Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 438 Framed

Chapter 438 Framed
"Catch that kid in the house and he'll be gone!" shouted the old hag in the guise of an Auror.

The other Aurors also realized that they hadn't encountered such a powerful wizard for a long time. In the past, the Aurors were not hindered in their work when they were on missions. Those dark wizards usually ran away quickly when they saw the Auror coming. May linger in place.

However, Floyd did not run away immediately. On the contrary, he confronted them, obviously to protect his children.

"Attack that house and distract him!" Lucas's disguised Auror yelled too.

Some of the Aurors had realized this and started lasing spells at the house.

"These Aurors are assholes! They'll hurt Nim if they cast the spell recklessly!"

Sweet was extremely angry. He had been reluctant to admit that Floyt was his father, but at this juncture, he couldn't stand by and watch, let alone his younger brother.

"You are not allowed to come near here!"

Floyd shouted loudly, he raised his left hand, and the wand in his right hand waved a red light again, repelling the old witch and Lucas, but his face became paler and paler.

It was only then that Mo Lin noticed that his left wrist was bleeding all the time, but the strange thing was that the blood didn't flow to the ground, but disappeared into the red ripples in front of his eyes. It was this blood that made his magic very powerful. Resisted more than a dozen Aurors and two unfathomable dark wizards!
"Nim, wait inside! Don't come out!" Floyt yelled.

He waved a red spell again, and this red spell landed on an oak tree. The trunk to the branches and leaves of the oak tree turned a bright red color, and all the leaves trembled rapidly, aiming at a tall man. The witch entangled in the past.

The tall wizard had already run towards the house from behind, but within two steps, he was directly entangled by the oak tree. The red branch wrapped him up, and his wand was also caught by the branch. break off.

Maureen also felt furious. These Aurors had done everything for Floyd. They knew that there was an innocent child in the house, but they still cast a spell at that house, because only in this way could Floyd be killed. Special attention is drawn away.

Maureen wanted to help, but he couldn't get through the barrier, and even if he and Sweet could get in, they were no match for this group of Aurors. The strength of the two of them was nothing compared to these Aurors.

Professor Kane and Professor Francis are busy burning the nightmares of other Muggles below to prevent Muggles from being killed by nightmares. No one can help Floyt right now.

Floyd had already retreated to the door of his house. He gritted his teeth and his face became paler and paler. It was almost the limit for him to continue to use blood curse magic to deal with so many powerful wizards. The red barrier protecting the whole house After being hit by the old witch, the cracks that appeared did not heal as quickly as before.

But at this time, the old witch seized the opportunity and continued to attack the crack, blasting a hole out of the crack!
She issued a gray magic spell again, expanding the hole, and then stepped on the air, and a bouncing spell appeared under her feet, sending her into the hole, falling into the corridor, and she broke directly window, jumped into the window, and grabbed Nim.

"No! Let him go, you old woman!"

Floyd roared angrily, and ran towards the door without caring about blocking the other Aurors.But Lucas had already jumped into the corridor through the hole in the barrier, and while Floyt was distracted, he shot a brown spell at him from the side, Floyt let out a painful cry, and his body He staggered and fell against the door.

At this time, the red barrier around him was already full of cracks, crumbling, and the other Aurors also quickly hit all their attack spells on the red blood cursed barrier.


The barrier was shattered all of a sudden, and two spells hit the house directly, making a huge gap in the house. The wood and glass of the house splashed everywhere, and Nim and his mother's terrified screams came from inside. .

Floyt got up from the ground, his face looked terrible, but he still rushed into the house, and the whole room suddenly flashed with lights of various spells, mixed with the cries of children and Floit It's howling.

Countless powerful spells blasted holes in the roof of the house. At this moment, the whole house suddenly emitted a strange suction, and all the debris began to collapse inward, as if a terrifying vortex appeared inside the house , to swallow the whole house.

"Lucas, he's going to destroy the house! Come and help! We can't beat him!"

The voice of the old witch disguised as an Auror came from the house, and she was actually using this method to frame Floyd!

All the Aurors changed their faces when they saw the collapse of the house.

Lucas has caused countless damages and is listed as the most wanted criminal. When he commits crimes, he often collapses the buildings on the scene into a big ball, and then escapes.But the Ministry of Magic never caught Lucas!

"Catch him!" The other Aurors also ran into the house immediately, and they couldn't let go of this opportunity to catch Lucas.

But at this time, the house was completely broken, and everything flew inside.Floyd's angry voice came out: "Your target is indeed the Black Rubik's Cube! Stop it—no! Nim!"

A red shadow jumped out of the house quickly, and Floyd ran out holding Nim and his wife at an incredible speed, and fell heavily on the ground. He quickly got up and wanted to check on Nim. However, an Auror had quick eyesight and quick hands, and a stun spell fell on Floyt. Floyt couldn't dodge in time, and fell to the ground all at once.

At this time, a black awl suddenly drilled out from the collapsed ruins and hit the barrier above the street. The barrier originally used to prevent apparition broke a big hole!The barriers of the entire street also began to crumble, and even collapsed.

Mo Lin recognized the black awl at a glance. Lucas used this black awl to break the anti-apparition spell when he escaped.

There were all kinds of high-pitched hissing noises from the house, but with all the Aurors' attention on Floyd, no one noticed that two wizards in the middle of the house had already Apparated out of sight in the confusion.

"Catch him for me!"

An Auror wand issued a stun spell again, and hit Floyt again to prevent him from waking up. Another Auror had already pulled out a pair of shackles from his pocket and put them on Floyt. This kind of shackles can restrain the magic in the wizard's body, so that they can't cast any magic.

"No! You can't catch him!"

Sweet yelled angrily and ran down the steps. At this time, the barrier had disappeared, and he rushed to Floyd who was caught, but an Auror saw Sweet and immediately caught him. Special to catch.

"Where did you come from, kid—still holding a wand? Don't go there!" The Auror restrained Sweet with magic.

"He's not Lucas, you caught the wrong guy!" Maureen also ran over and shouted at Auror.

But he didn't take two steps, and was caught by an Auror's spell.

(End of this chapter)

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