Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 50 The Possibility of Surviving

Chapter 50 The Possibility of Surviving
How the pony should be placed is not a problem for Maureen to think about, because the pony can't speak, and it won't reveal the secrets it sees. No one will destroy it, and it can still be in the tower. Walking around in other paintings.

He was more sympathetic to Sir Cadogan, the eccentric knight who was more like an innocent implicated victim who became a thorn in the side of others because he saw something he shouldn't see.

"Should we tell the professor about this? The painting in the school was destroyed, which is not a trivial matter." Hugo asked.

Mo Lin shook his head: "Then how do we explain all this? The professor won't believe that I can go back in time, and maybe he will suspect that we broke the painting."

Hugo nodded: "You are right."

Maureen thought about this matter carefully, and said to himself: "Sir Cadogan's origin... By the way, maybe he is still alive."

"The painting has been destroyed like this, can it still survive?" Hugo looked at the fragments in Mo Lin's hand. The helmet had been cut open. In his opinion, there was little hope of survival.

Mo Lin said seriously: "There is another possibility. I remember that if a person has multiple portraits, then the person in the painting can drop in between his own portraits anytime and anywhere without relying on other paintings. If Sir Cadogan has other portraits too, so that even if there are none around to hide from, he can run to another portrait of himself and get away with it!"

Hugo suddenly realized, nodded and said: "I remember when you said that. I have a blank photo frame at home, which is a portrait of my great-grandfather. My grandpa also has one at home. Every time there is any news to inform us, grandpa will Please ask the great-grandfather in the photo frame over there to come to our house to convey it through the photo frame, which is faster than an owl. Of course, sometimes the great-grandfather will also lose his temper, scolding us for disrespecting the elderly and unwilling to run errands. At this time, we have to bribe him and take a rag Dip some butter beer to wipe his picture frame or something, he liked to drink butter beer when he was alive..."

Hugo realized that he had dragged the topic far away, so he quickly turned back and said, "Although we don't rule out the possibility that Sir Cadogan is still alive, what if he doesn't have other portraits? In that case, once trapped in this dim broom There is no possibility of escape."

"Many paintings in the school have their origins, otherwise it would be impossible to hang in the castle. Sir Cadogan's portrait is very large, and there must be some extraordinary achievements to be hung. We need to check Cadogan The origin of the jazz, maybe he was a famous person before, and there are portraits of him in other places." Morin said.

"Then where do we start to check? Is it the library again?" Hugo looked at the time, and then reminded: "Forget about this, you still have to participate in the Quidditch training in the afternoon!"

It was only then that Maureen remembered the matter of Quidditch training. He put the fragment of Sir Cadogan's portrait in his schoolbag, and then quickly ran to the Gryffindor dormitory to change his clothes.


Sweet was not present at Quidditch practice in the afternoon.

"Maureen, Lily, didn't you two inform Sweet? Didn't I tell everyone to be there?" Polk asked loudly. He had strict requirements for Quidditch training.

"I didn't find him." Mo Lin shook his head.

"I said last time that everyone should be ready to participate in Quidditch training at any time. The game will start next week. I don't want anyone to miss training. The Quidditch pitch was finally applied for, and some of you are still absent! "Pork looked serious.

James yawned: "Don't be serious about Polk, he's just a substitute. To be honest, with us here, the three of them can wait until next year's game."

"Shut up! James! I noticed that you and Albus are selling dangerous things every day. You will be caught sooner or later. If you are imprisoned by the professor and cannot participate in the competition, then you will know the role of the substitutes." It's gone." Pork glared at James.

James and Albus curled their lips noncommittally, fighting wits and courage with the professor, and surviving in danger has always been their belief in life.

Maureen was absent-minded during Quidditch training all afternoon, and his mind was so full of strange things that happened recently that when James and Albus pretended to bump into each other to make a joke with everyone, he accidentally Missed the Quaffle, hit James' broom, bounced off Pork's head, bounced off Albus's broom, and scored in the goal.

Polk was so annoyed that he reprimanded both James and Albus, and Maureen was also implicated.

"I think you hit that ball beautifully, but it's a pity that Pork doesn't have eyes in the back of his head, otherwise he would know how you scored. Believe me, this ball can definitely be ranked as the best in the history of Hogwarts Quidditch. Top 10 goals." James whispered to Maureen at the end of training.

"Maybe!" Maureen's ball was pure luck, and he was absent-minded during training all afternoon.Then he remembered something, and asked, "James, have you found your Marauder's Map?"

James shook his head: "No, the damned thief still hasn't been caught. But Albus and I have cast some magic on the folding box. The next time he dares to come, he will definitely regret doing such a thing."

"You should know more about Hogwarts than I do. Do you know any secret passages in the school?" Molin asked.

James frowned, then said with a smirk: "Why are you asking this? School is boring, do you want to sneak out of school to go out and play? This is against school rules."

"It's strange to hear the words violating school rules from your mouth. Haven't you been flouting school rules?"

Mo Lin put back the broom used for training. He still didn't buy one himself, and continued, "I don't want to leave the school. I'm asking you, is there any secret passage from the seventh floor of the castle to the north tower?"

James pondered for a moment, and said, "How did the secret passage on the seventh floor lead to the north tower? I remember that the Marauder's Map showed that there was a secret passage behind the statue of Gregory the Flatterer on the seventh floor, which led to the outside of the school, but it was sealed off." Yes, Principal McGonagall did it himself."

Mo Lin thought of the elusive Room of Requirement again, and continued to ask, "Then, have you looked for the Room of Requirement for a few years in school?"

"Of course there is. This is a very sacred place."

James' eyes lit up. To him, the Room of Requirement was like a place with endless treasures. If he found this room, it would be like establishing his own base. Last time he discussed with Albus that Think of the Room of Requirement as a supply point for Weasley's Wheezes goods.

But James quickly became depressed: "I haven't found it after searching for four years, maybe it was really destroyed by Fiendfire, the guy who cast Fiendfire is really a **** bastard, ruining such a sacred place. The place!"

"Even you didn't find it?"

Mo Lin has always suspected that those missing people went to the Room of Requirement. Only in this way can they explain why Mosby was not shown on the Marauder's Map last time.

But if neither James nor Albus can be found, it's hard to say whether the Room of Requirement is still there.

(End of this chapter)

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