, maybe a note - you destroyed a little bit of clues that Magatha worked out, and then put this book The book was given to me."

Maureen looked coldly at Magatha behind Professor Francis.

Magatha still didn't speak.

"I didn't intend to give it to you at first," Francis said.

"No, you will definitely give it to me. You know that I want the truth. You need to guide me to discover the truth you created, and make me and Anok turn against each other." Molin said.

"You didn't find any clues in this book, so how do you know it's me? Maybe it's Professor Kane?" Professor Francis said.

"I thought so at first, but you would never expect that I will learn arithmetic and divination!" Mo Lin said slowly.

"So what if you learn it? You can't count others at all? Don't forget that you are invisible!" Professor Francis said.

Invisible people cannot be divined the future by others, nor can they divine the future of others.

"You're right. I can't calculate others, because what I calculate must be wrong, and it's never right."

"so what?"

"Ms. Rhea once told me that I cannot be predicted by divination, but she can use her own divination to fail, and in turn infer that I will go to her."

Mo Lin continued: "That is to say, if I use arithmetic divination to get one thing right, and vice versa, does it mean that this thing is wrong?"

Francis' eyes were narrowed, and he glanced at Magatha, as if thinking of something.

"I'm a quick learner—even for arithmetic divination, which I'm not interested in, as long as I figure out a set of algorithm theory—I use the rough arithmetic divination algorithm I learned to calculate Arnock and this book, Count every professor—”

Morin paused, and said: "Actually, I can't calculate anything at all, because the theories I memorized will be wrong, and the calculated results will definitely be wrong-but I accidentally discovered that according to what I learned The frowning algorithm actually calculated that Anok is the murderer!"

Just like the real Magatha never got Maureen right, Molin couldn't be right about anything!

(End of this chapter)

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