Chapter 469
"Who is my grandfather?" Mo Lin froze for a moment.

"It seems that Old Walker didn't mention this to Little Walker, tsk tsk, what a pity. Why do everyone like to hide their abilities?" Payingade shook his head lightly.

"My grandfather is just a retired official of the Ministry of Magic, don't fool me." Mo Lin said in a deep voice.

"Retired officer? You think things too simply, Walker. I thought so too at first, but don't you think, you are so special, he will only be an officer of the Misuse of Muggle Substances Division? In order to understand you , I went to investigate him on purpose, although he hid it perfectly, he still let me dig out some secrets, I am very good at investigating things, you don’t have to doubt that.”

Payngade shook his head regretfully: "Such an extraordinary person wants to work for the Ministry of Magic, and is ordered around by those stupid wizard officials, even a small Lestrange family dares to insult him." He—I really can't figure it out."

"What do you mean?"

Molin only knew that Alton had always liked to do the work of solving troubles for Muggles, and he enjoyed it every day. Solving spells was his favorite thing. Those people from the Ministry of Magic would come to him when they encountered problems that could not be solved. grandfather.

But Maureen always thought that it was only because of Alton's rich experience in magic and profound knowledge—maybe in addition to Muggle knowledge, he could solve many spells solved by those in the Ministry of Magic.

"A hundred Lestranges can't compare to old Walker. I have a little confidence in my family. Walker, your grandfather is very capable. Otherwise, why do you think I didn't let Lucas and Moira go directly Your family arrested you? It's not a good thing to make him anxious."

Payngade glanced at Lucas and Moira slowly, Lucas quickly lowered his head, but Moira just looked at Payngade coldly, she didn't seem to be afraid of Payngade.


Mo Lin was a little surprised. He didn't expect Payngade to have such a high opinion of Alton, but he felt that Payngade was lying, because he remembered very clearly that when Lucas was arrested, Grandpa was not in Lucas. Get benefits from the Loken Lodestone.

Although he knew that Grandpa was very powerful, he definitely didn't reach the level that Payngade said.

"Don't doubt my words, Walker, he hides very deeply. I think he is so restrained, just to protect you, and nothing is more important to him than you. As long as it has nothing to do with you, he will not Take it to heart."

Payngade said: "Maybe this is his character. Of course, it's okay to be a little confused sometimes, but you can't wake up the real him. He is a very tricky person. So I can only ask Helena to lure you out. , can’t let him notice. Believe me, without him, you will have a worse life than Sweet.”

Mo Lin clenched his fists: "You don't need to say such nonsense to shake me, I don't believe it so easily."

"I don't need you to believe me, Walker." Payngade shook his head, "What kind of person is he, that's not what we're going to discuss tonight. Our focus tonight is not here, so Sweet, have you considered it? How about for your father, your brother, and your sister in the Muggle orphanage?"

Payngade stared at Sweet.

Sweet had put down his wand, and he was silent for a long time before asking, "What should I do?"

"Sweet!" Maureen shouted.

"I'm different from you, Maureen, I'm not from the Ministry of Magic, and I won't work for the people of the Ministry of Magic." Sweet looked up at Maureen, his lips trembling slightly, "Since the Aurors treated him like that After that, I was completely disappointed with the people in the Ministry of Magic, all I wanted was that Nim was not like me."

"That's not why you work for Payngade!" Molin said angrily.

"What if it's you? Maureen, if the Ministry of Magic treats your grandfather like this, can you also trust the Ministry consistently?" Sweet said word by word.

Maureen pursed her lips.

"I can tell you that I have never liked those people in the Ministry of Magic, and I have never considered working in the Ministry of Magic in the future," Molin said.

This is true. He didn't like the tedious paperwork of the Ministry of Magic since he was a child. He usually finds it boring when he sees Alton writing a report.

Morin continued: "But I also have my own principles, and I will not compromise with this kind of person. Even if you don't believe in the Ministry of Magic, you shouldn't rely on this kind of person to change! He is just using you, do you think Is he more trustworthy than the Ministry of Magic?"

"I just trust my intuition." Sweet stared straight at Maureen, and said, "I have my own way to go, and I don't want to be influenced by anyone."

Maureen frowned deeply, he looked at Sweet without avoiding it, and did not speak again.

"That's right, Sweet, trust your intuition." Payngade smiled smugly.

"What should I do?" Sweet asked coldly.

"No hurry, we are all gentlemen, we should give priority to ladies. Let's start with Miss Blier, how about it?"

Payngade set his gaze on An Ran behind Mo Lin, and stretched out his hand in a gesture of "please".

An Ran shrank behind Mo Lin, and said timidly, "I don't know you."

"It's okay, my name is Paying Gade, don't we know each other now?" Paying Gade walked towards An Ran slowly.

Mo Lin protected An Ran behind his back, and said coldly, "Don't try to touch her."

"It's not up to you, Walker."

Payngade waved his wand, and Maureen felt an invisible big hand grabbing him into the air. He struggled hard, but to no avail. Without a wand, the magic he could cast was very limited, and it was impossible for him to be Payingaid's opponent.

"Put him down quickly, don't hurt him." An Ran said anxiously.

"It's easy to put him down." Payingade smiled, "You just need to help me repair that stone arch, and I'll let him down, how about it?"

"Repair? Repair the stone arch? But I—I'm not a stonemason." An Ran said in a low voice, wringing her fingers.

After all, she was just a 12-year-old girl who had just studied at Hogwarts for a year. She was ignorant of many things in the wizarding world, and she didn't know what kind of person she was facing.

"People in our twelve families all have special abilities. If you don't have anyone to teach you, it's normal not to know how to awaken your abilities." Payingade said: "It doesn't matter, you need to understand what your abilities are. For you Speaking of you, your ability is not just as simple as healing people."


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(End of this chapter)

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