Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 451 The Stone Arch Incident

Chapter 451 The Stone Arch Incident

The fact that the Stone Arch was taken away by the Ministry of Magic quickly spread throughout the school. Although everyone hadn't discussed the Stone Arch for a long time, they didn't want to see the Stone Arch taken away by the Ministry of Magic.

Everyone is speculating whether the Ministry of Magic has discovered the secret of the Stone Arch, and plans to swallow the inheritance left by the four founders of Hogwarts without permission.

James and the others even yelled that it was a pity that they had tried hundreds of times to get close to the stone arch, but they all ended in failure. The two of them also figured out a new method last month, but they haven't had time to implement it yet.

"It's unbelievable that the Ministry of Magic would do this. Principal McGonagall has said that it is the property of Hogwarts!"

While eating breakfast, Hugo and Lily had a heated discussion, while thinking about how to go back and make indirect remarks. Both of their parents worked in the Ministry of Magic, but Hugo didn't dare to write to ask, he was encouraging Lily wrote home.

"I didn't ask, it would be strange if my dad would tell me!" Lily forked a piece of pudding and rejected Hugo's suggestion, saying, "Why don't you ask your mother?"

"It's not that you don't know her temper, she will eat me raw." Hugo turned his head and said to Mo Lin, "Mo Lin, why don't you write a letter home and ask your grandpa?"

"Don't worry, the Ministry of Magic can't find anything." Mo Lin shook his head.

"Are you so sure?" Hugo asked in surprise.

"Think about it! The Department of Mysteries also has such a door. They haven't figured out why after so many years of research. What do they expect to find out from the school's stone arch?" Mo Lin said casually.

Lily took a sip of milk and said, "You don't believe in the Ministry of Magic's ability—"

Maureen rested his chin with his hands and said, "It's not that I don't believe in the Ministry of Magic's ability—"

Speaking of this, Mo Lin frowned, and then continued: "Oh yes, I don't really trust the Ministry of Magic."

Lily and Hugo looked at each other, feeling incredible, because the parents of the three of them were all members of the Ministry of Magic.

"Won't your grandpa kill you? He's also a retiree from the Ministry of Magic. How dare you say that about the Ministry of Magic." Hugo said inarticulately with a bulging sandwich stuffed in his mouth.

"It's okay." Mo Lin smiled, "My grandpa never hit me."

Alton hadn't even scolded Maureen much, let alone hit him.Sometimes Alton would complain to Maureen about the systems of the Ministry of Magic, and the Ministry of Magic was not a good place to stumble.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the restaurant, and someone shouted loudly: "I'm back! I'm back!"

"What's back?"

"That door, the inheritance of the four school ancestors is back!"


The whole auditorium was boiling, and everyone put down their breakfast one after another, rushed out of the auditorium, and went outside to check.

"What's going on? Did the Ministry of Magic send back the stone arch so quickly? Didn't they just take it away yesterday?" Hugo was surprised.

Mo Lin also felt a little strange. He put down the cup in his hand, picked up his schoolbag and said, "Let's go and have a look too!"

They all squeezed out of the auditorium and mixed in with the crowd, which was not easy, there were too many people who wanted to join in the fun.Because the stone arches were just taken away yesterday, everyone discussed this matter in the morning and strongly condemned the shameless behavior of the Ministry of Magic, but they did not expect the stone arches to be sent back suddenly. This kind of thing is a bit strange.

Almost all the students in the school rushed out of the castle, and even the professors ran out to check the situation in surprise. They didn't seem to understand what happened.

Maureen struggled to squeeze in the crowd, he couldn't squeeze forward, because there were too many people in front, even Professor Flitwick couldn't squeeze in, he kept shouting to give way, but because of his size Too short, no one noticed him, and he was accidentally pushed down by other students who wanted to squeeze forward, and almost had a stampede.

Finally he cast a Levitation Charm on a large boulder, which carried him above them all to the stone arch.The levitation spells of other students can't do this, so they can only use their bodies to try to get closer to the stone arch.

After the stone arch was dug away by the Ministry of Magic yesterday, the nearby protective magic has been removed, so many students who arrived early have squeezed under the stone platform of the stone arch. This is the first time they really looked at it up close. stone arches.

Both James and Albus had even stood in front of the stone arch, talking loudly to the four statues above the stone arch.

"I said that the inheritance of Stone Arches should be reserved for Hogwarts students!" James poked Slytherin's snake's head with his wand.

"It seems that the people from the Ministry of Magic are aware of this and sent it back." Albus stroked the mane of the Gryffindor lion, feeling miraculously proud, "They know very well that the heir to the treasure should be in our middle!"

"The stone arch was not sent back by the Ministry of Magic, Albus, it appeared out of thin air in the morning!" A senior boy also climbed up the stone platform and said.

"Appeared out of thin air?"

"Yes, it's the kind that manifests itself, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Comrades, the opportunity has come, let's study together—"

More and more students wanted to climb up the stone platform to touch the stone arch, and the crowd was crowded together, and the scene was very chaotic.

But Professor Flitwick had already approached the stone arch from above everyone, and issued a bubble spell, covering the students above the stone arch. James and the others were wrapped in air bubbles and forced to float into the air.

Professor Flitwick used a magic spell to separate a space near the stone arch to prevent more people from pushing forward.

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze! It would be unwise for you to crowd like this until we figure out what's going on with the stone arches. There's a high chance of a stampede!" Professor Flitwick shrieked.

"Professor, since you can't research it, why don't you let us try? Maybe one of us can touch this stone arch?"

James was trapped in a huge bubble by Professor Flitwick, swinging in the air, he was thumping the bubble dissatisfiedly, trying to get close to the stone arch again, but Professor Flitwick's magic is not so easy to crack.

"That's right! At least give us all a chance. Don't you always say that the theory needs to be proved by practice? If each of us touches it, maybe the stone arch will respond."

Albus was floating with the bubbles, he was head down and couldn't move, but he still poked the bubbles with his wand, trying to burst them.

"It's not a matter of touching or not at all, Potter! Did the arch react when the two of you touched just now?" Professor Flitwick said.

"Then we still have us!" Another group of students shouted from below.

"That's right, James and Albus are not the heirs, maybe we are!" The others were also booing.

"Shut up, Dale, who said we weren't, maybe we just didn't touch the right place," Jaime shouted, "maybe wash our hands with lion's saliva or something, we're going to try every possibility! "

"That's right! Any possibility can't be let go!"

Many students agree with James' suggestion.

"Give me peace, Potter, unless you want me to put you in detention."

Principal McGonagall said with a serious face. Her voice was very loud and extremely intimidating in the crowd. It was much more effective than Professor Flitwick's words. Everyone obediently made way for her.

(End of this chapter)

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