Chapter 388
The horsemen suffered extremely serious injuries this time. Seven or eight horsemen were unconscious, with green blood flowing from the wounds on their bodies, which was shocking.

The most serious centaur had one foot blown off by the old witch's curse, and he should have been disabled for life. Fei Zelun was helping him treat the wound, shaking his head solemnly: "I'm afraid I can only rely on artificial limbs in the future." , I'm sorry, Jerry, it's a Black Cube wound, and there's no way to regenerate a severed limb with herbs."

Whether it is a wizard or a centaur, if a finger or a foot is severed, if it is severed by a knife, or by ordinary magic, there is a way to regenerate the severed limb.

But if the wound is caused by a very powerful black magic, it cannot grow back easily.

Mo Lin felt a little heavy, the price the horses paid this time was too high.

Although none of the centaurs lost their lives, the entire centaur tribe has been shrouded in a shadow. Not only did they fail to take back the Black Rubik's Cube that Lucas had guarded for generations, but some of them were severely injured.

"This is for you." Ronan was in a depressed mood. He walked towards Molin slowly, and handed Molin a pocket kerosene lamp that had been refilled with kindling. He knew that Molin's kerosene lamp broke just now. , then gave a new one.

"Are you okay?" Ronan's voice was a little sad.

"I'm fine." Mo Lin took the kerosene lamp, put it in his pocket, shook his head, glanced at the other centaurs, and asked, "Is the other centaurs okay?"

"Three of them may be at the root of the disease...We can treat the injuries of other clansmen." Ronan sighed.

The centaurs are also very good at healing magic. They are familiar with all kinds of plants and herbs, and have their own opinions on the spells of healing wizards. Because the old witch has to deal with the siege of the centaurs, the spells she fires are very fast. It is impossible for her to cast a powerful evil spell. Curse, this point saved the lives of the centaurs.

"I'm sorry to hear the news." Maureen couldn't help it either. He himself was no match for the old witch and Lucas, so it was impossible for him to be of much help.

"It's none of your business." Ronan shook his head, his voice a little self-blaming: "It's my fault. I wanted to take back the Black Rubik's Cube and eliminate the divination curse, but I ignored the strength of my opponent."

"Yes, it's all your fault. I told you not to be so reckless, but you didn't listen." Hagrid strode over beside him, very annoyed, "I've objected to letting Maureen follow. Lin's all right, you centaurs always like to go your own way, and that old hag should be dealt with by the Ministry of Magic!"

"Sorry, Hagrid, for dragging you down," Ronan said.

Hagrid had a scratch on his face, and his hands were still blue, but fortunately he was special, and ordinary spells didn't work for him. He had already applied the herbal medicine Fezeren gave him, and the swelling seemed to subside. few.

"I'm fine." Hagrid said gruffly, "Forget about it, I have to take Maureen and Enron back to the castle now, I was too rash at night, I shouldn't be so rash..."

"It's not that we didn't gain anything at night." Mo Lin said hesitantly.

"What's the gain? What else do we have besides knowing how powerful those two dark wizards are? It's really crazy!" Hagrid muttered.

Morin originally wanted to take out the Black Rubik's Cube, but he thought of Arnock's warning. Arnock said that the Black Rubik's Cube is an ancient magic item. Now many people don't know what it is. If you accidentally open it If so, it is likely to cause a lot of trouble.

The monster came out of the Black Cube in the Dumbledore Cup that day, leaving many people helpless. Although there are many professors in the school, there may be a way, but for the sake of caution, he still believes in Anok.

"No, Professor." Maureen didn't tell Hagrid about getting the Black Rubik's Cube.

An Ran had already run over from there. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "No, I can't help much."

"It's okay, you have helped a lot." Fizelun came over and said in a dignified voice, looked at the bonfire again, and said in a disappointed mood: "If we fail to take back that Rubik's Cube, then we will continue to work on it in the future." Endure the punishment of the divination curse."

Mo Lin remembered Anok's words, slapped his head, and said, "By the way, there is another way. I know how to lift the divination curse of you centaurs."

"I'm afraid there is no other way but to retrieve the Black Rubik's Cube." Ronan shook his head.

"Not necessarily, An Ran, you come with me." Mo Lin waved to An Ran, and walked towards the campfire of the centaur.

"What's wrong? Can we do it?" An Ran asked suspiciously.

"Yes, you can." Molin pointed to the dancing golden flame, and repeated the method Anok taught him.

Ronan and Fizelun also came over, and looked at each other after hearing what Maureen said.

"It should be fine if I put my hand in the fire?" An Ran asked.

"Oh, do you have a way to prevent being burned by the bonfire?" Maureen asked Ronan.

Ronan hesitated for a moment: "If you put in the juicy Nan grass first and burn it first, the campfire won't be scalded, but I'm not sure this method will work."

"It should be possible." Mo Lin said seriously, "If the power of the divination and curse is located in the bonfire, then it can be guided out by An Ran, and then all of it can be put into my body. Anyway, my skin is relatively... oh... I am relatively special."

"Okay, then I'll try first." An Ran was very bold and didn't object.

Ronan and Fizelen were not sure if this method would work. They thought about it for a while, and finally agreed to let Mo Lin and An Ran try it.In the months since the Black Cube was lost, every night when Venus entered orbit, a tribe suffered great pain. This severe punishment made their centaur tribe very vulnerable.

If the method Mo Lin said can work, then it is naturally the best.

"Well, if you can help, then try it, but if it doesn't work, we have to go back to the castle. It's best to succeed, and you won't use it at night."

Hagrid sat down on a big rock beside him. He was exhausted at night, and he still had some scratches from undead skeletons on his body. Although the centaur helped him eliminate the wound with special herbs, he didn't want to get involved in this matter. .

Ronan threw two white syringa leaves into the campfire.

Mo Lin and An Ran squatted next to the bonfire, the golden flame looked very pleasant, like the sun, making people feel very warm.An Ran held Mo Lin's hand, and then cautiously put the other hand towards the campfire.

She first touched the tip of the flame, then retracted quickly, and found that the flame did not burn her hand, so she carefully stretched her hand in completely.

When An Ran's hand reached the center of the bonfire, a little spark suddenly appeared from the golden bonfire. These sparks swirled in the air, like fireflies, and then these erratic sparks suddenly formed the appearance of An Ran. .

"Wow, so amazing!"

An Ran couldn't help but look at herself above the bonfire. Although it was only the size of a palm, she found it very interesting. When Hagrid's beard was burned last time, Mars also formed a small Hagrid.

When Mo Lin inadvertently set his eyes on the palm-sized An Ran, his eyes suddenly froze, and then he opened his mouth in disbelief!

(End of this chapter)

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