Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 442 Powerless

Chapter 442 Powerless
Only two days have passed, and the incident of the attack on the small town of Peters has spread widely in the wizarding world.

Although the devastated town had been restored to normal by the Aurors, and the memories of the Muggles in the town had been adjusted, eleven Muggles and two Aurors were still killed in this incident.

The explanation given by Aurors to Muggles is that the omnipotent gas pipe exploded, but it is another explanation given to all wizards.

On Sunday morning, Hugo gave Morin a copy of the Daily Prophet, which had a striking headline in large, clear characters: "The Notorious Dark Wizard Lucas Arrested, Two Aurors Sacrifice, Ten A Muggle loses his life! "

Maureen carefully checked the report of the Daily Prophet. The article mentioned the sacrifice of two Aurors from the Ministry of Magic in order to capture Lucas, and also mentioned that eleven innocent Muggles died for it:

——Lucas once broke into the Ministry of Magic, stole black magic items, and caused riots in various places. This time, in the small town where he lived, he jumped the wall and used black magic to torture the Muggles in the town with nightmares. Eleven Muggles Gua died in a nightmare.

"We are very saddened by this. The suspect's real name is not Lucas, but Spencer Floyt. He pretended to be Lucas and committed crimes. We have enough evidence to show that the real Lucas is dead. The previous turmoil was caused by Floyd."

Captain Nicole of the Auror team accepted an interview with this reporter. He said that the most dangerous suspect in the wizarding world has been arrested recently, and everyone can no longer worry about the panic brought about by this dark wizard.

Nicole is a capable Auror. He mainly uses vigorous methods to arrest criminals. Under the leadership of Nicole Auror, thirteen Aurors joined forces to take Lucas down, but there are still two Aurors. Unfortunately the Auror paid with his life.

Floyd is a very powerful Occlumency Master, and Legilimency has no effect on him, but according to Nicole, Floyd's identity is far more than that simple. He is investigating and collecting evidence. The wizard named Floyt is very likely to be related to a case more than ten years ago.

Nicole caught Lucas this time, and this newspaper learned from inside the Ministry of Magic that Nicole will be rewarded for cracking the 'Lucas case', and will even take this opportunity to be promoted Deputy Director of the Auror Department.


"Promoted to the deputy director of the Auror department?"

Maureen looked at the Daily Prophet, frowning deeply. The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic had already determined that Floyt was Lucas, and even the investigation process had been omitted, and Floyt would not refute it at all. Chance.

It has to be said that Lucas and the old witch played their cards extremely well, diverting the attention of the Ministry of Magic away. Now that the Ministry of Magic has captured "Lucas", the two of them can play more blatantly. Make plans for the next step.

Maureen took the newspaper and went to the library to find Sweet. He knew that Sweet usually hid in a corner of the library to read.

Sweet has been in a depressed mood for a while, and he hardly speaks, even in the dormitory, and he has returned to the way he ignored people when school started.

When Maureen found Sweet in the corner of the library, he found a thick stack of black magic books piled up on Sweet's desk. The names of these Ministry of Magic looked very boring.

"Basic Muggle Protection Act, Basic Wizarding Law?"

Maureen looked at the book next to Sweet in surprise. This kind of boring book is generally only something that senior students will be exposed to in some elective courses when they want to work in the Ministry of Magic. It's time to read this book.

Sweet glanced at Maureen, then lowered his head and continued to read his book.

"Do you want to read a law book to defend your father?" Maureen asked as he sat down.

"He's not my father," Sweet said sullenly.

"Then what are you doing?" Maureen asked.

Sweet was silent for a long time before he spoke: "I won't forgive him, but—"

He turned a page of the book and continued with gloomy eyes: "But I don't want Nim to be like me, without a father since childhood."

"Feel sorry."

Maureen didn't know what to answer, the more he got in touch with Sweet, the more he found that Sweet was a very special person.

He is taciturn and indifferent to other people, but he always has his own scale in his heart when doing things.

Perhaps it was because he felt that growing up alone was uncomfortable, and he didn't want Nim to be like him.

Floyd didn't grow up with him, he hated this person, but he didn't hate his half-brother, he knew who he should blame in his heart and who was innocent.

Maureen knew that it would be useless even if Sweet had read all the wizarding laws. He was only a second-year student with no power, power or background. It was impossible for him to go to the Ministry of Magic to change anything.

But Maureen also knew that Sweet just wanted to find something to do and be familiar with wizarding laws. Not now, maybe after graduation in the future?This is the only thing he can do.

Maureen handed the newspaper to Sweet, who read it silently, with anger in his eyes.

"Is the Ministry of Magic such a group of people? Did they not follow the law? Just charged him with such a crime?" Sweet asked angrily.

"It's such a big mess, and two Aurors lost their lives. They have to do something, find someone to take care of it, and calm down the storm first."

Molin still has a little understanding of the style of the Ministry of Magic staff. Alton often sometimes complains that the legal provisions of the Ministry of Magic are just a piece of paper, and Molin is more aware of it.

Sweet clenched the pen in his hand and took a deep breath.

"Actually, the most important thing is to find Lucas and that old witch. As long as you catch them, your father will be proven innocent," Mo Lin said.

Both of them fell into silence. They both understood that it would be very difficult to catch Lucas and the old witch. They had too many means, they could block the detection of the Ministry of Magic, and they could sneak into the Aurors in a desperate manner. Frame other people, who knows what they will do next.

"The two of them have stolen the Black Cube, haven't they?" Sweet asked.

"The Black Rubik's Cube was hidden in that house—they broke into that house that day and indeed stole the Black Rubik's Cube." Mo Lin nodded.

There is no doubt about this, because Maureen has already gone to see the stone arch in front of Hogwarts Castle. The tenth pattern of the original stone arch has only just appeared, but at this time it has been deeply embedded in the stone arch. , which means that ten Black Rubik's Cubes have been found by Lucas and the old witch.

Morin has already told Principal McGonagall about this situation. The principal believes Morin's statement for the time being, but because everyone knows too little about the Black Cube, it is impossible to be sure what will happen after the Black Cube opens the stone arch. What's up.

Professor Binns is still missing. He hasn't come back yet. The only thing Molin can be sure of is that the Cuthbert family guarded the Black Rubik's Cube has not been found yet.

And the last piece of the Black Rubik's Cube belongs to the Ambrosius family, and it is in the hands of Arnold in the painting.

(End of this chapter)

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