Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 472 Duoyi whoosh!

Chapter 472 Duoyi whoosh!
"Doi, great?" Doi shouted.

"Don't go, Doi, there's no time right now."

Mo Lin didn't let Duoyi jump out. If Duoyi turned into a beast to fight that monster, more monsters would definitely be attracted, and the situation would be even worse.

Maureen closed his eyes immediately, he had to go back to school first!
Soon the deep roar of the monster gradually disappeared, as if he was suddenly pulled from the noisy city to the quiet suburbs, and the monster's neighing sound quickly left him.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was very unlucky and landed not far from the hillside below the stone arch, which was a long distance from the castle.

When Duoyi first appeared, he jumped out and disappeared into the grass in the darkness.

Mo Lin was lying on the grass, not daring to move casually, because he heard two people talking on the stone platform.

"Painted, there is an agreement between us. Now that he has run away, it is your fault." The old witch said hoarsely with a dry and deep voice.

She is different from Lucas, Lucas dare not disobey Payngade's words, but she is not afraid of Payngade.

"Don't worry, you will get what you want after Walker comes back."

Payngade paced slowly on the stone platform.

"Come back? Will he come back at this time?" The old witch stretched out her cane and tapped the ground lightly, making a slight noise, "Is he that stupid?"

"He'll be back."

Payngade stood on the stone platform and looked at the whole school, Mo Lin quickly retracted his body.

"Are you so sure?" the old witch continued to ask.

Payngade sneered, "He won't stay in that place for more than half an hour. No matter where he goes, he will come back here. Don't worry, I can afford to wait for half an hour."

Payngade seemed to know everything about Molin. He knew the special nature of the invisible man, and he also knew that even if Molin used the Black Rubik's Cube to escape from this place, he would still come back here half an hour later.

"This guy is really tough."

Mo Lin muttered, how many secrets did Payingade know in hiding in the painting?Even he himself didn't understand these things, why Paying Gade knew better than him?

But in any case, Payngade certainly didn't expect to come back so soon.

Maureen moved cautiously towards the castle.

If he ran from the school gate, he didn't have the magic to break through the school gate. The school gate is not so easy for students to enter and exit, so he can only go out from the castle.

At this time, Payngade continued: "You two, go search around, I have a hunch that Walker may have returned and blocked the entrance of the castle."


Lucas responded respectfully, jumped off the stone platform, and a magic rushed towards the gate of the castle. The gray light was like a curtain of water, covering the gate of the castle.

"Damn, this guy has such a keen sense of smell."

Molin looked at the water curtain at the gate of the castle. Payngade seemed to be able to predict every step Molin would take, and did not give Molin any chance.

He was leaning against a bush, now unarmed, and had no choice but to wait for Doy to get his wand back.

But the old witch took out a small cage on the stone platform. She tapped the cage with her magic wand, and the cage suddenly became larger, and countless black shadows jumped out of it.

These black shadows hovered over Hogwarts and scattered in all directions. Before Maureen could react, one of the black shadows had passed over his head, and then the black shadow let out a shrill scream.

"He's back as expected!" The old witch laughed sullenly.

Countless black shadows have swooped down towards Molin!
"What the hell is this!"

Mo Lin didn't expect the ghosts brought by the old witch to be so powerful. He found his trace all at once, and he didn't care about anything, so he jumped down. It felt as if I was connected to something.

"Doi, it's great!"

Molin seemed to have heard Doi's muttering in the distance. It had already found Molin's wand, and the little paw was running towards this side holding Molin's wand.

But Maureen had a very strange idea. He felt... as if he could use Doi to control the wand to cast magic?
Doi was not interested in his wand before, and basically never touched it, and Mo Lin didn't know what his relationship with Doi was, but when Doi held the wand, it seemed that he was holding the wand .

Mo Lin tentatively shouted: "All petrified!"

He also just yelled casually tentatively, but no one expected that a white spell shot out of the wand in Duoyi's hand as he ran.

This spell hit a black shadow in the air impartially. The black shadow let out a scream, was knocked out, and fell into the distance.

But Duoyi seemed taken aback by the magic wand's ability to cast spells, so he staggered, rolled on the hillside, and flew up.

"All petrified! Fainted! Disarm you! Torn apart!"

While dodging the black shadow's attack, Mo Lin shouted all the spells he could think of, and then the wand in Duoyi's hand was like a machine gun, firing spells in all directions.

"Doi, whoosh!"

Duoyi shouted excitedly, and the wand in his hand swept down a large area of ​​those black shadows in the air. How could those shadows expect to attack someone, and there was a little monster behind him attacking them with a wand.

One of the black shadows was hit by a stun spell and landed at Mo Lin's feet. Only then did Mo Lin realize that it was an ugly creature the size of a palm. It looked like a sparrow, its whole body was rotten, it seemed to be dead Afterwards was made black magic.

"Catch him!" Payingaid yelled.

Lucas ran over from the gate of the castle, and he fired a black magic to the front, which turned into a black mist. He stepped on the black mist, and then jumped up high, Jump five or six meters in one step.

"Doi, give me the wand!" Maureen yelled.

But Duoyi had already stabilized his figure in the air, standing firmly on a tree not far away, his little paws tightly hugged Molin's wand, and pressed the handle of the wand against his belly, Pointing the tip of the wand at the monsters in the air, he shouted happily: "Doi, whoosh!"

"Very good, you have learned a new word, let's stop talking and give me the wand!" Mo Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

But Duoyi seems to be addicted to playing, it stretched out a small paw and waved at Mo Lin, motioned to Mo Lin, and shouted: "Momo, swoosh!"

Doi wanted Morin to continue chanting spells.

Mo Lin was about to be defeated by Duoyi, and Duoyi actually wanted to play at this time!
Lucas, who was in the distance, had already jumped towards this side. He was getting closer and closer, all his attention was on Mo Lin, and he didn't see Doi standing on the branch holding his wand like a machine gun.

Mo Lin had an idea and shouted: "Duoyi, hey! It's as solid as a rock!"

Duoyi turned his wand, held the wand taller than him, and pointed it at Lucas who just jumped over from the air stepping on the black mist. A golden spell shot out and appeared on Lucas's body all of a sudden. Front!
Lucas couldn't see Doi, he was only focused on catching Molin, but he didn't expect that there was a little monster holding a magic wand on the small tree next to him, and the Golden Stone Curse turned into a transparent wall, Lucas still Didn't respond—


Lucas let out a scream.

He jumped over, and the impact was so strong, like a sandbag, that he hit the wall of the Golden Stone Curse firmly, and his nose was almost crooked.

Lucas fell out of the sky and rolled down the hill.

"Doi, whoosh! Momo, whoosh!"

Duoyi stood proudly on the treetop, holding Maureen's wand in one small paw, and with one small paw on his waist, which made it very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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