Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 5 The Prophet Reporter

Chapter 5 The Prophet Reporter

Whether the time converter is real or not, Maureen didn't understand, Alton assisted Auror to deal with the situation seriously, the damaged glass chandeliers and shelves in the store can be restored by magic, but many magic joke products It was completely destroyed, especially a large pile of "Book of Potter" was burned to ashes by the magic fire.

George Weasley was about to explode. This was his shop, and it would be destroyed like this.

"I hope the dementors give this guy a kiss and make him happy."

George Weasley kicked Puri angrily. This was the fourth time he had kicked Puri. Maureen saw with his own eyes that George had intentionally or unintentionally knocked a slug-filled slug on the ground when he walked past Puri. The bottle deflatedly kicked Puri, who now looked miserable with his forehead covered in slug tentacles.

"Speaking of which--" George Weasley picked up a pig-nosed mirror in the corner, and "accidentally" reflected it on Puri's face, which had already grown a pig's nose, "Your Ministry of Magic is chasing wanted criminals, destroying I lost my store, you want to compensate for my loss, right?"

Phil said in embarrassment: "George, this...we are also on business, besides, your father Arthur is also from our Ministry of Magic..."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't talk to me about it. I don't know what your Ministry of Magic is doing! If you don't give a specific compensation plan, next time your Auror department will buy curse-proof hats and Cloak, I'll pay for it myself."

George didn't compromise at all, because his father was an official of the Ministry of Magic, so he knew a lot about the Ministry of Magic.

Phil spread his hands: "Then you have to talk to Bud from the Items Department. By the way, the compensation is handled by the goblins. They will help you estimate the loss."

"It's goblins again. I don't like to deal with this kind of guys. They are guys who fall into the eyes of money. I have to consider asking a few dementors to come to the door next time, and come to a fugitive for a kiss, and see who dares Come here... just kidding, that will scare the guests away..."

Soon the reporters of the Daily Prophet came sniffing the limelight, staring at the camera and surrounding Mo Lin with a snapping interview.The reporter was a blond woman with heavy lipstick, gold-rimmed glasses, and a thick layer of foundation on her face, making her look scary.

"You are the boy who helped the Aurors catch the fugitive just now. I am Judy Skeeter from the Daily Prophet. What's your name?" Reporter Judy showed a smile that she thought was very charming.

"My name is Mo Lin. Actually, just now..." The Prophet Daily interviewed Mo Lin, which made Mo Lin feel a little uncomfortable. This was the first time he met him.

But Judy didn't wait for Maureen to finish, and immediately changed the question, asking mysteriously: "I heard that you were kidnapped by Puri, is it true? Why didn't those Aurors propose to change the hostage?"

"What kind of problem is this?" Mo Lin felt very strange.

"Do you have any opinion on the inaction of the Auror department? They didn't fulfill their responsibility to protect the underage wizards just now, right?" Judy Skeeter changed the question again.

Maureen found that he didn't like this Judy very much, he said vaguely: "I don't know, but I think they want to save..."

"But I heard from the person next to you that you cast a petrification spell and hit him? So you were the only one dealing with the criminal during the whole process?" Judy asked spitting.

"That's an exaggeration, in fact my petrification spell just made him have a little nosebleed..."

Maureen was sure he didn't like this reporter. He remembered what his grandfather Alton often said. The Daily Prophet has always reported negative news about the Ministry of Magic. Every time there is a loophole in the Ministry of Magic, the Daily Prophet will definitely report it with embellishment. , wishing the sky would fall and crush the Ministry of Magic.

"You haven't gone to school this year, have you? You can deal with criminals by yourself. It seems that the people in the Auror department should leave get out of class, tsk tsk! Is the wand in your hand a new one?" Judy Skeeter looked at Molin's hand. A brand new shiny wand.

"No, I picked it up, I haven't gone yet..."

It was only then that Maureen remembered that he had picked up a magic wand, and he didn't know who it was, but at this moment Alton had strode over, pulled Maureen behind his back, and shouted at Judy: "Ms. Skeeter , have I allowed you to interview my grandson? Maureen, let's go!"

Alton angrily pulled Maureen away from the crowd, and said as he walked: "Don't answer a single word of the question she asked! This woman is a lunatic, and she has the same virtue as her incomprehensible mother, Rita Skeeter." ! Specially looking for trouble for the Ministry of Magic, by the way, you didn’t say anything nonsense just now, did you?”

"No, Grandpa, I just picked up a wand, I don't know whose it is." Maureen handed the wand to Alton.

Alton glanced at it and said, "We just happened to be going to the wand shop to buy you a wand, take this wand over, Ollivander must know who the owner of this wand is, his memory is terrible, I heard Every wand he sold remembered who the owner was..."

Squeezing through the bustling streets and coming to the end of Diagon Alley, Molin saw Ollivander's Wand Shop, the only place in London that sells wands, Molin was a little excited, he couldn't wait to have one of his own wand.

Pushing open the door of the wand shop, a strange smell came to the nostrils, like unicorn feces mixed with wood, or dragon blood mixed with the smell of camphor tree. Molin couldn't tell if he liked this smell.

His attention was attracted by the mountains of cardboard boxes in front of him. Those densely packed cardboard boxes filled the entire shelf, numbering no less than a thousand, and each box had Ollivander's unique logo. Molin knew this It's all wands inside.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Alton, birch, dragon nerve, twelve inches long, isn't it!"

Gray-haired Ollivander staggered out from the counter, looking so old and thin that a gust of wind could blow him over.His eyes were covered with a layer of mist and mist, and it was not clear whether there were eyes or not. The wrinkles on his face were like knives and ravines, and there were traces of years.

"Good afternoon, Ollivander, you have a really good memory. This is my grandson, Maureen, and I'll bring him to buy a wand." Alton laughed.

Ollivander looked at Mo Lin with his gray eyes, and Mo Lin felt uncomfortable, as if he had no secrets under the watchful eyes of the old man in front of him.

But Ollivander laughed softly, his voice seemed ethereal, as if it came from thousands of miles away: "Yes, Hogwarts freshmen all come to me to buy wands, and there will always be magic wands here." Find your wand, which hand are you good at?"

"Right hand." Mo Lin waved his right hand.

A tape measure jumped out of the counter and began to measure the size of Molin's arm, but Ollivander stepped on the ladder slowly. Looking at his slow movements and old body, Maureen was worried whether he would After falling down, he hurriedly said, "Sir, how about I help you? You just need to tell me which row you are in."

"Good boy, but it doesn't matter. I have climbed this ladder tens of thousands of times, and my footprints are branded on it. The ladder recognizes me, and nothing will happen."

Ollivander laughed, and Mo Lin soon realized that he was worrying too much. Ollivander just stepped on the bottom of the wooden ladder. He didn't climb up, but the ladder itself changed step by step, leading him up. , the ladder was apparently also bewitched.

"Ollivander, I remember last time you took in an apprentice, called Dolly, right? Why isn't it here?" Alton asked.

(End of this chapter)

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