Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 459 Treehouse

Chapter 459 Treehouse
This is also a small town where Muggles gather. Molin was much more cautious when apparating this time.He had purposely Apparated onto a branch, and there were no Muggles around, and no one saw him.

Four or five hundred meters away is the place where Muggles live. In front of it is a rugged gravel path, with a row of bushes growing in disorder, and a small river passing through the town.

Mo Lin jumped down from the maple tree, stood under the thick maple tree and glanced around. This place is relatively hidden, the location is a little bit off, the road is still difficult to walk, and most Muggles will not come here .

"What time is it?"

Maureen looked at his pocket watch. It was already [-]:[-], and the time agreed with Floyd was [-]:[-].

When he was about to find a place to sit down, suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder.

The sudden appearance of the hand made Mo Lin startled. When he looked back, he found that the hand was protruding from the maple tree, as if it had merged with the maple tree, and it seemed to be on the living tree trunk. Like a human hand.

"Come in."

A low, hoarse voice sounded in the maple tree, and Maureen recognized Floyt's voice.

"You're not a Magus who can turn into a plant, are you?"

Mo Lin couldn't help muttering, but the hand had already withdrawn from the tree trunk, Mo Lin hesitated for a moment, and walked straight to the tree trunk.

Just like the magic wall at King's Cross Station in London, this tree trunk was also cast with a special magic, and Maureen walked in without any hindrance, and then he found himself standing on a staircase.

The stairs are made of wood, winding upwards, the walls are made of wood, and there are a few torches hanging on them, slightly illuminating the surroundings.

"Come up."

Floyd was standing on the fourth or fifth steps. He was wearing a gray shirt and jeans, just like Muggles, and his face looked a little tired.

He turned the torches, and the flames of these torches shrank.Maureen knew what these torches were for. It was a special guardian magic. Once someone forced an invasion, he would take the initiative to attack the intruder. Alton had mentioned it to him before.

"Should I trust you?" Maureen asked.

"At least you came alone."

Floyd forced a smile, he took two steps up, and then opened a wooden door.

"I haven't decided whether to trust you or not." Maureen didn't move. He looked up at Floyt and said, "Scarlet Hand, is that so?"

Floyd froze for a moment, his eyes were a little surprised: "How did you know about this?"

"My grandfather works in the Ministry of Magic." Maureen said, "Although you are not Lucas, how do you explain the scarlet hand?"

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't even know my identity, how did you know?" Floyt asked.

"Guess, your very special blood curse magic." Mo Lin didn't hide anything, "I know a little bit about the blood curse ability of the Clive family."

"You are really amazing. I have never seen a child as sharp as you." Floyd praised.

"I'm not here to hear you praise me." Mo Lin said simply and clearly.

Floyt was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Everyone has a past that they don't want to mention, and I don't want to explain about the Scarlet Hand."

"Then why should I believe you?" Mo Lin said in a deep voice, "I heard from grandpa that you have killed people before."

Floyt twitched his lips twice, and said, "There are some things you won't understand."

Maureen frowned, he didn't know whether to believe Floyt's words.

"I won't hurt you or anything, you can rest assured about that." Floyd stood by the door and made an inviting gesture.

Maureen shrugged his shoulders, it's all here anyway, if Sweet was here, Floyt wouldn't do anything to him, so it didn't matter.

He stepped up the steps and stepped through the wooden door.

Then Mo Lin found himself in a small wooden cabin. This small wooden cabin is very strange. It has all kinds of simple furniture and a small kitchen. The tables and chairs are all made of wood. With cyan leaves.

There is a bed in the corner, and there is a lamp next to it. It seems that the whole room has all the necessary facilities.

What surprised Mo Lin the most was that there were still a few windows in this log cabin, and the sunlight outside the windows was lazily shining in through the leaves of the maple tree, rustling on the floor, and the east window had no branches yet. Blocked, you can directly see the scenery of the town.


Floyd waved his wand, and the chair automatically moved to Maureen's side. A pot of tea and cups also flew from the kitchen, and Maureen was automatically poured a cup of tea.

Mo Lin looked at the house and couldn't help but said, "Is this a tree house?"

"Yes, a kind of wooden house that I have remodeled, specially for emergencies. It was just a palm-sized toy model. I cast magic on it. As long as it is pressed into a tree, it can automatically turn the tree into a tree. into a hut."

With another wave of his wand, Floyt disposes of some lunch boxes in the corner.Maureen stared at the wand in his hand. He remembered that Floyt's wand should have been confiscated by the Ministry of Magic.

"I snatched it from a wizard, there's no way, my wand has been broken by them." Floyt found that Maureen was looking at his wand, and explained casually.

"You don't live the life of a fugitive."

Maureen looked at Floyt. Although Floyt was not as energetic as last time, he looked good, with neatly combed hair and clean clothes.

"What do you think I should be?" Floyt asked rhetorically.

"It shouldn't be the kind of unkempt, yellow and thin, ragged clothes." Mo Lin sat down, but he didn't touch the teacup.I think it's better to be cautious.

Maureen also knew many fugitives from wizards since he was a child. Ordinary fugitives are too late to escape the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic. There is no time to clean themselves up, but Floyt looks much better than ordinary fugitives. .

"I like to be tidy." Floyd pulled the chair and sat down, and then asked impatiently, "Is Sweet now? Where is he? I forgot to ask you which orphanage he was in last time."

Maureen was slightly taken aback, and he was surprised: "Isn't Sweet with you? I thought he came to you."

"He didn't come to me, and he won't come to me—what do you mean?" Floyt felt something was wrong.

"But he disappeared two days before the holiday—"

"Missing?" Floyt was startled, "How could he disappear?"

"You don't know? The professors always thought he was looking for you. All his things are still in school, but he disappeared." Mo Lin explained the matter briefly.

The more Floyt heard it, the more surprised he became: "He never came to look for me, and it was impossible for him to find me. How could he disappear for no reason?"

"He didn't look for you?"

Morin vaguely felt that something was wrong. Both Principal McGonagall and Professor Francis thought that Sweet must have secretly gone to find his father without telling everyone. This is why Morin came to confirm today, but Flo Etta tells him Sweet isn't here!
(End of this chapter)

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