Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 361 I Can't See You

Chapter 361 I Can't See You

Sometimes horse people can be really annoying when they talk, either they don't tell any secrets, or they speak very straightforwardly.If you want to invite Mo Lin, you don't know how to be polite, for example, some hypocritical polite words like "Oh, you misunderstood, we actually welcome you", but just say "Of course we don't welcome you, But we beg you to go."

What kind of invitation is this? If it were someone else, the ghost would be willing to follow.

But Mo Lin was more casual, he didn't take what the centaur said to heart.

Hugo immediately shouted from the side: "I'm going too, Hagrid."

"Nonsense, you're not allowed to go." Hagrid shook his head. "I won't let you into the Forbidden Forest. Your mother told me to watch you last time."

"It's not fair! You let Maureen and An Ran go together." Hugo complained.

"They're different! The Forbidden Forest is very dangerous, and I can't protect the three of you at the same time." Hagrid said seriously, "I don't intend to let both of them go, you hurry back to the castle!"

Hugo looked dissatisfied.

But Odea suddenly turned his head and said to Hugo: "Mars hasn't reached the octave orbit yet."

"What?" Hugo froze for a moment.

"Mars hasn't reached an octave yet," Odea repeated.

"I can hear what you're saying, I'm asking what it means." Hugo asked.

But Odea didn't continue talking.

"What do you mean? Why do you only speak half?" Hugo was a little annoyed, and people who spoke half were the most annoying.

"Come on, Hugo, there's no point asking any more—if you know them, you know how irritating it can be to deal with them."

Hagrid was used to the centaur's way of speaking, and now he could automatically ignore all kinds of inexplicable words that came out of the centaur's mouth.Horse people know a lot of things, but they can't explain things clearly. If they don't want to say it, it's useless to ask more.

"But—" Hugo wanted to ask more.

"Hugo, why don't you go to the castle to find out what this sentence means? I think it must be recorded in astronomy." Hagrid urged, "Take it as an astronomy homework, please do not It's messed up."

Hugo was moved, he glanced at Odea suspiciously, and then walked towards the castle muttering all the way.

"Okay, let's go! No matter what, you two follow me closely, it's getting late now—I must be out of my head, I really shouldn't have agreed to this." Hagrid shook his head.

Odea slowed down his pace, because Mo Lin and An Ran walked very slowly, so he also deliberately slowed down his pace.

The setting sun was halfway down the horizon.

"Wait for me first, I'll get a bow and arrow and an umbrella." When Hagrid passed the hut, he asked them to wait here, and ran towards the hut in the hunting ground by himself.

Mo Lin suddenly had a very uneasy feeling in his heart. He looked at the sky and found that the sunset in the sky seemed unreal.

Damn it!That feeling came back again.

He felt something was wrong, and when he felt this way, nothing good happened.

He has now discovered a pattern, every time he goes to that place, it is at dusk, the sun is setting and the night is about to appear, and then he looks up and sees two moons.

"Can we go tomorrow morning? It's not a good idea to go there at dusk." Maureen said hesitantly.

"Why?" An Ran asked curiously.

"It's hard to explain, anyway, I have a bad feeling." Mo Lin shook his head.

Ever since he went to the Forbidden Forest to chase An Ran, who was captured, he has not been in the Forbidden Forest in the evening, because the students are not allowed to approach the Forbidden Forest, not to mention that he is the "number one disturber", and the professors stare at him. he.

Odea had already put his right hand down from his left chest, and he also glanced at the western clouds, with some doubts in his brown pupils, then he took off the quiver behind him, and from the small next to the quiver, A kerosene lamp the size of two fingers was taken out of his pocket.

This kerosene lamp is really a little pocket-sized, but it is very delicate. The flickering flame inside is golden and looks very lively.

"The elder asked me to give you this at dusk." Odea handed the pocket kerosene lamp in his hand to Mo Lin.

"Elder?" Mo Lin took the kerosene lamp hesitantly and asked, "Why did you elders give me this lamp? To provide lighting?"

Odea glanced at Mo Lin, then looked away anxiously: "I don't know, I can't see you."

Mo Lin looked at Odea's restless look, and felt quite funny in his heart. Hugo was right, Odea was really talking nonsense with his eyes open.

He took the golden kerosene lamp, and felt a strange warmth coming from the kerosene lamp, and then the uneasy feeling that made him dissipated quickly, as if he had jumped into the stove, his whole body Warm.

"What kind of flame is this? It seems strange."

Mo Lin went to look at the sunset in the sky again, and the sunset seemed to have returned to normal, and it didn't give him a somewhat ethereal feeling.

This kerosene lamp seems a bit extraordinary, does the elder know his concerns?
A few sparse stars have been hung on the sky, Odea is looking at those stars, his face is getting paler, hearing Molin's question, he said uneasy again: "I don't know, I can't see you."

"Oh, you don't have to look at me all the time, it's impolite." Maureen said angrily, "You can look at whoever you like, but don't bother to look at me all the time. Seriously, you're not what I've seen The first person who likes to peek at me... It turns out that I am not good looking for you talking guys."

Maureen is often followed by Magatha, because Magatha also likes to use arithmetic magic to count him, and Odea obviously has the same purpose.

"No, Mo Lin, I think you are still very attractive." An Ran said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Mo Lin also laughed, An Ran didn't understand what "good-looking" meant at all, but he was very happy that An Ran would say that.

Odea neighed uneasily, and then planed uneasily.He moved his eyes away from Mo Lin to look at the stars in the sky, but he couldn't help but glance at Mo Lin, then looked away with a pale face, and then peeked again... and so on.

"Okay, let's go!"

Hagrid had hurried back with his bow and arrow, and he was still holding a big kerosene lamp in his hand, which was completely different from the pocket kerosene lamp in Maureen's hand, and the light was still very bright.

He looked at the small lantern in Mo Lin's hand, and muttered, "Very well, you brought a kerosene lamp, but this lamp is a bit small, so it's better to put it away and take out the wand, just in case."

Hagrid pocketed a pink umbrella before entering the Forbidden Forest with Odea.

(End of this chapter)

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