Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 421 Legilimency Master

Chapter 421 Legilimency Master

Mo Lin was really taken aback by this sudden sound. Hearing strange sounds in such an inexplicable ghost place is not a fun thing, especially when he is surrounded by four animals.

"Who's talking where?"

Mo Lin didn't hear what the voice was saying at all. He looked around and thought the four statues had spoken.

"House of Requirement is always there to help children in need."

The voice floated melodiously again.

"So it's still in the Room of Requirement?"

This time Mo Lin heard it clearly, the voice sounded with an inexplicable affinity, it was the voice of a woman, and Mo Lin could even tell from this voice that the speaker was a kind and kind woman.

But he still didn't see where the speaker was.

"Didn't you come here just to ask for help?" the voice asked.

"Yes, I need help - but I thought I'd gone to that place, you know, the place with two moons -" Maureen muttered.

"It takes a special way to get there, and I can't do it for you."

Maureen asked suspiciously: "You—may I ask you—"

"You come here for help and don't know who I am?"

"Are you the Room of Requirement?"

Mo Lin asked suspiciously, he came here to seek help from the Room of Requirement, but when will the Room of Requirement become a human being to talk to him?He often runs to the Room of Response, but he doesn't remember that this room has this ability.

"I'm not the Room of Requirement—" the voice said cheerfully, "but I built this Room of Requirement."

"The House of Requirement you built?"

Maureen was slightly taken aback. He only remembered that Hogwarts had such a magical Room of Response, which has been selflessly providing a lot of help to the teachers and students of the school for thousands of years. When everyone needs the most urgent things, it will be there in time. appeared.

This room has provided help to many students, including providing students with a refuge, a place to hide illegal magic items, etc. Molin used the Room of Requirement mostly to sneak out of the school to meet Arnock, but he didn't know this Who built the House of Requirement.

Not only him, I'm afraid those who have received gifts from the House of Requirement don't know who built it.

Mo Lin felt a little embarrassed. It was a bit impolite to use his things so many times without knowing him.But he felt terrified when he heard this voice. No matter who built the House of Requirement, that person should have lived many years ago, and now he suddenly jumped out to speak——

Mo Lin felt a little tingling in his scalp. He remembered what happened in the painting last semester. The speaker in front of him—don’t be another Payingade, right?
To be honest, one Payngaid was enough, he really didn't want to meet another ancient wizard waiting to sacrifice him, that would be too bad luck.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." The voice continued gently in the dark, "I'm just a consciousness left behind by magic, like a Gryffindor hat. People cause trouble."

"Can you hear what I'm thinking?" Mo Lin asked in surprise, he was just thinking about it in his mind.

"I'm a natural Legilimency master, and I know what's going on in your head," said the voice.

"Legilitivist? But I remember—"

Mo Lin was very surprised, because he remembered that he could not be read by Legilimency. Payngade used this magic on him last time, but he peeped into his memory instead.

"My Legilimency is quite special. Unlike others, I don't need to learn or use a magic wand. I can tell what's on your mind just by looking at it. Even if you are born with Occlumency, it's useless to me—the Sorting Hat also Can read your mind, can't you? It's Godric's hat, but I did him a little favor."

The dark voice seemed very happy with this ability, she continued: "When you come to me, you will ask me for help, and then you will disclose all your memories to me. I know what everyone is thinking, That’s why we can most correctly make the Room of Requirement conjure what you need. So you don’t have to doubt my ability.”

"Is that so?"

Mo Lin found it incredible. He had never considered this issue carefully.Everyone needs to recall their most urgent needs in their minds when using the Room of Requirement, but no one seems to have thought about the magical principles of the Room of Requirement.

It turned out that the Room of Requirement was able to meet everyone's requirements because a natural Legilimency master used Legilimency on them!
But who is this natural Legilimency master?Why doesn't anyone seem to mention it?

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Mo Lin's mind, thinking that when he was outside the Room of Requirement just now, he was forcibly dragged here by the badger on the door, he opened his eyes wide and said in surprise: "You won't be —My God—it’s not true, is it?”

"It's true." The voice said happily, and she already knew what Maureen was thinking, "Since Hogwarts was founded, this room has helped so many children, but no one remembers who I am , of course - I don't want them to appreciate me, I like to help people - but if someone knows my name, I will be very happy."

"But—how is this possible? I thought—" Maureen didn't react for a long time, "My God! I had no idea that this room was built by Helga Hufflepuff!"

One of the four founders of Hogwarts, the founder of Hufflepuff College!

"You know now," said Hufflepuff gently.

Maureen still finds it unbelievable, because the house of Hufflepuff is relatively inconspicuous among the four houses.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem so difficult to accept.

Gryffindor recruits brave students, Slytherin recruits smart pure-blood students, Ravenclaw recruits the brightest students, only Hufflepuff House treats students equally and is willing to selflessly help anyone Students grow.

The Room of Requirement has helped countless students, which is very much in line with Hufflepuff's concept.

Maureen had only heard of a secret room left by Slytherin in the past, and there was a thousand-year-old basilisk in it, waiting for later generations to open it to cleanse the school of wizards with impure bloodlines. It was opened more than 20 years ago However, I didn't expect that Helga Hufflepuff would leave such a room, and it was the Room of Requirement that he was very familiar with!
"Hogwarts was originally a castle built by the four of us to provide a place for apprentice wizards to receive education, but we all have our own ideas about running a school, so you don't have to be too surprised."

Hufflepuff paused, as if remembering something, and said gently: "You have to understand, this school is not just a secret room left by Salcha, Godric and Rowena Both of them have left their own wealth, waiting for future generations to dig."

Maureen was surprised: "Wait, you mean—Mr. Gryffindor and Ms. Ravenclaw also left a similar room?"

(End of this chapter)

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