Chapter 372
Hugo found that looking at Arcturus to predict good and bad is not difficult, which gave him a sudden confidence in astronomy. He read the notes in the book: "If you want to predict what others are worried about, you need to know what others know Very familiar, the more you know, the more accurate the forecasted astrology—”

Mo Lin had already talked about the matter of the centaur just now, but it was not very detailed, because they knew too little about the Black Rubik's Cube, and the centaur refused to say too much.

"We only know that the centaur was deceived by Lucas and the old witch, and then lost the black cube, so let's make a prediction based on 'how the centaur loses the black cube', and the prediction is probably not accurate..."

Hugo fiddled with the telescope, and after a while, he suddenly took a breath of air.

"What's wrong?" Merlin asked suspiciously.

"From a 0-magnitude star to a 7-magnitude star! It flickered 7 brightnesses forward!" Hugo said in surprise.

"7th magnitude star?"

Mo Lin looked at the annotations on the astronomical book and found that 0th-magnitude stars are the brightest, and 7th-magnitude stars are very dim stars, which cannot be distinguished by eyes and can only be identified with a magic telescope.

Hugo tested those strange things just now, and the spanning range did not exceed 1, but he casually tested the Black Rubik's Cube, and it suddenly spanned to 7 ranges!
"This darkness span is too great! In my eyes, Arcturus is constantly flashing alternately from 0-magnitude star to 7-magnitude star! And just now I was only thinking about what would happen if the Black Rubik's Cube was lost— —”

Hugo confirmed it again, and then said incredulously: "This means that losing the Black Rubik's Cube is a very, very dangerous thing."

"Thinking about one thing, the greater the span of Arcturus you see, the greater the impact of this matter will be. If it exceeds 5 brightnesses, this matter can affect the wizarding society. If it exceeds 7 brightnesses... "

Molin read the notes on the book. The book didn't say how serious it is to cross 7 brightness levels. It only gave an example, referring to the day when Dumbledore died, someone made a simple divination about the next fate of the wizard. In the flickering changes of Arcturus, as a result of Dumbledore's death, the brightness of Arcturus spanning more than 7!
Flickering in the positive direction is a bad omen.

And Voldemort also began to rise unscrupulously after Dumbledore's death, and took charge of the wizarding society. No one will forget that dark age. This example is too representative.

"Will what the planet sees happen?" Hugo asked with some concern.

Mo Lin looked at the text in the book and said: "Maybe, maybe not, after all, it is just a subjective judgment of the observer, and has a lot to do with your thoughts. If you don’t know anything about it, the forecasted results may be biased.”

There is also a very eye-catching note in the book: the good or bad of things is not fixed, because if the observer interferes with this matter, the result of divination can be reversed, so the prediction of Arcturus can only be used as a reference, not the final conclusion .

Hugo put his hands on the window sill, and said doubtfully: "But I can come to this conclusion without thinking so carefully. If I think more carefully, wouldn't it be—"

"Anyway, we at least know how dangerous the Black Rubik's Cube is in Lucas's hands."

Maureen thought thoughtfully. Although he still didn't understand what Lucas was going to do, there was no doubt that the Black Rubik's Cube was a very important magic item.

Since Arcturus' divination can only be used as a reference, it means that as long as Lucas is stopped, it should be able to change the result of Arcturus' divination.

Hugo continued to read the contents of the book.Said: "Predicting good and bad luck based on Arcturus is not very advanced astronomical knowledge, it can only simply divination a general good and bad omen, what will happen in detail, you need to further predict with the help of other celestial bodies - let me see. "

If you want to divination the deeper direction of this matter, you need more complex celestial calculations. Hugo was eager to try to calculate the "angle between the line connecting Sirius and Canopus and Pluto" to calculate what specific problems will be caused by the loss of the Black Rubik's Cube.

But he calculated for a long time, and calculated a result that "the iron tree has bloomed gorgeous sunflowers", and then he realized that he had confused Neptune and Pluto, and finally looked at the direction of the window. Canopus is in this place at all. can not see……

Who knows which star he just thought was Canopus.

Hugo is also confused in astronomy, and as for Mo Lin, who is disgusted by the stars in the sky, he can't count on it.

"Hey, astronomy is so complicated. I just thought I could master it perfectly!" Hugo said regretfully, "Maybe my prediction about the Black Rubik's Cube just now was also wrong."

"I can't rule out this possibility. Anyway, I'd better ask the horse people tomorrow. I have to let them tell you something. What if what you see is correct?" Mo Lin said.

What he wants to know most is, what can the Black Rubik's Cube be used for?The centaur was punished by their fire because they lost the black cube, which showed that they knew the function of the black cube very well, but they didn't want to say too much.

If Morin can know this, combined with the previous encounters with Lucas, he can try to think about what Lucas's next actions will be.


The next morning, Hugo had a good night's sleep as he wished, and the house elf also made his favorite peach and honey sandwiches, which put him in a good mood.

"Last night was not fruitless, think about it! I will at least know how to predict the good and bad of things simply in the future, as long as I don't predict such complicated big things." Hugo rested his cheeks and drank leisurely Mouth the thick soup, and then said: "Let's go to the library today! I want to find out what it means that Mars has not yet reached the octave orbit!"

"What? Did I hear you right? Hugo, you actually asked to go to the library?" Lily was surprised beside her.

"Lily, don't underestimate me, people will change! After I get familiar with astronomy, maybe I can help you figure out your marriage in the future, just like Cupid, giving you advice on how to get along with boys Only by talking can you be shot by Cupid's arrow." Hugo said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Cupid may be more worried about you." Lily said unceremoniously: "I think the most likely result is that Cupid used all arrows on you, but you passed them one by one. , that would be miserable."

"What's so bad about that? It means that I am agile and invulnerable!"

"Agility is not very good in this area, Hugo." Maureen reminded, "If Cupid's love arrow doesn't hit you, you will only die alone."

"Oh, that's what it means."

Hugo suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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