Chapter 351
The class bell rang, and Professor Flitwick had already entered the classroom. He cheerfully introduced the content of this class to everyone. What they were going to practice was the color-changing spell.

"Last week we tried feather color change, and everyone has basically mastered feather color change, so what we are going to learn in this lesson is to change the color of your clothes."

Professor Flitwick tapped his wizard robe with his wand, and the dark wizard robe immediately became colorful, as if a rainbow had enveloped him, and Professor Flitwick became very energetic.

"The spell is still the same, but remember, you must have a very clear concept in your mind about the color you want to become, only in this way can the color-changing spell work."

Professor Flitwick lit his wizard robe again, and the wizard robe turned bright red, and the patterns on it seemed to be burning with flames. At this time, he looked like he was on fire, which surprised many students.

"Okay, let's use your imagination and change your monotonous wizard robes to your favorite color!" Professor Flitwick began to walk around the classroom in bright red robes, giving instructions to everyone.

"This spell is really too difficult." Hugo complained.He managed to turn a black feather into a white feather with the help of Maureen last week, but he couldn't change it into other colors.

"Is it difficult? Hugo." Professor Flitwick walked over with a smile, and glanced at Maureen, "You have an excellent partner who won No.2 in the Dumbledore Cup, don't waste this great opportunity, Yu If, do you want me to let Maureen demonstrate it to you?"

Hugo rolled his eyes, Molin has now become a special teaching tool for Professor Kane and Professor Flitwick, once someone says it is difficult, they will lift Molin up, so that everyone has nothing to say .

"I think it's wiser to practice on you first. I plan to turn your clothes into purple." Hugo thought for a while, pointed at Molin's clothes with his wand, and whispered, "It's colorful!"

The color-changing spell fell on Mo Lin's clothes, and Mo Lin's clothes caught fire.

"It's quite sensible."

Molin glanced at one of his clothes that was on fire, calmly waved his wand, put out the fire, and repaired the holes that had been burned.Hugo's wand would always go off, and he was no stranger to this, but the other students didn't have to worry about the burning of their clothes.

"However, I still suggest that you practice with a rag first." Molin waved his wand, secretly cut off a small piece of the curtain the size of a palm, threw it on Hugo's table, and cast a water and fire invulnerability on the cloth. Mantra, "This way it shouldn't burn."

He also carefully taught Hugo how to cast the spell, lest the guy always lose the chain and start all kinds of fires around him.

There are not many people who can successfully change the color of clothes. Basically, it is very good to change a sleeve or a collar.Probably except for Sweet, Sweet's subjects are second only to Maureen, and every class will basically successfully master the magic spell.

"Have you checked out each of the twelve patterns?" Sweet asked again suddenly.

"There are five I don't know, why do you ask?"

Mo Lin turned to look at Sweet, and Sweet's wizard robe turned red from top to bottom, much stronger than others.But his red color gave people a very depressing feeling, which made Maureen couldn't help but think of the red light in his eyes when he saw Sweet's sunglasses fall on the Quidditch pitch last semester.

Sweet looked at the twelve patterns again, hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, "No, just asking casually."


The following days were relatively quiet for Mo Lin. Professor Binns didn't remember the origin of these patterns, and Professor Kane would remind him not to run around from time to time.He ran to join the "Legend of Magic Painting" club to learn painting, and Polk's resentment towards him was even greater.

"You can't be half-hearted, Maureen, you're just wasting your Quidditch talent by participating in so many meaningless societies!" Polk was annoyed at the fact that Maureen often didn't participate in Quidditch training.

"But Polk, I didn't compete last time, and Gryffindor won too. You should trust Lily and Sweet."

Maureen is too busy these days, he doesn't even have the mind to participate in Quidditch training, besides practicing drawing, he also has to find time to go to the library to look up various materials, and often runs to "Crossing Arcane Time and Space" whenever he is free. "Learning Arcane Leap.

"This is not the reason for your absence from training! I must see you on Saturday." Polk left angrily.

Maureen sighed. If training Quidditch could help him deal with Lucas or Payingade, he would be more than happy to devote all his energy to Quidditch.


Since the end of the Dumbledore Cup, Professor Kane has rectified the entire club and no longer allowed the members of the club to grow arrogance inexplicably. The performance of Webbury and Maureen in the competition made Professor Kane understand what the entire club needs. kind of atmosphere.

He is no longer used to these gifted students. He first wrote a compendium of "Being a Polite Wizard, Applying Civilized Magic, and Building a Harmonious Hogwarts", and let the club members recite it.

"Professor, this is not helpful for us to get the ranking! We should learn advanced magic." Pearson dismissed Professor Kane's outline, which was meaningless to him broken book.

But Professor Kane said seriously: "The spirit left by Principal Dumbledore tells us that learning to be a human being is a hundred times more important than learning magic. Pearson, if you don't restrain your arrogance and have an attitude of humbly asking for advice, your magical talent will also be lost." That's it. Last year Webery's level of magic was inferior to yours, but this year he won the first place, so why do you feel superior every time? Don't you feel ashamed!"

"Professor, I don't like the cover of this book." Webery said, holding the outline of life.

Professor Kane said angrily: "Shut up, Webery, I'm complimenting you, please be quiet for a while."

Pearson said nothing. He glanced at Webery, who was laughing and laughing, feeling very uncomfortable.

Webery's magic level this year is indeed many times better than last year's. If he hadn't seen Webery's Transfiguration at the Dumbledore Cup, he wouldn't even know that Webery had advanced to this level.

Although Webery did not meet the strongest Zimmerman, he also defeated Beauxbaton's student who was No.2 in the Dumbledore Cup last year, which is enough to explain everything.

"Pearson, Constance, usually you two rely on your talents, look down on others, and stand still. If you don't know how to repent, then there is no need to stay in this club! Whether it is Maureen or Webery, they are better than you. Much better." Professor Kane snapped.

Neither Constance nor Pearson dared to speak anymore. Pearson was defeated by Zimmerman, but Zimmerman was defeated by Maureen. This alone made Pearson speechless.And Constance was defeated more completely by Mo Lin. A person might be able to get a good ranking by luck, but what Mo Lin showed was far from being as simple as luck.

"Not only Pearson and Constance, everyone should reflect on me! Constance removed the position of president, this club does not need any president, all members are treated equally, and I am directly responsible. I don't want to see it again As long as you show off your power in front of your classmates, if there is someone who is arrogant, arrogant to others, or mocking others, then I will ban him from participating in any subsequent competitions until you learn to respect people! I will not spoil you anymore , you better remember this!"

Professor Kane is going to be serious this time. He used to turn a blind eye to these elite students. Even if someone made a mistake, he would not punish them.But he now understands that if the club does not rectify from the root, then the club will lose its original intention.

Because people who are arrogant and arrogant, walking out of Hogwarts will only embarrass the school.

(End of this chapter)

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