Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 461 Writing a Letter

Chapter 461 Writing a Letter
"If that's the case, Payngade is a lot more cunning than we thought," Floyt said.

He had never come into contact with Payngade before, because he hid himself very deeply, lived with Muggles, and was almost isolated from the magical world. In addition, everyone didn't know that Payngade was still alive, so he hadn't seen him either. this person.

An old monster who has been hiding in the painting for hundreds of years, every step of the way is careful and deliberate. First, he looks for the Black Rubik's Cube, and then he goes to steal the stone arch of the Ministry of Magic. All the plans are carried out under his arrangement. .

If it weren't for the accident of Mo Lin, Payingade would have been reborn last year.But even though the plan was disrupted by Mo Lin's world in the painting, his plan for this year did not deviate much. He got ten black magic cubes and stole the stone arch.

Currently, there are only two Black Rubik's Cubes left, one in the hands of Anoke in the painting, and one in the hands of Professor Binns.

Morin vaguely felt that these two black cubes were not safe. Payngade used the magic of paintings to travel freely in places where there were magic photos or paintings in the wizarding world. With his ubiquitous ability, it seemed that it was only time before he found these two black cubes. question.

No wonder Professor Binns didn't mention the Black Rubik's Cube to Principal McGonagall. Principal McGonagall and other professors are wizards, and there will be magic paintings wherever they are. Wherever it is, it will inevitably follow to find the Black Rubik's Cube.

Professor Binns chose not to talk about this matter is a very wise choice.

Maureen pondered for a long time, and said, "I can't deal with this alone. I can only ask Principal McGonagall and Professor Francis to help. They may help find Sweet."

Professor Binns can not tell Principal McGonagall and Professor Francis about their Black Rubik's Cube, but Maureen still has to ask them for help about Sweet.

When he was in school last year, Mo Lin had no idea that what he was dealing with would be an old monster that had lived in the painting for hundreds of years.At that time, Mo Lin was lucky. Relying on the rules of the world in the painting, there were countless dragon-flame repellents. Relying on this medicine to stimulate the magic in his body, he could kill Peiyingedek to death.

But in reality, Payngade has two very difficult helpers, neither Lucas nor the old hag are easy to deal with.

As a child, he couldn't resist the two dark wizards, and Anok couldn't get in touch. He didn't want to involve his grandfather, so he could only find the professor at the school.

"sorry to bother you."

Floyd nodded and said that he also knew how bad this matter was. Now that he is wanted and he is not familiar with Payngade, he can only rely on Principal McGonagall and the others to find Sweet.

Mo Lin thought of something, and said: "Also, you have to understand that if I tell Principal McGonagall and Professor Francis, they will know that I have seen you, and maybe they will come to you, I There's no guarantee I'll hide anything—"

Floyt hardly hesitated: "Just find Sweet."

"He will force me to tell you where you are, and Professor Francis will not let you go." Morin emphasized.

Professor Francis is not so easy to fool. Every time Molin wants to hide something, Professor Francis can always catch the loopholes in his words, and even Maureen finds it difficult.

Especially now that it is still a holiday, if Professor Francis goes to Alton and asks Alton to convince Mo Lin, Mo Lin is very worried that he will not be able to hide the truth.Although Alton would not scold him, but knowing that he was related to a fugitive, he would definitely be anxious.

Floyt was silent for a while, and said sadly: "If Professor Francis can help find Sweet, I will cooperate."

"What about Nim's mother and son?"

Floyt shook his head: "They won't do anything. The Ministry of Magic has no reason to move them. Nim is also a wizard, but he needs to go to a Muggle school to learn the basics, and I can't go to them."

Maureen glanced at Floyd, he didn't say anything more, turned and left here.


After Maureen left the tree house, he apparated back home, but Alton hadn't returned yet.He hurried back to his bedroom, took out a piece of parchment, and wrote down the fact that he went to see Floyt and found that Sweet was not with Floyt.

But in the middle of writing, he remembered what Sweet said.

Sweet had said last time that he didn't want Nim to grow up like him without his father.

Professor Francis used to be the Auror who was in charge of arresting the Scarlet Blood Hand. With his indifferent and inhuman temperament, he would definitely treat each case separately and treat the Scarlet Blood Hand alone.

Scarlet Bloodhand was once a very arrogant wizard, he committed many thefts in a row, even twenty Aurors were no match for him, and the Ministry of Magic also determined that he was involved in several murders, this kind of wizard Professor Francis I will not let him go.

Once Floyt is caught again, Maureen can be sure that the staff of the Ministry of Magic will not give him any chance to escape this time, and will directly sentence him to death.

Mo Lin glanced at the photo of his parents on the desk, and he pursed his lips tightly.

In the photo, the parents were hugging him, and Anok stood behind and looked at his children and grandchildren with a smile. The family enjoyed themselves happily.

Maureen liked the scene.

He shook his head, crumpled up the parchment, threw it aside, and took out a new parchment again.

"It's strange that I should help a criminal."

Maureen often follows Alton to handle cases everywhere. Alton has a very straightforward attitude towards criminals. If he makes a mistake, he must pay the price.

Although Mo Lin was not very quiet, he subtly recognized this truth.

Even if Floyt is not Lucas, he is still the former "Scarlet Blood Hand", and he has been involved in several human lives, which cannot be disputed.

But this time Mo Lin didn't want a criminal who had committed crimes before to be caught by the Ministry of Magic again.

"I don't know if it's right for me to do this."

Maureen muttered, picked up the pen, and wrote it again, changing it to Floyd's letter asking him about Sweet's situation, but he didn't know the fact that Sweet had already disappeared.He also specifically emphasized in the letter that he did not know where Floyt was.

Maureen finished writing the letter, then rolled up the paper and opened the owl's cage.The owl that Floyt sent with the blood curse yesterday was still curled up in the cage, looking very listless, and he planned to use his own owl.

Maureen stuffed the letter into the skin pouch on his owl's leg, and said, "Go to Headmaster McGonagall or Professor Francis, whichever is closest, please."

The owl pecked lightly at his hand, then spread its wings and leaped into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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