Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 397 Fantasy Paradise

Chapter 397 Fantasy Paradise

Wonderland is indeed magical. In order to celebrate Christmas, they cast a lot of complicated magic to move the castle into the air. Many magics are quite complicated and advanced, and it is impossible for ordinary wizards to do this.

Maureen and the others drove the sled around the entire castle and watched the performances on every cloud. Some of the magic was breathtaking.These miraculous magic shows are not seen at school.

The most bizarre thing is that the performers in this fantasy paradise not only have wizards, but also invited strange people from all over the world to add to the fun, whether it is a snake dancer from India, a pharaoh wizard from Egypt, or a magician from Egypt. There are ninjas in Japan, and even strange people from the East.

The Indian snake dancer is a middle-aged man with a red turban, bare feet, black skin and a messy beard. His performance is very strange. He holds a strange flute in his hand and plays strange flute sounds. Next to him is a The veiled woman with her belly exposed danced with the snake, which awed many wizards.

What surprised the wizard the most was that this white snake was about ten meters long and had five heads. It coiled around the body of a mysterious woman covered with a veil. In between, there was a hissing sound, and the woman was like a boneless person, dancing her own dance with the crisp sound of the flute.

"Grandpa, are they Parseltongue?" Mo Lin was not very familiar with the culture of the world, and he hadn't tried to understand these contents.

In the world of wizards, most of the wizards who can tame snakes have a bad reputation. For example, the Dark Lord who couldn’t even mention his name more than 20 years ago was a Parseltongue that wizards rejected, so the performance of the snake dancer is very impressive. awe.

"That's not true. A wizard who can speak Parseltongue is called Parseltongue, but the term wizard is limited to our side. People in different places have their own abilities. In India, they have a lot of monks who study Buddhism. Of course, they dance snakes." There are a lot of people—”

"Dharma? What is that?"

"I don't understand either, so just understand it this way first! Their culture is not limited to Buddhism, they are better at communicating with snakes, and the people there's ability to control snakes is far from being as simple as our wizarding world." Alton said .

"It's amazing." Mo Lin couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this time, the five-headed white snake on the cloud was hovering around the mysterious Indian woman, and then the third snake head in the middle suddenly swelled up, becoming extremely huge, and then opened its mouth wide, swallowing the Indian woman !


There was a burst of exclamation among the wizards, and even An Ran couldn't help covering his mouth.

"Is she okay?" An Ran asked in a low voice.

Mo Lin didn't know too well. The wizards were all whispering, but the five-headed white snake was still shaking and dancing. As the sound of the flute became more and more urgent, suddenly the first snake head of the white snake became huge, and then opened Opening her mouth, the mysterious woman stood on top of the first snake letter written by the snake head!

"Wow! Awesome!"

All the wizards clapped their hands in amazement, and applauded wildly for this strange Indian woman, but the woman didn't stop, dancing on the scarlet snake letter of the giant snake, and then was swallowed again, followed by the second out of the mouth of a snakehead...then the third, the fourth, the fifth...

The Indian woman danced round and round among the five snake heads. This miraculous performance has shocked all the wizards. They have never seen that the notorious snake in the wizarding world can form such a magical tacit understanding with the woman.

"Indian snake magic is amazing!"

An Ran and Mo Lin clapped their hands desperately. Together with them, there were many wizard students and children. They were all led by their parents to watch the performance here. This kind of performance is not seen everywhere, even wizards feel very happy. surprise.

At this time, a wizard host on the cloud said with a smile on his face: "This is a strange magic from India. It is different from our wizard world. The snakes in their world are psychic. All wizard children, please don't imitate it easily. Sister, she has practiced before."

Whether it is a wizarding student who has just started school, a child who has not yet reached school age, or an adult wizard, they are all applauding for the performance on the stage.

"Let's go, let's go to another show."

Their sleigh continued to fly in the air. Alton bought ice cream for Maureen and An Ran at a winter ice cream shack. This magic ice cream has various flavors. Alton said that he didn't like eating ice cream, so he bought some ice cream himself. A warm, magical licorice ice cream and continue on to the other clouds.

They saw Egyptian wizards performing mummy magic, and those mummies wrapped in white bandages were dancing all kinds of magical bandage dances.

These mummies looked like human beings, only two dull eyes were exposed, and the bandages were wrapped around them. One mummy untied his own bandages, and the bandages on his body became less and less. All the wizards were staring at it, wondering what the mummy looked like under the bandages.

However, a large pile of bandages had accumulated on the stage, and the mummy still did not reveal its body under the bandages, which made the wizarding audience feel itchy, wishing to take out their wands to help it out and find out.

"Grandpa, I heard that mummies are used to wrap dead people. The Egyptian wizards in these performances don't take dead people... that?" Mo Lin couldn't help asking.

"Not necessarily! Real dead mummies have very powerful magic. Ordinary wizards can only make mummies with some powerful dead beasts. Their Egyptian magic relies heavily on mummies. The magic of mummies is very strange. There are very mysterious magic on those bandages. Symbol, if you have a chance in the future, you can see it." Alton said with a smile.

"Hey, Maureen, last time I heard from you that your parents were studying ancient magic in Egypt, I thought you knew a lot about Egyptian magic!" An Ran asked curiously.

Alton's smile faltered, and he looked at Mo Lin with some unease in his eyes.

Mo Lin was silent for a moment, then smiled nonchalantly: "I will find out in the future."

Maureen didn't go to see Alton. He had asked his grandfather this question for so many years, but he still didn't get a better answer.His parents wrote again this year, saying they were busy with work and couldn't come back for Christmas.

Alton also brought Molin out to play in order to keep Molin from thinking about it.

Mo Lin also has his own emotions in his heart, but he can tell who he should blame. That person is definitely not the grandfather who always tries to make him happy.

"Let's go and see talented people from other countries!"

Alton turned the topic away and signaled the statue of Santa Claus in front of the sleigh to fly towards the next cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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