483 Threat
Although Lucas is cunning, his physical fitness is not good, let alone the old witch, the bones of his whole body may be broken into bone dregs when he is hit by the cursed Professor Adams. They are not willing to fight with Professor Adams.

The two who were still arrogant at first were immediately chased away by the tyrannical Professor Adams, and jumped off the stone platform. They are all wizards who know magic, and there is no chance of winning by hand-to-hand combat.

Helena had already waved her wand at Maureen, but Professor Adams was not reckless. After driving Lucas and the old witch away, he immediately turned around and rushed forward, blocking Helena's spell.

"I won't let you hurt them."

Professor Adams stretched out his generous hand and grabbed Molin. The moment Maureen was caught by Professor Adams, he felt that the magic in his body had stagnated for a moment. This feeling was very surprising. Molin even thought that he Can no longer cast magic.

But the strange power of Professor Adams is also quite strange. Originally, he was weakened by a spell of the old witch, but Professor Adams touched him, not only suppressing his magic, but also breaking the old witch's bondage. The black magic spell was dispelled.

"Curse-free Magus is really powerful!"

Maureen swallowed, he had already recovered, stood up quickly, held the wand in his hand again, and looked at Helena warily.

Helena also looked at them coldly. She knew the abilities of the Adams family best. This kind of curse-free wizard was the most difficult to deal with. In ancient times, there were swordsmen and the like who could deal with them, but now In a world dominated by wizards, there is basically no way to deal with Professor Adams.

"Helena's magic can't hurt you." Mo Lin saw a clue and said in a low voice.

Professor Adams, who has awakened his family's abilities, is simply the nemesis of all wizards. If Professor Adams knows swordsmanship or Muggle fighting skills, he will be invincible among wizards.

This ability is really terrifying!
"Stand behind me, I'll be a meat shield."

Professor Adams panted, and wiped the sweat from his forehead again.After all, he is still a fat man, and it is still very tiring to run two steps.

Helena pointed her wand at Sweet, who was still trapped by Payngade's magic.

"Don't move around, I don't want to hurt any of you, but—don't force me, or I will kill him." Helena gritted her teeth and said.

A very painful look appeared on Sweet's face, he snorted, and seemed to be holding something tightly in his hand.

"Do you still want to kill people? Helena, what do you want?" Mo Lin said angrily.

Helena has always wanted to go against her mother's wishes and open the stone arch, and now she is even threatening the students. Her magic is very powerful, and it is impossible for Mo Lin to knock her down easily.

"One last step, your blood, drop your blood on the stone arch, open the stone arch, or I'll throw him in the stone arch - the stone arch is a way of no return, he will never Can't come back."

With a wave of Helena's wand, Sweet was already caught and floated in front of the stone arch.

"Don't! Stop!" Maureen shouted eagerly.

"Leave me alone, hurry up and take down the Black Rubik's Cube from the stone arch!" Sweet said in a low voice.

Lucas and the old hag also jumped up from the other side of the stone platform, watching Professor Adams warily.If Professor Adams covered Maureen and ran towards the stone arch to get the Black Rubik's Cube, they would be unstoppable.

Maureen looked at Sweet, then at the stone arch, and he clenched his fists.

"Okay, I agree." Mo Lin said quietly.

"You're crazy!" Sweet yelled.

"I can't let anything happen to you."

Maureen took a deep breath.

"If the stone arch can't be opened, then it shouldn't be opened!" Sweet said indifferently, "You know this truth better than me!"

Maureen hesitated for a moment, but finally he chose to shake his head.

"Alive is more important than anything else," Mo Lin said.

Professor Adams also chose to save Sweet. He didn't know what the opening of the stone arch meant, and even Maureen didn't know, but if they let them watch Sweet being thrown into the curtain of the stone arch, they would Can't do it either.

Professor Adams stood in front of Maureen and An Ran, and the three of them walked cautiously towards the stone arch. Both the old witch and Lucas aimed their wands at Professor Adams, but they did not cast futile spells casually.

In the distance, Payngade is still fighting fiercely with Professor Binns, and all kinds of powerful spells are flying around. Payingaid is in the painting, and Professor Binns is a ghost. Both of them have restrictions. Professor Si also gained the upper hand and pushed Payngade down.

But Morin also knew that Professor Binns' magic would not last long, and the Black Rubik's Cube was limited. Maybe after a while, Professor Binns might not be able to pose a threat to Payngade.

Molin, Professor Adams and An Ran had retreated to the side of the stone arch. Molin glanced at the stone arch and then at Sweet. He stretched out his wand and stroked his finger, creating a wound. Blood seeped out.

"Very good, smear the blood on the black cube." Helena said.

Maureen held out his hand.

"You shouldn't be doing this, just wait a little longer."

Sweet spread out his palm, and a bunch of things fell to the ground.

All eyes fell on the thing that fell from Sweet's hand, it was a strange fang pendant, and the pendant made a crisp impact on the ground.

"What is this?" Helena frowned.

But taking advantage of Helena's distraction, Mo Lin whispered, "Professor Adams, hurry up! It's now!"

Professor Adams scratched upwards, and immediately grabbed the corner of Sweet's clothes. The magic that Helena gathered on Sweet's body suddenly failed, and Sweet fell from the air, and was dragged over by Professor Adams, pulling Arrived behind oneself.

"How dare you play tricks!"

Helena screamed, and both Lucas and the old witch fired spells at them at the same time. These spells rushed towards them overwhelmingly. Professor Adams stood in the front, and most of the spells hit on him.

But the old hag swung a spell quickly, and the spell turned a corner, bypassed Professor Adams, and rushed towards Sweet——

"Unforgivable! How dare you attack these children!"

There was an angry roar, and then a terrifying blood mist drifted over, covering Lucas at the back in an instant. Lucas screamed and fell heavily!
A figure appeared on the stone platform!


Maureen breathed a sigh of relief. Floyd's arrival gave them hope. To him, Helena was even more difficult than the old witch and Lucas, and only Floyd could deal with it.

"Are you all right?"

Floyt and Professor Adams stood side by side, watching Sweet and Maureen anxiously.

"Why are you here now?" Sweet said coldly, "I took it off 15 minutes ago!"

"I'm sorry!" Floyt apologized with guilt on his face, "I knew you were at Hogwarts as soon as you took it off, and I directly apparated over - but it took me a long time to get to school, Hogg Watts' magic is not so easy to break in."

"Clive!" Helena raised her wand.

"A descendant of Ravenclaw?" Floyd's hands were already dripping with blood, and he looked at Helena angrily, "You actually murdered the students!"

The bright red blood curse flew out quickly, heading towards Helena and the old witch, and Helena's magic spell also issued a gray-white spell to block the blood curse at once.

"I know how to deal with the blood curse of the Clive family, Moira, you go and catch Maureen and let him open the stone arch! Remember, attack separately, Adams is only one person!"

After all, Helena is from that era and knows a lot about the secrets of the twelve families. Although the blood curse of the Clive family is powerful, she is not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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