Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 344 A Different Memories

Chapter 344 A Different Memory
Magatha's memory was pulled out by Professor Kane, and a wisp of white smoke floated in the air.

"Do you have any Pensieves or something?" Molin asked.

"No, I have memory paper here." Alton took out a piece of white paper from his pocket and spread it out. Some complicated magic symbols were drawn on the edge of the paper. Use it, extract their memories and take a look."

Professor Kane put Magatha's memory on the memory paper, and the memory quickly merged into the white paper, and then those memories spread out on the white paper automatically like paint, forming the appearance of two people , just like the illustrations on ordinary books.

This kind of memory paper does not allow people to experience realistic memories as immersively as a Pensieve, and can only see a rough two-dimensional image.

Maureen was quickly taken aback.

"Wait, Magatha, did you read correctly?"

The old witch and Lucas shown on the memory paper are not the same two people as he saw!
In Magatha's memory, she was also an old witch, yes, but she didn't have so many wrinkles. She also wore a green wizard hat, and there were many arithmetic and divination symbols on the clothes that Magatha usually wrote.

And Lucas is a middle-aged man with a brown bushy beard, not at all like the real Lucas.

"No, these are the two I saw." Magatha was very sure.

Mo Lin reacted, the old witch used a weird arithmetic divination magic on Magatha to cover up their original appearance, this arithmetic divination magic was ineffective for Maureen, but it could deceive Magatha.

"No wonder Lucas couldn't find him after searching for him for so long. It turned out to be because of the old witch."

Molin thought to himself, this mysterious arithmetic fortune-teller might have fooled the magic staff of the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. Maybe no one except Molin knew the true face of the old witch.

This is troublesome, Maureen can't tell Alton and Professor Kane what he saw, and what others saw is false, it is almost impossible to catch these two people.

"What you see is different from what Magatha saw? Is this crazy woman so powerful?"

Alton felt that this matter was very difficult. If this arithmetic fortuneteller could use her superb arithmetic magic to change her appearance, she might not be recognized even if she stood in front of the staff of the Ministry of Magic.

"It seems that I must go to practice drawing when I go back."

Mo Lin realized that he was not good at drawing. He tried to use sand to condense the appearance of the old witch, but unfortunately, using magic to make sand sculptures also requires artistic skills.

He can't even make a sand sculpture, so he needs to reflect deeply.

Now the only people who can find out the identity of the old witch are Anok and Mrs. Rhea who is a fortune-teller. There is no better way than that.

Neither Professor Kane nor Alton came to any conclusions, and the long-handed bat can only be investigated by the Department of Magical Beasts of the Ministry of Magic.Although the long-handed bat has self-immolated and disappeared after death, many spectators at the scene must have brought magic cameras, and some photos will inevitably be left behind.

For the wizard, the photo is moving, so the appearance of the monster can be seen clearly.

"Then I won't disturb your rest." Professor Kane looked at the time, stood up and looked at Maureen, and said meaningfully: "I don't think you will run around at night anymore, do you?"

Mo Lin smiled dryly, and looked at Alton, even if he wanted to run at night, he couldn't run away. Grandpa would definitely watch him with magic.

Alton got up and sent Professor Kane and Magatha out, then closed the door, and said, "Sleep well, what should you do tomorrow! Don't cause trouble. I will go to that opera house to see what happened."

"I'll go together, I'm more..."

"You are not allowed to go." Alton said without doubt, then waved his wand, cast a spell on Molin's quilt, and the quilt immediately moved, wrapped Molin like a mummy, and then threw Molin to bed.

"It's much more secure this way." Alton snorted.

"At least let me go to the bathroom first..."

Maureen couldn't help muttering, he couldn't even move his hands and feet, he could only roll on the bed, the wand was taken away by Alton, and he couldn't unlock the magic by himself.

Can sleep well tonight.


After breakfast the next day, Alton was ready to leave.Molin's hard work still failed to get Alton to agree to take him there, and Alton forbade Molin to go to that dangerous place again.

"I will write to you with the results." Alton bit the last bite of the sandwich, "If you run around again, I will... wait, I think... I will..."

Alton was thinking about how to make Molin obedient, but he had never really lost his temper with Molin, let alone know how to fight.Because Mo Lin's parents were away, he had always doted on Mo Lin in various ways, and verbal assurances that this kind of thing had no binding force on Mo Lin, and he couldn't think of how to make Mo Lin calm down for a while.

"Actually, Grandpa, if I follow along, I can definitely point it out to you..."

"I'll let Professor Kane put you in confinement."

Alton thought for a long time, and finally came up with a threat. He didn't want to hear what Mo Lin was bargaining for at all.He snapped his fingers and said happily: "Yes, I will put you in confinement and punish you for writing sentences. Write 100 or [-] sentences like 'I will listen to grandpa and the professor in the future, love grandpa forever, and don't make trouble for grandpa'" sentence."

What a threat to write a sentence.

Maureen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Send it to me when you finish writing it."

Alton added cheerfully that he was perfectly satisfied with the threat he had in mind.

Professor Kane gave everyone a vacation, and he would accompany them wherever they wanted to go.Webery has no idea about money. His bag full of Galleons rattled, and he walked the entire Diagon Alley. He wanted to go to Knockturn Alley, but was dragged away by Professor Kane. return.

"Professor, I heard that there is a foot bath city there, which is served by Veela herself!" Webery said excitedly, patting his purse, "Think about it! Veela is beautiful and considerate in service, what are you asking for?" I can satisfy everyone, I invite everyone to make a big..."

"It's a red-light district for wizards!" Magatha said seriously, "Minors are not allowed to go there."

"What is a red-light district?" Webery asked strangely, "Why can't you hang yellow lights?"

Professor Kane's face was black. He forcibly pulled Webery away with his wand, and warned: "Whenever you can learn some common sense of life, thank God."

Professor Kane led the group to Lihen Bookstore. Seeing the warm smell of books rushing towards his face, he clapped his hands and said with a kind smile: "I think we should travel here in the morning! It's good for the mind."

The bookstore is really a very suitable place for student travel.

Everyone looked at each other and walked into the bookstore helplessly.Fortunately, everyone in the club can read, so they are not against bookstores.In addition to Webery, Maureen was also monitored by Professor Kane throughout the whole process to prevent him from disappearing from sight.

Mo Lin walked towards the shelf selling magic newspapers and magazines. He was going to see if any wizards knew what the monster was last night.

(End of this chapter)

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