Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 410 Nim

Chapter 410 Nim
Sweet said at the beginning that the Black Rubik's Cube was a relic left by his father. He touched the Black Rubik's Cube when he was a child. Later, his mother put the Black Rubik's Cube away, and Sweet never saw the Black Rubik's Cube again.

But what if Sweet's mother gave the black cube to Sweet's father?
"I don't know, my mother told me he died."

Sweet still stared at the quiet little boy, the expression on his face fluctuated, as if he was eager, but hesitant, and even angry.

What if—what if his mother was lying to him?What if his father was really alive?
After a long silence, Mo Lin asked hesitantly, "Do you want to confirm?"

Sweet's breathing was loud, his fists were clenched tightly, but then slowly loosened.

"What if it's you? Maureen—" Sweet asked, his voice became a little deep, so deep that Maureen didn't even think it was his tone: "If you are an orphan, alone After living alone for such a long time, one day I found out that my father was still alive, and somehow there was a younger brother—”

Sweet said that he didn't go any further, and his tone even became very irritated.

Mo Lin opened his mouth, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

For a while, neither of them spoke, just sat on the bench in the park, looking at the little boy in the sandpit.

It was a child with delicate features, ignorant of worldly affairs, concentrated on playing with the sand in the corner alone, he didn't even know that there might be an older brother watching him more than ten meters away.

"Maybe they have any difficulties?" Mo Lin broke the silence.

Sweet pursed his lips tightly, and he pursed his lips into a thin line, his face looked very pale.

"You'll forgive?" Sweet asked.

"I do not know."

Maureen didn't want to think about this situation. He felt that he couldn't handle it better than Sweet. Usually, in order not to worry Grandpa Alton, he would hide some thoughts about complaining to his parents, but it didn't mean he had no emotions. .

The two fell silent again.

They were still looking at the little boy, who was concentrating on shoveling sand into his plastic bucket, when a kid in black ran over and pushed him brutally, knocked him to the ground, and snatched him away. Tool of.

"That's mine!" said the little boy timidly.

"It's mine now!" said the boy in black proudly.

"You already robbed me of a bucket yesterday..." the little boy said anxiously.

"All your tools belong to me." The boy in black said savagely.

Sweet stood up suddenly and strode towards the boy in black.

Maureen didn't follow, he just sat there and looked at Sweet.

Sweet snatched the bucket from the black-clothed boy. He was much taller than the black-clothed boy, and his face was still very cold: "You try to snatch his things again."

Sweet's expression has always been indifferent, indifferent to the point of being scary, probably because he was an orphan since he was a child, he seldom smiles, even in school, he has a look of repelling others thousands of miles away look.

When Sweet stood opposite the boy in black, the boy in black was immediately frightened and ran away without saying a word.

"Take it."

Sweet shoved the plastic bucket roughly to the little boy who fell on the ground, and walked back towards Molin without saying a word to him.

He sat next to Mo Lin again, as if to explain something, he said reluctantly: "I hate people stealing things."

At the end, Sweet added: "Even if it is someone else, I will help."

He seemed eager to let Maureen understand that he was just getting a bad day, not because the little boy whose tools were taken from him might be his brother.

"I didn't say anything." Maureen shrugged.

Sweet fell silent again, but the little boy suddenly ran towards Sweet with a plastic bucket in his hand, and stopped in front of Sweet.

"Thank you." The little boy showed a row of neat and bright teeth, and he looked very nervous, "My name is Nim, Nim Floyt."

"Floyt?" Sweet frowned.

"Yes, this is my last name." Nim laughed, his smile was timid.

Sweet snorted softly, stood up, turned and left.

"May I know your name? I want to thank you." Nim called out to Sweet from behind.

But Sweet didn't want to look back at all.

Mo Lin thought for a while and said, "We are just passing by, goodbye, Nim."

Before Nim could speak, he also stood up, followed Sweet's pace, and left the place.

They stopped by a banyan tree against which Sweet was leaning, from which Nim could still be seen, and Nim had run back to play with his sand again.

"Floyt, what a good name." Sweet said coldly.

Sweet's surname was Clive, but the boy's surname was Floyt.

"Maybe we should check it out," Maureen suggested. "If Lucas is looking for the Black Rubik's Cube, then Nim's father—maybe your father—"

Maureen stopped at this point: "You know what I want to say."

Although Maureen didn't finish his sentence, even Sweet couldn't avoid this question. Lucas is a very dangerous person. Once he is found here, things will not be too optimistic.He felt that it was necessary to find out the matter first, and if Sweet's father was really here, he should go over and remind him.

Sweet didn't comment, but Maureen knew he wanted to confirm it, too.

They just sat here looking at Nim for half an hour, and then a lady with black hair walked towards Nim, Nim looked very happy, and was talking to the lady with a plastic bucket and a shovel talk.

"That should be Nim's mother," Mo Lin said.

Sweet snorted contemptuously.

Maureen got up and followed Nim and the others, and Sweet also walked without saying a word.They left the children's playground and walked to the side of the road, where there was a blue car.Nim got into the back seat, and Mrs. Floyt opened the driver's door and drove away.

Taking advantage of no one around, Maureen secretly cast a magic mark with his wand in the distance, and the magic mark flew to the rear hood of the car.

"We'll find out where his home is later," Mo Lin said.

It is impossible for them to catch up with this car on foot, and this small town is not very big, and Molin only needs to rely on this magic mark to apparate there.

Sweet didn't speak, just stared coldly at the back of the car going away.

(End of this chapter)

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