Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 463 The Uninvited Guest at Night

Chapter 463 The Uninvited Guest at Night

Maureen didn't tell Alton about this. He didn't know where to find Sweet. Payngade was always cautious in doing things, and would not let people find clues so easily. Even Molin didn't pin his hopes on Headmaster McGonagall and Professor Francis.

He suddenly began to miss Anok.

Apart from grandpa, only Anok is the person he trusts the most.

Every time Anok was around, Molin felt that there was nothing he couldn't solve, but now Molin couldn't contact this mysterious little old man, which made him very sad.

In the days that followed, Mo Lin would go to Arnold's house every day to find the Arnold in the painting, and confirm the Black Rubik's Cube. Fortunately, the Arnold in the painting is also very powerful, and the Black Rubik's Cube is still safe and sound. .

It has been a week since the holiday, and Sweet has no news. No one told him what happened. He is now concentrating on time and space magic every day. Walker said that there are thirteen time and space magics in total, but until now he has Learned two.

This kind of magic is really too difficult. Mo Lin is already considered a gifted person, but the second magic has been learned for half a year and he still hasn't fully mastered it.

The minimum requirement Walker gave him was to show the information in the past 10 minutes. However, Molin can do it for 8 minutes now, and it feels like 10 minutes is not far away.

"After I have fully mastered this magic, I will sneak back to school to learn the third magic."

Mo Lin looked at himself walking around in the room. There was another self in the room at this time. The self 5 minutes ago was pacing in the room. Now he was sitting on the bed, looking at the self 5 minutes ago in the room. Continue pacing.

Although this magic is just a shadow, it can almost confuse the real with the fake. If you don't touch it, you won't be able to tell which is real.

Five minutes later, Maureen, who had cast the magic, sat on the bed and overlapped with Maureen. Maureen moved a little to the side, and then the two of them sat side by side.

"Molin, why is the light still on in your room? It's past ten o'clock, it's time to go to bed." Alton said outside.

"Sleep now, Grandpa."

Molin quickly waved his wand to make the other self disappear. Alton just walked in and yawned: "Go to bed early, and you will be refreshed tomorrow."

"Got it, grandpa."

Maureen lay down on the bed obediently, and Alton snapped his fingers to turn off the light before going back to his bedroom.

Maureen lay on the bed, drove out the messy thoughts in his mind, and fell asleep in a daze.

Around early in the morning, Mo Lin suddenly felt a chill coming from his side, which made him shiver involuntarily.

He opened his eyes sleepily and pulled the quilt. It was strange that he could still feel cold in this summer.

He turned over and planned to continue to sleep, but suddenly felt that there seemed to be someone standing beside him, and he immediately opened his eyes wide.


Maureen screamed, sat up abruptly, and reached out to grab the wand on the bedside table.

A figure suddenly stood beside his bed!
The moonlight came in from the window and passed through the person's body, making the figure look very illusory, but Mo Lin recognized the person's identity immediately.

"Helena?" Maureen asked in surprise.

Standing beside his bed was Helena, Ravenclaw's ghost, who had been missing since last summer vacation.

This ghost had been missing for almost a school year, and suddenly stood beside Mo Lin's bed in the middle of the night. If it wasn't for Mo Lin's relatively strong tolerance, he would have been scared out of his wits.

Helena made a silent movement, and the sound of Alton's hurried footsteps sounded outside: "What's the matter? What's the matter? Maureen."

The moment Alton pushed the door open, Helena had already floated out of the window.

"No, I was just having a nightmare." Mo Lin quickly prevaricated.

"I thought something was wrong, it turned out to be a nightmare!" Alton sat beside Mo Lin's bed, and touched Mo Lin's head, "What did you dream about?"

"It's just - I was caught by an evil old witch, she wanted to eat me, and I was terrified." Mo Lin said casually.

"I didn't even know you were afraid of this."

Alton laughed, no matter how he thought about it, he didn't think his grandson would be afraid of a wicked old witch.

Having said that, he didn't even remember that Mo Lin had anything to be afraid of. When he usually went out with him, the person who greeted dangerous black magic creatures out of curiosity was actually afraid of nightmares?
Alton said: "How about I move the bed over at night and sleep here with you, so as to give you courage?"

"No need, Grandpa, I've grown up." Mo Lin shook his head and said, "That's just a dream—Grandpa, you should go back to sleep quickly."

"Really not?" Alton asked.

"No." Mo Lin nodded.

"Okay, then remember to cover the quilt." Alton stood up and left the bedroom, and then closed the door.

Mo Lin quickly rolled out of bed, ran to the window, poked his head out, and looked for Helena's figure.

"Behind you." Helena didn't know when she had entered through the wall.

"You should say hello." Mo Lin muttered.

He didn't have any interaction with Helena before, and he didn't even say anything. He only occasionally saw her drifting by when he was in school.Except for a message from Myrtle last time, the two basically didn't know each other.

But such a female ghost, standing beside Mo Lin's bed in the middle of the night, this feeling——

Kind of weird.

Maureen involuntarily clutched his pajamas tightly.

"I wanted to wake you up." Helena said quietly, "but you woke up by yourself."

Mo Lin asked suspiciously: "Why did you come to me? And where have you been?"

Helena turned her head slightly, looked at Maureen, and said, "Go to school, now! Hurry up, I need your help with something important."

"What's the matter?" Mo Lin felt a little strange. Why do you go to school if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?
"This matter is very important - it is related to the stone arch outside, we need to stop Payingade's plan." Helena said softly.


Maureen cheered up all of a sudden.

"Do the principals know?" Mo Lin asked.

"I have informed the principal just now that she and Professor Francis are both rushing to school—but only you can stop the stone arch. You are an invisible man and must be there."

After Helena finished speaking, she floated out of Mo Lin's room before Mo Lin could ask a question.

"Wait, at least explain things clearly, why?" Morin shouted.

"The two stone arches are connected. Payingade is going to use the stolen stone arches in another place to summon the stone arches of Hogwarts. If you are in school, you can prevent the stone arches from being robbed. I must go now. Keep an eye on Payngade, you go to school, the principal will tell you the plan. Also, don’t tell your family, the Stone Arch must be kept secret.”

Helena's figure had disappeared into the vast night.

Mo Lin stared blankly at the moonlight outside the window in a daze. What was going on? In the middle of the night, a female ghost who had been missing for a long time suddenly came and asked him to go back to school?
There are still a lot of unresolved questions in Mo Lin's mind. Why did things happen so suddenly?

(End of this chapter)

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