Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 403 Abnormal Under Normal

Chapter 403 Abnormal Under Normal

"It's really queer."

Maureen looked at the two Muggles curiously, and then took a telescope to look down the street on the hillside, and found that all the Muggles dancing on the street had returned to normal, and no one seemed to remember what they were doing just now , but everyone was rubbing their feet and hands in place, and some danced without their shoes.

There was an ambulance coming not far away. It seemed that a few strippers who were dancing in the snow were frozen to the point of unconsciousness, and some old people could no longer stand up.

Alton and Edmund had already jumped off the electric tower and Apparated to the side of the fireworks.

"What's the matter? Grandpa, what is that little plastic man?" Mo Lin ran over and asked.

"A cursed thing." Alton untied the purple bag, and the villain inside was no longer dancing, as if the curse had been removed.He said angrily: "I don't know who created the black magic. No wonder we haven't found the source of the curse just now. I dare say that this thing uses electricity to spread the curse."

"Relying on electricity to spread the spell?" Mo Lin couldn't help admiring, "It's amazing!"

Maureen is not very familiar with electricity, but he knows that every Muggle household has electrical appliances. If this curse can be cast by electricity, it will be easy for everyone to be affected by this curse.They thought it was the running water at first, but it turned out that something like electricity was missing.

"Yeah, it's pretty clever. Anyway, if we didn't happen to see the fireworks coming here, maybe we wouldn't have found this thing—"

Having said that, Alton frowned again, and he stroked his short beard, feeling a little puzzled.

"Grandpa, do you mean someone lured us here on purpose?" Mo Lin asked.

"Yes, I always feel that this is not a coincidence."

Alton looked around, his eyes swept over the two staff members who were taking off their shoes. The suspicion of these two people should be ruled out, and then Alton looked at the people sitting on the street of the town below the hillside. The Muggles who were resting on the bench or on the ground were puzzled.

These Muggles had been dancing all day and were probably exhausted.

"Perhaps some child's prank? A lot of teenagers are restless these days—sorry, I didn't mean you, Maureen—I meant Muggles," Edmund guessed. It drew us in."

"It's okay, so is Maureen."

Alton looked at the large open space in front of the substation, but then shook his head and said, "However, this should not be a child's prank. The substation is some distance away from the town, and it is still built on a hillside. If a child comes here to set off fireworks, He's sure to be seen by those two Muggles."

After coming here, Alton deliberately searched the entire substation with a spell. The substation is not big, there is only one control room and lounge, and only four or five dormitories. There is no one else there.

Mo Lin took a telescope and looked around on the hillside. The hillside was full of low lawns, covered with a layer of snow, and there were no footprints in the snow.There are a few big poplar trees in the distance, and the poplar trees are also covered with white snow, and the branches are still pressed by the snow and are about to break.

Mo Lin felt that something was wrong, and he looked at one of the poplar trees, but he felt that there was nothing wrong, as if he had made a mistake.

His binoculars can see through. There is no anti-perspective magic on this hillside. He can even use the binoculars to see more than 20 meters below the hillside. Everything on the whole hillside is normal.

But it was so normal that it made him feel very abnormal.

If the matter could be explained, he wouldn't think too much about it, but the person who set off the fireworks couldn't be found, so it couldn't be justified.Alton and Maureen both thought the same thing. They both thought that someone should have deliberately led them here.

Mo Lin put down the binoculars and asked: "Grandpa, do you think it could be the person we saw on the street just now—the person who didn't dance like us, and the person who is not affected by this spell should also be a wizard." ?Maybe he brought us here."

"But we didn't find him."

Alton felt that this incident was a bit weird. He chased into the supermarket just now, but he couldn't find the person after searching for a long time.

"Who are you talking about?" Edmund asked puzzled.

Alton told Edmund about seeing the strange man just now, but Edmund didn't seem to take it seriously.

"Could be wrong, maybe he's just doing some kind of walking dance or something - seriously, it's Christmas tomorrow and we're working overtime to deal with this shit - I need Just to mention above, they should pay us overtime wages."

Edmund complained for a while, Alton handed the purple bag to Edmund, Edmund said: "Thank you so much, Alton, today's remuneration will be included in your pension next month, maybe I will Try to get them to double your pay for today - I've got to get back to work on my report, and I hope I can catch that troublemaker -"

Alton has retired, but the Ministry is often understaffed, so Alton will be invited to help.Every time Alton was invited by Edmund and the others to handle a case, he was paid, which was included in the pension.

"It's okay, Edmund, hurry back! I'll take Maureen away later."

Alton didn't pay much attention to such things as remuneration. His pension has a lot of money every month, and now there is only one Maureen who is going to school, so he has nothing else to do except spend the money on Maureen. Maureen basically doesn't spend much money in school, so their family is not poor.

Edmund had already Apparated away.

Alton took out a glass funnel and waved it, and the glass bottle disappeared into the air.

"I threw the amnesia potion at the waterworks, people in this small town will soon forget what happened today - I have to study the problem of electricity when I go back, there are still wizards using electricity to perform mischief, tsk tsk! "

Alton glanced at the ambulance in the small town, he thought for a while, and said, "We have to help these Muggles, some of them probably have a heart attack."

Alton took Maureen and apparated down the street.

After they left, the trunk of a poplar tree not far from the substation suddenly cracked, and a person squeezed out with difficulty. It was the man in the supermarket just now.

"The kid—what a queerness, what a perceptiveness."

The man was standing by the poplar tree, still holding the cereal he bought from the supermarket just now in his hand, staring at the place where Maureen and Alton disappeared in thought, before walking down the hillside after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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