Chapter 353
"Time is attached to anything, and traces of time can be found on everything, so if you think it has a form, it has a form, and if you think it has no form, it has no form." Walker explained seriously.

Mo Lin thought for a while, this statement is still a bit mysterious.

"Then what is the function of the first time magic I want to learn?" Mo Lin asked.

"See the past."

Walker raised his wand and pointed it at Molin. Molin was still thinking whether he should dodge, but a white light had already spewed out from Walker's wand: "The afterimage is complete!"

The white light crossed Mo Lin's shoulder and landed in the void behind Mo Lin, sending out a ripple.Mo Lin turned around, looked at the ripples, and was surprised to see a strange scene.

The ripples spread out like ink, gradually converging into a shadow, and these shadows condensed out, and then Mo Lin saw two himself standing on the first landing, fighting each other with magic.

He couldn't quite tell which was himself and which was Walker, but then he probably figured it out when one of the wands came out of his hand.Walker said a lot, the stairs began to appear, and Maureen began to walk up to the second platform, walking towards Maureen at this time.

Mo Lin felt a little weird, he took a step back, the self who walked up looked no different from himself, he was thinking about whether to give way, but that Mo Lin passed through his body like a ghost body, standing where he originally stood.

At this time, there were already three Maureen on the second landing.

"Afterimage, it can make what happened in a place reappear in the form of shadows." Walker explained.

He glanced at Mo Lin, and said again: "Using this spell, if you can't recognize what is real and what is fake, you will confuse time, so I ask you to learn to know yourself first."

"I shouldn't confuse the time, right?" Mo Lin said, he could still tell which one was Walker and which one was himself made by the afterimage.

"There are only us here, so the scene we see is very simple. If it is other places, such as school corridors and other crowded places, the longer you see the past, the more things happen in this area. Walk from this place There will be more people, and then you will not be able to distinguish between reality and magic," Walker said.

Mo Lin nodded thoughtfully, using the magic of seeing the past, the afterimages he saw were too real, if you don't verify it, it's really easy to confuse it with your eyes alone.

But he became excited again, because this magic is a bit powerful. With this magic, wouldn't he be able to track Lucas?For example, when he was at the Muggle Opera House, he could use this magic to see what Lucas did here before.

But Walker poured cold water on him again.

"This magic is very difficult. How long ago you can see the scene is related to your magic. If you can see the scene 10 minutes ago, it is considered to have basically met the requirements." Walker said.

"Only 10 minutes? It's a bit short. I still expect to be able to see the scene a few days ago." Mo Lin muttered.

Soon he realized that he was thinking too much, let alone 10 minutes, even a second would be difficult for him, and he couldn't even cast this magic at the moment.


At the beginning of December, a heavy snow swept across Hogwarts. The whole castle was covered with snow. Looking around, the white scenery made people feel relaxed and happy. Even the green Forbidden Forest was covered with a layer of plain.

On Saturday afternoon, Mo Lin and An Ran were reading in the library. He was looking for information on various patterns, and by the way, he was learning magic with An Ran.An Ran is also very talented in magic, especially in healing magic. Her healing magic is very powerful, and Mo Lin has seen it several times.

However, practicing healing magic is very troublesome. For example, when An Ran wants to practice bone setting, Mo Lin can't break his own leg for An Ran to practice.

"Then go to the infirmary. I think Madam Pomfrey is very happy to teach you healing magic." Molin thought for a while, and then said: "Maybe she will give you some opportunities to practice."

In Hogwarts, the school infirmary is very important. Every day, many students will have some magical accidents, such as their mouths being sewn shut, green onions emerging from their ears, and eyebrows growing below their eyes... Anyway, the students will have their own strange things Lying in the infirmary for reasons.

But basically, Madam Pomfrey can heal these magic wounds in the blink of an eye. For severe cases, it may take two or three days or a week. As long as it is not a very serious black magic wound, Madam Pomfrey can heal it.

"But I don't know Madam Pomfrey, will she agree?" An Ran asked.

"I'll take you to ask. I heard that Madam Pomfrey is also a professor of Magical Medicine, which is an elective course." Molin inadvertently knew about this when he heard Professor Kane introduce the elective course last time .

There are many elective courses in the school, and magic therapy is also an elective course. You can start taking it from the third grade, and you can apply for the therapist qualification certificate in the seventh grade. If you pass the exam, you can go to St. Mungo's Magic Hospital after graduation. place to work.

However, I heard that there are not many people who choose this course, because learning healing magic requires talent, and the qualification certificate for therapists is extremely difficult. It is not bad if one of ten people can pass the exam.

Especially now that the relationship between doctors and patients is tense, it is often reported in the news that some arrogant wizards missed the best treatment time due to magical trauma, and they could not cure them. into the profession of therapist.

Mo Lin put away the books, and walked towards the infirmary on the second floor with An Ran.

The school infirmary looked quite busy. When Maureen and An Ran entered, Madam Pomfrey was pulling out the teeth of a fifth-grade boy with ivory growing out of his mouth, and beside him were two senior girls in white coats. record.

This is the classroom for their magical medicine class. Usually, when there are no patients, they will take theoretical classes, and when there are patients, they will take practical classes. Basically, there is no shortage of patient students who are used as teaching tools in the school every day.

"Who used the ivory spell on you? The tooth pit left by this spell is not so easy to remove. You should spend the night here!"

Madam Pomfrey threw two half-meter-long ivory into the trash can. The boy's mouth was still wide open, as if his jaw had been dislocated because of the thick ivory, and he was still drooling.

Mo Lin also saw two astonishingly large holes in the boy's upper jaw, which were the pits left by tooth extraction. They were as thick as two fingers, which was terrifying.

Madam Pomfrey took a bottle of khaki viscous potion and filled the two big holes, and then white smoke came out of the boy's mouth, like a chimney.

"Okay, I'll put your dislocated jaw back tomorrow morning, and fill your teeth by the way, so just bear with it tonight!"

Madam Pomfrey held up her reading glasses, and gave the boy a towel to wipe his drool.

The boy looked up pitifully, trying not to drool anymore, but when he climbed into bed, the saliva still dripped onto the sheets.

Mo Lin and An Ran looked at each other, they both sympathized with this boy with ivory.

(End of this chapter)

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